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Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Obama Grandma Vote


So I watching NBC news this morning and I learned that prior to Barrack's grandmother dying she cast an absentee ballet for her grandson. Just a quick question for, if you know, NBC said her vote will count. How? Today is election day. She died prior to election day, how can her vote count? Will it count? Just a little detail I thought I was a little of balance."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Your vote counts if you're alive when you cast it. Similarly, if someone were to vote early in one of the states that allow that, and died before election day, their vote would count. Stay classy, Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Barry is from Chicago.

JFK won the election due to the graveyard voters in Chicago...

So what do you think they will do?

ACORN votes the dead all the time.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:36 am

You are what is wrong with the country.

Anonymous said...

Deceased persons have always been able to vote in Maryland. But, on a serious note, sympathies to the family. This woman's passing should not be used for political purposes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, all five of her absentee ballots will be counted.

Anonymous said...

This is sort unrelated... but as I voted in Fruitland this morning, there were two college-aged men several people ahead of me in line. They presented themselves to the check-in as out of state residents (one was, I believe, from Pennsylvania). They said they hadn't gotten an absentee but wanted to vote. They were processed through, although it took some time and much whispering to do so. I was confused about how they could be allowed to vote in Maryland, and how voting officials could verify that they hadn't already voted in their home states. In the end, they were told they could vote today and "would get credit for voting, but your vote won't count." What was that about???

Anonymous said...

I am sure it is all a conspiracy against all the McPalin lovers to get a "socialist" elected.

Anonymous said...

conspiracy, huh?... now there's a new theory for the democrats!

Anonymous said...

Republicans are voting early, too.

Some of them are dying before election day.

The rules apply equally.

Only this blog could take a sad moment and try to turn it into something nasty.

joe albero said...

Let's look at it like this, fool. When I die, are YOU going to give a rats a$$?

Another wet pants liberal trying to play the sorrow card. Death Happens!

Anonymous said...

1:31, Joe
I agree with Joe--death happens! I'm sure many early voting Republicans and Democrats have died. It seems a common sense conclusion that it would not just be Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Can a dead person vote?

Anonymous said...

You sir are an asshole

Anonymous said...

How r u 2 stay classy if u r just plain racist and look for any and all things negative.