Did you know that President Obama had to be re-sworn into office?
Yes, he talked over the Chief Justice as he was swearing him in and missed a few 'Key' words.
So later in the evening after they arrived back at the White House President Obama was re-sworn in.
But he only allowed four members of the printed press in the room. No cameras were allowed, and neither was his Bible.
No, when asked about the Bible, Obama, said he didn't know where his Bible was so he was sworn in without one.
Don't you think if the President of the United States says
I don't know where my Bible is at least 20 people would run off in 20 different directions and fetched the man a Bible?
The White House Press core was really ticked.
Especially after the whole speech on transparent government and they weren't allowed in. They are wondering how good this relationship will actually be.
The faux pas during the swearing in, isn't the first.
Apparently 3 other presidents were not able to make it through the swearing in without making a mistake and the Chief Justice just simply comes buy the White house and swears in the President a little later.
It was however the first time this has been done without a Bible.
oh no, not this again. so i quess he isnt president?
Maybe he should have reached into his coat and taken out his pocket Quran.
You do realize it was Chief Justice Roberts who made the mistake. Obama hesitated waiting for Roberts to get it right. Roberts couldn't because he was winging it without any notes, so Obama continued the best he could.
did he have his Koran?
It didn't take long, wymzie, for your paranoia to kick in, did it?
You need to get on some meds, and quit believing everything you hear.
Do you REALLY believe that you know more than the rest of the people following this? Without you to point to these deficiencies we would never know? Get real.
I bet he knew where his copy of the Quran was.
Get your facts straight. Roberts screwed up. Obama re-took the oath to ensure compliance with the Constitution and to avoid nut cases wasting precious court time and tax dollars with challenges.
If you are on a witch hunt, you need look no further than your own mirror.
I feel sorry for you and the idiots who commented about the Quran/Koran.
It was Chief Justice Roberts who made the mistakes! Just like you for failing on this topic!!!! Nice try!
Wymzie, Atanlic General has great walk-in care even for emotional disorders. Deep breaths followed by going to your "happy" place. You'll be okay.
Once again, you are factually incorrect on numerous issues. First, it was ROBERTS who screwed up, not Obama. Obama was trying to let Roberts get it right. Roberts has publically admitted this, so I don't know why you haven't heard this. Secondly, Obama is NOT the first president not to be sworn in on a Bible. Teddy Roosevelt did not use a Bible, nor did LBJ. And many presidents, including (are you ready for this) RONALD REAGAN had more than one swearing in ceremony. Move on, will you?
Ok here's some facts for you...
The 20th Amendment, which was adopted in 1933, deals with the beginning and end of the terms of elected federal officials. It says in part:
"The terms of the President and Vice President shall end at noon on the 20th day of January ... and the terms of their successors shall then begin."
The oath, some scholars argue, is purely ceremonial which is hardly to say that it is unimportant, but it is by no means required by the Constitution or an other law.
So let's really point fingers...who screwed up to begin with? Chief Justice John Roberts got the oath twisted when administering it on Tuesday. No wait, he's republican! He can't do anything wrong! Look again folks, he was also appointed by Bush (final approval rating of a whopping 22%).
It looks like paranoia is certainly setting in...he's our president, get over it, you'll have another chance in four years. Come on folks, we just had the biggest idiot in America and the worst President in the history of the United States as president and now you are giving Obama a hard time?!
This is the 2nd person in a row who has usurped power in the United States of America.
For all of you morons who will not give up on this Obama's a Muslin or worst an al-Qaida "sleeper cell"
thing, he just had the military take out 7 bad guys in Pakistan with a Drone strike. At least, he is fighting the war in the right place.
According to the Constitution, the President-Elect becomes President at noon on January 20, whether he has taken the oath of office or not.
"Don't you think if the President of the United States says
I don't know where my Bible is at least 20 people would run off in 20 different directions and fetched the man a Bible?
The White House Press core was really ticked.
Especially after the whole speech on transparent government and they weren't allowed in. They are wondering how good this relationship will actually be."
For those of you stuck on the bible, I think this is the real complaint in the whole article-CHANGE we can't believe in.
Joe please do us all (you included)a favor and $hetcan Wymzie.
What an idiot..........
