Date & Time: 04/13/11 – 10/17/11 Case #:12-0024
Location Occurred: Pocomoke, Worcester County, MD
Crime or Violation: 13 Counts of Theft Under $1,000.00, 5 Counts of Theft $1,000 to Under $10,000, and 1 Count of Theft Scheme $10,000 to Under $100,000
Victim: Pocomoke Little League
Accused: Carolann Chandler 40 Years of Age of Pocomoke, Worcester County, Maryland
During the month of January investigators from the Worcester County Bureau of Investigation conducted a theft investigation involving the Pocomoke Little League in Pocomoke, Worcester County, Maryland. Investigation revealed the suspect, who was later identified as Carolann Chandler, was placed as the Treasurer of the league in the beginning of 2011. Further investigation revealed that Chandler had written numerous checks from the league and had later cashed them. The checks were found to be endorsed by her signature. Chandler had also used withdrawal slips from the account to obtain cash from the bank. The total amount has been verified by investigators to be $17, 495.00. Chandler was arrested at her residence and subsequently interviewed regarding the crime. Chandler later admitted to her involvement in the crime and was charged with 13 counts of Theft Under $1,000.00, 5 counts of Theft $1,000 to Under $10,000, and 1 count of Theft Scheme $10,000 to Under $100,000.
Chandler was taken to the District Court Commissioner where she was released on posting a $25,000 unsecured bond.
Wonder if she is related to Nancy Chandler or Stacy Chandler they both are crooks.
Useless piece of human flesh
Wooooooow she comes to my bank all the time, at least she used to.
I remember reading around Christmas she was charged also with stealing from her employers and then she disappeared for awhile and her friends and family were searching for her. Now this.
Anonymous 1:25p no wonder she was coming to your bank all the time; she was getting money that didn't belong to her! She's worthless and also the one that was in the news as missing during the Christmas week after being arrested for stealing from Pocomoke Mini Storage...what a shame that her 3 boys are going to made fun of due to this...Her behavior is outrageous! I hope they give her alot of jail time for this....she's a drain on the system, the economy and now us as taxpayers are going to have to house and feed her...Carol you should be ashamed of yourself stealing from the Little League! Are you kidding me? You better get back under that rock you crawled out from...
There should be a special charge for stealing from a non-profit, charity organization. Are you listening, state legislators?
Yeah, it's bad enough stealing from an employer, but to steal from the Little League is over the top. I'm sure the kids and their parents worked hard at fundraising and then to have someone steal it is rotten to the core. I feel like saying alot more, but will spare her family. She herself has already put them through enough!
This is the one they were all in a tizzy over at JT's site and he was going to help her with a lawyer. They raised holy hell with anyone who mentioned looking her up on case search, them all being to dense to realize 99% of the time it is not exemplary people who disappear into thin air and the police can't be stopping everything else to look for every tom, dick and harry who behaves irresponsibly and finds them self in trouble or turns up missing.
I like 1:56's idea and I think it could become a reality because in essence you are also stealing and/ or defrauding those who have contributed money because their intentions were to have the money used by the organization. The doners too, thereby becoming victims.
She's worthless and also the one that was in the news as missing during the Christmas week after being arrested for stealing from Pocomoke Mini Storage...what a shame that her 3 boys are going to made fun of due to this...Her behavior is outrageous! I hope they give her alot of jail time for this....she's a drain on the system, the economy and now us as taxpayers are going to have to house and feed her...Carol you should be ashamed of yourself stealing from the Little League!
You trust someone and they turn on you. This just terrible, terrible I say.
Here is a word of the wise. It would behoove every Little League Board to audit their books and do so now. If this person can get away with stealing from a Little League how many others are being stolen from.
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Worcester County Sheriff's Office Press Release 12-31-11
On December 22,2011, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office began an Missing Person’s Investigation for a female that was reported missing by family members in the Pocomoke City area. The female, Carol Ann Chandler, was reported missing by her family the following morning. Investigators immediately began searching for Mrs. Chandler.
On December 31,2011, investigators were able to make contact with Mrs. Chandler and determine that she was safe and fine and is currently staying with family members outside of the local area. At this time, Mrs. Chandler is no longer considered missing or endangered. Her family has been contacted and made aware.
Posted by JoeAlbero at 1/01/2012 12:19:00 AM 0 comments
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