Obviously "Duce" wants his mark to be there because the owner of the building started to get rid of his original tag. Just another unnecessary expense for the owner to deal with.
"Haze did the same thing, but it looks like someone tried to scribble out his mark. Again the owner of the building started to get rid of the graffiti just to have it come right back.
I saw the tag of "Haze" out on South Brown Street which I posted on July 10th. First I have seen of Daze and I have not seen either tag outside of Fruitland and the same goes for the tags from Salisbury, not being in Fruitland. Still the recurring theme has been increased incidents along the railroad tracks and that these individuals want their tags where they put them!
When is enough going to be enough?
Believe or not some towns/cities set up areas supplied with plywood type murals for "local" artists to express themselves and leave private property alone. Some say it works. Jury is still out.
Too bad whoever does this cannot be caught and stopped - then we could stand the person in the middle of town, and spray paint the person all over with whatever tag we wanted. This is just like the people who think they have to share their "noise" (music) with everyone on the road - they need to roll their windows up and blow out their own eardrums.
South of the border , down Mexico way. Rival gangs!!
Put em in jail , they got a dozen
forms of ID. Mostly SS cards.
Out of jail 2 hrs. later.What you gonna do when the cops come for you!
Citizen watch programs will help.
Take turns for a few minutes an evening.Next step is Vigilante.
Apparently the fierce rhetoric from the Mare of SBY caused the gang member/graffiti writer to run scared from Salisbury and into Fruitland.
The citizens of SBY can breathe a sigh of relief!
Now if only the three buffoons on city council would run, we could rejoice!
Gang Tags? We could put an end to this real quick but then we would be charged for laying and waiting.I say the whipping post was an effective way to deter this activity.The problem is our system allows for a fair trial which takes forever to get to.How much guiltier can one caught red handed be?If caught doing this take them straight to the court room convict them sentence them to the whipping post immediately and save a whole bunch of TAXPAYER money.Harsh - absolutely - Deter crime - Immediate. Get tough on the crime in this area and set an example and many other areas will follow close behind when they see it works.ACLU has screwed everyone when it comes to this because they don't care if the person is guilty or not they just want to cry that someones rights have been violated. What about the guy that owns the property and his rights. How about what it is costing him to repair this tagging only to be hit with it again.Sure he gets a judgment in court for damages but for the most part try collecting that judgment.
Dogs and cats piss on walls and trees to mark their territory. Maybe the gang memebers have little wee wees and have to use spray paint instead.
Anon 12:06 p.m. - I think you're right!!
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