OUR new President will make enough mistakes (as anyone in his position would and has done)that he can be taken to task for without twisting the facts to support a personal agenda.
This Post was an intentional fabrication or the author is inept. Whatever the case may be should be unacceptable to you.
YOU are better than this - and so are WE.
I saw the second swearing in on TV. If there were no cameras there, how did the picture get on my TV?
Thanks Joe. Wingnuts R Us.
What is the point in posting this stuff his facts are wrong. Theodore Roosevelt did not swear on a bible. LBJ did not swear on a bible, on air force one, it was a (Catholic) prayer book. I agree, this blog is better than this.
There's got to be a twelve step program for Obama haters somewhere but hopefully in Pocomoke. Now lets start with "We admitted we were powerless over our hate for Obama-that ours lives were becoming unmanageable."
I like the interview, where he messed up and said "Muslim faith", go to You Tube and type the following, now this is why the bible was absent.
Type this:
"OOPS! Obama Slips - Obama Admits Muslim Faith"
He was sworn in "present", whinch is what he will be for four years, just "present"
why the bible wasn't present I meant to say! Sorry
8:26, 8:47, 8:51, 8:56, 9:10
Watch the original UNEDITED video of Obama being sworn in. You will CLEARLY hear that Obama spoke over Roberts at the very beginning. Then Obama stopped at "execute" because he forgot what he was supposed to say next. Which in turn caused Roberts to say "faithfully" before "execute" and also at the end after "states".
Obama was naturally nervous and this is no big deal. I just don't understand why Roberts is being blamed for this. Obama and Roberts are both taking blame but the MSM headlines are "Justice John Roberts Stumbles During Swearing-In". If the MSM media is going to blatantly lie over something as silly as this then we can never trust anything they print.
Good grief, even CNN said OBAMA requested the 2nd swearing in due to Roberts flub. It was not necessary to do so. You all really need to get over this and move on. I've never in my life seen so many nit pickers in one place. Come back when he does something wrong that is worth picking over.
Joe...this Post is so wrong it could not have been an honest mistake.
What's worst is that this is not merrily someone's opinion. This is a Post by your team member.
If one of my employees associated my business with something like this I'd fire them instantly.
You're in a position to correct this and if you don't, in a sense you condone it.
You have too much going for yourself and do so many positive things for our community to be associated with something that discredit's your Blog and could ultimately discredit you.
Anon 9:45pm
Now actually watch the whole interview before you lie about it.
GrannyDragon w/ the SMACKDOWN!!
Wymzie, I think he was speaking directly to you when he said this:
"On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false promises, the recriminations and worn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politics."
-Barack Obama
Posting the views of all people and having a "non biased" forum should not be grounds for discrediting this site or Joe. The fact that you don't agree with it doesn't mean Joe should take a hit for it. Comment on a post that you agree with!
anon 9:45
Let's take you point to the absurd, and agree that the President is a closet Muslim. So what?! If that means that all Muslims are bad and should be painted with the same brush as the 9-11 terrorists, then all you faux Christians out there better be ready to bear the legacy of Jim Jones, Timmy McVeigh, and Eric Rudolph.
anonymous 10:16 & Others,
First of all 10:16, IF you were a business owner and wanted to CONVINCE everyone you were NOT one of the Anti Albero Bloggers trying to stir the pot once again, you'd put up your name. I do and so do many others. I can't see where stating your name to something you strongly believe in would be a problem.
Nevertheless, I have been a business owner for the majority of my lifetime.I support my people and will ONLY believe those complaining if they identified themselves. Anonymous complaints are quite frankly useless.
Now, that being said, this is a FREE Blog. While many may not agree with that Post as well as many others, my suggestion to you is to simply move on to the nexyt Post or simply click the "X" in the top right corner of your screen and that will resolve all of your problems and issues.
I'm not trying to be cocky here and I'm certainly not trying to drive people away. I believe in your Freedom of Speech just as much as I believe in Wymzie's Freedom of Speech.
Mr. Pollitt certainly proved today that he didn't like what the Daily Tiimes had stated in their article but he never once asked for someones termination. You have gone to the furthest extreme here and I simply question your credibility.
