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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Army 'Improperly' Tested Body Plates

(WASHINGTON) — The Army improperly tested new bullet-blocking plates for body armor and cannot be certain that 5 million pieces of the critical battlefield equipment meet the standards to protect U.S. troops, the Defense Department's inspector general found.

The Pentagon report focused on seven Army contracts for the plates, known as ballistic inserts, awarded between 2004 and 2006 and totaling $2.5 billion. The inspector general's audit, carried out over a two-year period ending in March, found the tests were incomplete, conducted with the wrong size plates or relied on ballistic test rounds that were inconsistent. Due to the demands of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, tests under certain temperatures and altitudes were scrapped altogether.


Anonymous said...

This doesn't surprise me , how about you?
Anytime they purchase an ordinary hammer for $700.00 , when you can buy the same at Lowes for $1.99.
They purchase an allen wrench $120.00 , youcan buy a whole set for $4.99.
Good ole government employees , dumb as a brick.

Anonymous said...

They are not dumb. They are criminals.