
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Front Page News?

OK Folks, tell me, seriously, do you give a sh!t, (two days in a row) seeing that two Golf Courses in Ocean City have added GPS to their Golf Carts? I mean, is this front page news, seriously?

I'm serious now, the past two days the Daily Times has had front page articles talking about what almost every other Golf Course I've been to in the past 10 years has had anyway!

Nevertheless, do you think Greg Bassett has been gifted some free Memberships because he was stupid enough to believe this is in fact front page kind of news? Come on Greg, tell your people to get off their rear ends and go find some news. Salisbury, Delaware, Ocean City, northern Virginia, we're loaded with news every single day. Two days of GPS in Golf Carts is NOT front page news.

However, on another note, keep up the good work. You're making this a little too easy for me to shut that rag down. The economy sucks and people aren't traveling to the Beach like they used to in years past and the Golf Courses are hurting bad. I don't think it will take all that much for people to read into what you're doing here and I think I nailed it?


Anonymous said...

i saw this article this morning and thought how ridiculous--like anyone cares about golf carts... and I love golf!!

Anonymous said...

I care deeply--now I can better judge whether to use the 7 iron or the 9 iron to shank my ball into the water.


Anonymous said...

If Daily Times were interesting in doing just a little investigative reporting they would do some follow up on the Somerset County Detention Center Investigation. They last reported on that months ago and at that time said "The investigation continues". They could also do some stories on why Somerset County allows illegals with Florida and Tennessee license plates to dump trash in county dumpsters without obtaining permits. There is a lot of news right here in little old Somerset County that is a lot more important than golf carts with GPS.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog Joe, I really do, but I have to say it does bother me to see that it is your mission to shut down the Times. I know that the paper can be better...much much better in fact. I wont deny that. But do you realize how many people would be out of a job if that happens? Over 200! This economy is bad, really bad right now and if those people are out of a job where would they go?

I have come to respect your blog and it is news worthy, but I have to admit sometimes it does bother me the way things are portrayed and how people are talked about. Some times it is Enquirer worthy.

You do a wondeful job of keeping everyone in the "know" and I do know it is your opinion and that of others, but it still kind of gets me sometimes.

I will keep reading of course ;) because it is a good blog! I just have to remember that is just what it is a blog and great news with some entertainment mixed in.

Anonymous said...

I used to live in a town that had a weekly newspaper, you were doing something if you made the front page, otherwise it was a farm animal of some sort that was almost always on the front page above the fold. This is what the Daily Times is beginning to look like.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Did someone slip one past the goalie?