Who out there had 72 days in the Kim Kardashian/Kris Humphries marriage pool? Raise your hands now, because you might have just won the $17 million question.
Kim K filed for divorce Monday from her husband, and she's citing the cause as "irreconcilable differences," and lists the day of separation as Oct. 31, 2011.
Who cares
She is a media whore who is absolutely famous for NOTHING! The whole family is fake and a joke to society!
Who is Kim Kardashian?
Wasn't her father one of O.J. Simpson's lawyers during the murder trial?
She'll be big as a house before she hits forty.
Yes he was one of OJ's buddies. If those that spend hours watching these stupid reality shows would quit watching them, reading rags like Enquirer, making these overpaid, untalented ass-----, maybe they would go away. Who really gives a rats ass about who is dating who, sleeping with who having a baby, etc. Need to concentrate on ridding Kucher from 2 1/2 Men. lol He is putrid. Lets spend more time trying to correct the problems of the world.
Jack, I agree with your comment about 2 1/2 men. It's not the same with Charlie Sheen gone, but to have Kucher's character sleep with the old woman on last night's episode was a bit over the top. Gross! What were the writers of the show thinking?! LOL
And I really dont have any interest in watching that goof running around sans clothing every week and would imagine that others share that opinion.
Where are all the comments about the sanctity of marriage?
9:07 - Kutcher is married to an old woman and sleeps with one all the time so what's the difference? As far as Kardashian - what a twit.
Anyone who thought this wedding was anything but a sham to begin with is not very smart.
It was all about MONEY. Nothing more!
What I despise nearly as much as this vapid, shallow, narcessistic waste of oxygen, is the media insisting that this should be important to us. Do not insult my intellegence by trying to convince me to care one little rat's a$$ about any of these meat bags. If they took half of what they spent on that ostentatious wedding and donated it to a food bank or to help families keep their homes WITHOUT press coverage, I would possibly be a bit more tolerant.
With all the pictures out there, you could not have picked one of her in a bikini?
1024 Amen to that! These shows are sickening. Try having a reality show on something of reality rather than the life of a spoiled brat who has no idea what reality is.
10;24 I consider myself somwhat of an amateur word smith but could not have said it any better lol Most of those idiots need to be bitch slapped ever morning when they awaken.
10:24 well said, the press is scum covering scum
kim k has been plowed by more black men than an 1800's southern plantation.
10:24, bravo! Celebrity excesses like a $17 million wedding make me sick to my stomach when you see all the people out there losing their homes or children going hungry.
Does this really surprise ANYONE?
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