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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Oo-rah By Fred Reed.....(a Marine combat veteran of Vietnam)

I read frequently among the lesserly neuronal of the supposed honor of soldiers, of the military virtues of courage, loyalty, and uprightness – that in an age of moral decomposition only the military adhere to principles, and that our troops in places like Afghanistan nobly make sacrifices to preserve our freedoms and democracy. Is not all of this nonsense?

Honor? A soldier is just a nationally certified hit-man, perfectly amoral. When he joins the military he agrees to kill anyone he is told to kill, regardless of whether he has previously heard of the country in which he will kill them or whether the residents pose any threat to him or his. How is this honorable? It is cause for lifelong shame.

It is curious that so many soldiers think that they are Christians. Christianity is incompatible with military service, if any Christianity is meant that Christ would have regarded with other than repugnance.

The explanation of course lies in the soldier's moral compartmentation. Within his own tribe or pack, these usually being denominated “countries,” he is the soul of moral propriety – doesn't knock over convenience stores, kick his dog, or beat his children; speaks courteously, observes personal hygiene, and works tirelessly for the public good in the event of natural disasters. A steely gaze with little behind it and a firm handshake amplify the appearance of probity.

In conflict with foreigners, he will burn, bomb, rape and torture indiscriminately. His is the behavior of feral dogs, which humans closely resemble.



Anonymous said...

This article is an insult to those of us who have (and do) wear the uniform and protect the citizens of the US from those who would take our freedoms and make us their minions.
What would you do? Disband the military and let China just walk in and take over? Or Iran? Or Russia?
They all have a plan, you know.
But how about this-- let's just give them a big hug and we'll all sit down for some milk and cookies.
"Feral dogs", huh?
Bite my butt.

lmclain said...

I'm pretty sure that most of the world was EXTREMELY happy that America had such "feral dogs" when Hitler and Stalin And Hirohito decided to take over and kill anyone who resisted. The writer might be speaking German otherwise. That is, if he or his family survived. He's one of those people that thinks all we have to do with evil people is just be nice and reason with them. Give 'em a hug. He LOVES his freedom but doesn't want to do any heavy lifting. He has taken pompous idiocy to a whole new level.

Anonymous said...

9:04 I second that!!

Mister Reed, move to China, Iran, Afghanistan, Venezuela, yes, even Guatemala, any country you choose and see how long they LET you speak freely before they they shove an AK up your ass and pull the trigger! After, of course, they torture you interminably, have you crying, begging them to stop, telling them you will write whatever they want you to write, sign whatever they want you to sign, serve in their army and kill whoever they want you to kill and even begging them to kill you just so the pain will stop. You're real brave in a free country condemning those who protect you and preserve your right to condemn them. Not too many countries like that in this world. ...and, yes, there is honor in that. I write this knowing it will have no effect on you.