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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Accident On Rt. 50

An accident just past the Post Office on Rt. 50 just occurred. Be careful out there Folks!


Russ Logan said...

This accident occured at about 5:05PM. I was walking out of the office when I heard one set of brakes squeeling. There was an ambulance flashing lights involved. I didn't hear a siren. From my vantage point it appeared that the other vehicle pulled into it's path. I pisses me off when people can't give an emergency vehcile the right of way. Any news on how the patient and drivers fared?

Anonymous said...

Aren't you going to bitch about the ladder truck being there?

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Thanks for pointing it out to us! How tall was the vehicle, anyway? Did they need ladders? How much extra fuel was used to get the ladder truck there?
Did the fuel to run the ladder truck get paid for by the taxpayers?
Just kidding, 9:10. I'm sure the first responders know what they're doing, and what equipment to bring.
As my mother would say "it's better to have it there and (clearly) not need it than to need it and not have it".