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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Letters Reveal Eric Cantor Begged For Obama Stimulus Money To Create Jobs

Among the Tea Partiers Newsweek uncovered begging for federal dollars, one name stood out. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor requested tens of millions of federal stimulus dollars to create jobs in his district.

During a March 1, 2009 appearance on ABC’s This Week, Rep. Cantor said that the government can’t create jobs, “And what we see in this budget, frankly, is an attempt, again, to try and stimulate the economy through government expenditure. And, you know, at best what that can do is redistribute wealth. It can’t create jobs; it can’t create wealth. We’ve got to get back to focusing on job creation and creating prosperity.”


Anonymous said...

The money belonged to all tax payers I don't blame him for trying to get a fair share. Most of it went to fraudulent energy companies and ended up in the democrat bank account.

Anonymous said...

I would try to be swarmy here and ask the Republican commenters here to defend him, but there is no need. This is an example of typical right-wing double-standards when it comes to any topic.

"If I want to do it, or I support it, it is because I love American and the Baby Jesus and don't want my freedoms infringed by the Gub'ment. If you do it, I hate it because you hate America and freedom and want the Gub'ment Obammy-bots to pay for your phone."

Stimulus is bad and the government cannot create jobs, but I need stimulus money to create jobs.

The government should not be involved in personal health care, except for abortions, when the government needs to be involved in personal healthcare.

The government should not infringe on indiviual freedoms, unless you are gay, then the government needs to limit your freedoms.

I love the Constitution and it needs to be followed with the strictest of interpretations, except for the parts I don't like, then we need to change it. And add some stuff.

I love America, just not the majority of its inhabitants.

Did I cover everything?

lmclain said...

You left out the part about ALL politicians, left or right, Democrat, Republican, or otherwise, lying to whoever they are in front of at the time. Saying whatever - WHATEVER - they think will make them "popular" with whomever they are in front of at the time. The will tun around and do the EXACT opposite of what they just said. So, in closing, please don't limit "smarmy" with regard to the republican's positions, which you have exaggerated (I imagine for literary effect). See: Pelosi "We have to pass it to know whats in it". How's THAT working out so far?