Now, all that being said, do I personally agree with the article? NO, I do not. Heck, I don't agree with about 25% of what my Wife tells me either but she'd never lie to me and I respect her OPINION. How about you, Sir. Do you agree with everything your Wife tells you? Do you agree with everything the BOE does? Do you agree with everything Mayor Barrie Tilghman tells you? Give it a rest and do try to have a better day. Let's learn to agree to disagree, you'll live much longer.
You know, it wouldn't kill Wymzie to just admit that she was wrong about this post! Just admit it! You were wrong, apologize, and move on.
This post is news whether you agree with it or not. What I don't understand is the personal attacks on Wymzie. I had a chance to meet her at the Bonfire for Brooke Mulford and is a very decent person that was attending a great cause for a sick little girl. How many of the attackers here were there? I bet that is an easy answer. I don't always agree with the posts here but be an adult and don't get nasty. As Joe says "just click the X".
Politics and God, I feel sick.
anon 10:10
THANK YOU! I thought maybe I was watching the wrong channel when he was taking the oath. I saw the exact same thing. Obama didnt' let Roberts finish then forgot the next line. After reading some of these comments I'm glad someone saw the same thing.
Maybe if you knew more about one and not the other you would fee better :0)
No, I know to much about both.
Anon 12:04,
Roberts has admitted he was wrong and has apologized. He said the words in the wrong order, and Obama stopped and waited to see if he would correct it, and then they both talked over each other as Obama was trying to get him to say it right. Roberts was wrong, he acknowledges that, so no point still trying to go after Obama. You can read the oath yourself, watch the video, and see Roberts saying the wrong thing. As for criticizing Wymzie, it would go a long way if she just said she was wrong about what she wrote here. there is nothing wrong about admitting you made a mistake!
I am playing catchup on posts and regardless of whether you agree with Wymzies opinions or not,it is wrong to make personal attacks because you think the new Prez is "squeaky clean".I happen to enjoy her posts and maybe others do not like them because they are not "current popoular opinion" but her supporters outnumber the detractors.
I watched Aga Obama bull headedly try to over step his position during the swearing in also.
It wasnt both their faults , it was obamas! Cut and dry. If he would of had his listening "ears" on instead of thinking of how he was going to run the show, maybe it would of came off a little smoother.
Whats not to agree with? wymzie youve done a good job and dont let them dumacrates get you down.We got 4 ywars of that to put up with along with the Aga Obama .
What gets me wondering is why didnt they just take a deep breath and start over. What was the rush to commit to the office of president. I guess Osama couldnt wait to get to the partys'.
The more I google on this "one" the more I wish I would of ealier. He is such a fake. And those dumacrates dont even realize that they will have to pay just like every body else. Its a sad sad day for America.
it was probably burning his hand so he decided not to use it again. Why else would he rush?
1:19, I think I understand what you are saying. Is it "blah blah blah"?
Please don't take my little Dale Gribble; I mean, Wymzie, away!! ;)
Dave C is my new hero.
Who cares how nice she is, or whatever? Her posts are about as appealing as an elephant discharging its laxative-induced splat onto an unsuspecting zookeeper. This woman's contributions to JOE'S BLOG are, without fail, utterly inane, insipid and paranoid.
I have been busy all day and didn't have a chance to look at the blog until now.
What exactly is it that you guys want me to apologize for?
I am simply reporting a FACT that the President had to be re-sworn into office.
That he is the only President who hasn't used a Bible?
OK, I will certainly give you that one.
I apologize.
Johnson was sworn in on Air Force One; Kennedy was Catholic, so it makes sense that he was sworn in on a Catholic Prayer Book.
Please Forgive Me!!
However, I don't get all of the hate being spewed by so many of you in regard to my being a 'wing nut' for reporting on this.
The thing that I found soooo funny is that I discovered this report first on POLITICO which is considered to be a pretty left wing news source.
So I don't really understand the whole right wing hater nonsense.
If you don't like me saying that President Obama spoke over Justice Roberts... Get over it; it happened.
'Speaking Over' is a legal term for talking at the same time. This he did do, sorry folks, but if you would like to see the truth for yourself by all means go to CSpan's website and watch the swearing in all without any talking heads opinions to confuse you.
