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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Study: 1 In 5 American Children Lives In Poverty

Researchers find 14.7 million children were poor in 2009, 2.5 million more than in 2000

Karla Washington worries how she will afford new school uniforms for her five-year-old daughter.

Washington, an undergraduate student, earns less than $11,000 a year from a part-time university job. The salary must cover food, rent, health care, child care and the occasional splurge on a Blue's Clues item for her only child.

"My biggest fear is not providing my daughter with everything that she needs to be a balanced child, to be independent, to be safe, to feel like she is of value," said Washington, 41.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe her , I'm sure she has federal assistance in the order of food stamps and welfare money for rent. Too many people using the system , country going broke.
Also feds. paying her schooling.

Anonymous said...

1. Not to be believed;
2. If that's all the resources available, why does she have a kid;
3. If she truly cared she'd go get another job, or two;
4. Sounds like her expectations are beyond reasonable.

Daddio said...

I don't believe it. How do they define "poverty"?? It ain't nothing like REAL poverty one might find in 3rd world countries. Our so-called "poor" have better standards of living than many middle class of other developed countries!!

Have you ever noticed that many of those who buy their groceries using food stamps eat better than the rest of us, drive more expensive cars, and wear designer clothes? If I didn't have to pay for my food, I might be able to afford those things, too.

Too many are using the safety nets as a hammock.

Anonymous said...

The government needs to stop rewarding people for having a lot of children, being lazy, and working the system. For every one person who trully needs the help, their are 20 who are scamming the system. Put them to work sweeping streets and picking up trash.

Gerald said...

I say everyone is entitled to one mistake, in this case, a child, but after that no more. Us Taxpayers are not going to pay for your Fu%&ing ! You will go on birth control or be sterilized, and since we pay your bills, you must do as we say. If you have a second or third kid, you will have to put that kid up for adoption. This way no one needs to go to Africa, Ukraine, Prague, or any other country to get children.
Harsh practices, yes, but America’s Taxpayers can no longer afford to pay sluts to sit around and hatch out more Bastards for us to keep!