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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Senate Passes Bill Allowing Indefinite Detention of Americans ... Considers Bill Authorizing More Torture

The Senate passed a bill today allowing indefinite detention of American citizens living within the U.S.

While some have claimed that this is incorrect, and that American citizens would be exempted from the indefinite detention within U.S. borders authorized by the Act, the Committee chairman who co-sponsored the bill – Carl Levin – stated today in Senate debate that it could apply to American citizens.

Levin cited the Supreme Court case of Hamdi which ruled that American citizens can be treated as enemy combatants:

“The Supreme Court has recently ruled there is no bar to the United States holding one of its own citizens as an enemy combatant,” said Levin. “This is the Supreme Court speaking.“
Under questioning from Rand Paul, co-sponsor John McCain said that Americans suspected of terrorism could be sent to Guantanamo.

You can hear the statements from Levin and McCain on today’s broadcast of KFPA’s Letters and Politics.



lmclain said...

Of all the goose stepping politicians who desperately want to STRENGTHEN the Patriot Act and other absolutely anti-American and anti-freedom/civil rights laws, only Ron Paul had the common sense and decency to caution Americans about surrendering our Bill of Rights protections for "security". Facts speak for themselves and can no longer be attributed to "tin-foil hat" conspiracy freaks. SENATORS are telling us straight out what is going on and the SUPREME COURT is codifying it. All the while Americans are cheering USA! USA! USA!. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are crying in Heaven at the sorry, misinformed, and mindless citizenry. Facts. They are so inconvienient to the people who think "the system is working"....people BETTER start ratcheting up their "scared" factor, because this is some REAL scary stuff....

Anonymous said...

Americans do not care. Americans mistakenly believe the people involved in campaign finance are simply greedy.

They are in fact evil.