With regards to the reporters complaining about who was allowed to cover it, I am cutting and pasting the entire article right here for you to review.
And one more thing...What is it that any of you have to agree or disagree with me about with regard to this article?
The swearing in was flubbed.
Justice Roberts wanted it done right, Garfield and Coolidge I believe were the two other Presidents that had a re-do.
Media frustration spills into briefing
A growing media frustration with Barack Obama’s team spilled into the open at Thursday’s briefing, with reporters accusing the White House of stifling access to his oath re-do and giving Obama’s first interview as president to a multi-million dollar inauguration sponsor.
Veteran CBS newsman Bill Plante was one of the most vocal critics, questioning the White House’s handling of Wednesday night’s second swearing in – which was covered by just a four-reporter print pool that didn’t include a news photographer or TV correspondent.
He also asked new press secretary Robert Gibbs why ABC, which paid millions to host the DC Neighborhood Ball, was granted the only inauguration day interview with President Obama – a move he equated to “pay to play.”
“We have a tradition here of covering the president,” said Plante, who is covering his fourth administration.
Gibbs defended the White House’s moves, insisting aides acted in a “way that was upfront and transparent” in allowing the standard pool into the swearing-in. And Obama himself seemed mindful of making a good impression, paying a surprise visit to the White House pressroom a few hours after the briefing.
It’s been a bumpy 24 hours for Gibbs and company, as members of the White House press corps have publicly expressed frustration with an administration promising openness and transparency.
At the same time, some members of the Obama administration’s press team have signaled that they plan to shake up some of the old traditions of White House coverage, some of the longest-standing – and most jealously guarded – in town.
In recent weeks, New York Times editors complained that its White House team hadn’t gotten a sit-down with Obama during the transition, breaking an unofficial tradition whereby recent president-elects have free-wheeling exchanges with the Gray Lady before the inauguration.
In the case of the second swearing-in, however, it seemed to give reporters a chance to lay down an early marker on questioning whether Obama would live up to one of his key campaign pledges, at least when it comes to the media.
“It is ironic, the same day that the president is talking about transparency, we were not let in,” CNN’s Ed Henry said on the air Wednesday night after news of the second swearing-in broke.
Henry’s main gripe was that television reporters weren’t permitted to cover a historic moment, when Obama once again raised his right hand and took the oath before Justice John Roberts. The only images came from White House photographer Pete Souza.
Three wire services — The Associated Press, Reuters and Agence France-Presse – refused to move those images, in protest of the White House’s handling o
Theodore Roosevelt did not a bible either
Obama is refusing to answer questions to the press. Lat night he went in front of reporters and one asked him a question and he would not answer the question he told them i was just here to say hi and im not answering your questions. they said he was very arrogant, you cant tell me that he didnt expect the questions. He was just sworn into office and has been handing down exec orders and he didnt espect questions? come on, if he didnt want to answer questions then he should not have gone in front of them, he went to them they didnt go to him. He was just trying to flex his power. The antiChrist has risen to power but thats ok he will take care of us and make us all rich.
You are wrong in saying Obama got it wrong, that is what we are getting all over you about (besides the historical stuff you were wrong about). Your hatred of Obama won't let you even admit that Roberts acknowledges it was his fault, not Obama's. You need to get over it--Obama is the president. By trying to constantly find fault with him, you look silly. If he does screw up, go after him. When he doesn't, you should admit it.
bho stated just yesterday..." look guys, I'm NOT gonna come out here to be cordial to you guys and have you grill me..."
?transparency, change?
I think not.
of course roberts took the "blame". aren't you supposed to make "the man", your boss look good?
and bho DID interrupt the chief justice after the first line, "I, bho, do solemnly swear..."
You need to pay attention in civics class. The President is not the boss of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
11:34, for all intent & purpose, the president IS the man.
The capo d' tut de cap. (?sp?)
Maybe u need civics 101.
just so he can say at a later time, Well, I didn't actually swear on the Bible." The actual oath, he didn't.
Wymzie it would appear that there are people here who instead of just admitting they made a bad choice they would rather beat up on you. Dont be swayed. You were right and let them thet are wrong continue to be proved wrong.
One day the kool-aid will wear off.
This is ridiculous. Roberts messed up. It's not a big deal.
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