Dear President Obama,
Thank you for helping my neighbors with their mortgage payments. You know the one's down the street who in the good times refinanced their house several times and bought SUV's, ATV's, RV"s, a pool, a big screen, two Wave Runners and a Harley. But I was wondering, since I am paying my mortgage and theirs, could you arrange for me to borrow the Harley now and then?
Richard Ford
Queen Creek AZ
P.S. They also need help with their credit cards. When do you want me to start making those payments?
P.P.S. I almost forgot - they didn't file their income tax return this year.
Should I go ahead and file for them or will you be appointing them to cabinet posts?
Good point!! Robin Hood's theory at work. Take from the "rich" and give to the "poor"
No laughs... Dont give up the day job.
Now that's funy'ern hell!
The sad thing is that it's true.
It's time for a TEA PARTY! usual.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for everybody. There are quite a few of us who bought our homes, three years ago, when property values were at their highest, and now, with unforeseen conditions, we are struggling with our house payments and do NOT have the option of selling because our property value has dropped $50,000 Sad, but true!
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