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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Letter To The Editor 8-17-11


I’m just as surprised as everyone that she would seriously suggest that a minimum level of educational attainment should be required for election to the Wicomico County Council. That would be plainly preposterous because there is no such requirement to become President of the United States, a U.S. Senator or Representative, Governor of Maryland, or a member of the General Assembly. It would be both un-American and anti-democratic.

In its effect, requiring any educational attainment to hold legislative office would be discriminatory, both actually and legally so, because of the marked difference in the average level of education among the races. Thus, for Ms. Sample-Hughes to suggest such a requirement is shocking, to say the very least.
Her suggestion also is an affront to all citizens, who regardless of race or other matters, have an inalienable right to elect whomever they want to represent them in elective legislative office – be it federal, state or county.

Lastly, Ms. Sample-Hughes has disparaged those persons who for whatever reason did not complete high school and do not, like her, have a degree from some emporium of higher education. She apparently regards them as unworthy to serve on the County Council regardless of their wisdom, common sense and capability.
We have to wonder how she came to make her suggestion – and whether it was her own idea or if someone put her up to it.


Anonymous said...

It makes sense to me for someone with an education to be elected. Electing an idiot who couldn't even complete high school is just stupid. And people wonder why the world is going down?

Anonymous said...

Hey Shanie:

You've got some real competition now!

Anonymous said...

This is a tactic used by the left over and over. Smear the person regardless if the charge is true. Shades of Christine O'Donnell anybody? Ms. Sample-Hughes knows this is an outright attack on one person that has opposed her. She knows it has no chance of passing. It's actually shocking to see how low she and her group have sunk. God forbid you make her mad, you might find yourself being audited in some manner. SCARY!

Anonymous said...

its a difficult position for us. even the lowest of low (intel) need representation. so if the most stupid people in the world vote for a stupid person, they have their representation. its a sad thing, but should be allowed. it irritates the crap out of me, but fair is fair.

Anonymous said...

An education does not make you smart. It only attests to the fact that you were able to attend school and pass a few tests.
There are many individuals who possess intelligence without an education. Some were not offered the choice due to monetary limitations and had had no choice but to work.
I have met a lot of people with degrees that are as dumb as a box of rocks and have no common sense what so ever.

Anonymous said...

Simple-Hughes must feel threatened by other members of the council. She has to put down another person. There are several reasons why someone does not finish high school. These people have a lot more on the ball than you think.
She should think before putting the mouth into action.
I know who she is speaking of. I would vote 100 times for this person than one vote for her.

Anonymous said...

Mr. or MS. Bigot (12:47)

Many folks who didn't get all the way through high school are not idiots and many who did graduate (including college graduates) are complete idiots and buffoons (you included-?) -- look at Obama for starters.

Ms. S-H is all of the above.

Anonymous said...

I have 3 brother-in-laws , none finished high school , all are extremely wealthy . They made their money from the free enterprise system , not from the government , Sample is a paid government employee and she does nothing for her pay. Correction , she does try to impress people , but , she stumbles doing it. She has never EARNED a paycheck.

Anonymous said...

I think she is just an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Hughes is feeling the pressure of being the only DEM on the council and is now fighting dirty. The best action for the remainder of council members is to ignore her.

Anonymous said...

Hughes knows the real picture just as several others do. Stay strong Hughes.

Anonymous said...

Karma Baby.

Anonymous said...

She works, I mean she goes to Shore Up everyday--nuf said

Anonymous said...

12:51 , you hit the nail on the head. It's obvious she went UMES.
They talk the walk , but don't walk the talk . After 4 years you get a degree and are still as ignorant as ever. Government paid for that too.
Of course Shanie says she has an assoc. degree , nobody believes it.

Anonymous said...

2:39 , what is the real picture?
It's obvious you are a person of color. It's also obvious that you guys have an agenda after that statement.
Your friend Obama has ruined the country , I'm sure you are getting off on that.
Come on election day , glory in the highest!

Anonymous said...

While your observations and comments are accurate on the surface,your manner of delivery is simply meant to incite. I believe that most of us, regardless of our political affiliation would like to feel that our representative (at any level)has the knowledge to do so. The decisions to be made, and the subject matter to be tackled do require some level of competence. As a constitutional issue, I cannot get behind this thought process, but I do understand the 'why'.

Anonymous said...

Is there a particular person on the Council that she is "gunning for?" Does someone lack a high school diploma? While it is almost essential now to have at least a high school educaion, many older folks (50 and above, in paticular) did not complete high school largely because of family situations. They were, however, educated in the "school of hard knocks" and are very intelligent. My grandfather, for example, completed only the eighth grade because he had to help support a very large family; he was valedictorian of his 8th-grade class. He was well-versed in many subjects and would have made a fine Councilman.

Anonymous said...

He who increases knowledge also increases sorrow. (JC).

Anonymous said...

Oh yes there is one person she is gunning for. It's not my place to say who nor shall I. This whole debate is childish politics at it's worst. If we want to set standards, then let's do it. You must have an MBA and maintained a 4.0 GPA during college. I mean if we want to be serious about this whole debate lets be. Also you should be required to have on going C.E. credits then we will see who is serious about their "education" and this debate.

Anonymous said...

I had a supervisor like her when I was working. She didn't think anyone had any sense at all if you didn't have that piece of paper to hang on the wall, yet she had not one lick of common sense. I'd rather have a room full of people with common sense than one person with a college education.

Anonymous said...

He who poop in wind get dump truck of poop delivered. (MS)

Anonymous said...

I am so pleased to see these comments with understanding of life. Hughes, who acts like a racist, has used the color of her skin to get to where she is now. The council member she is targeting by her disgusting remark has worked his whole life and has succeeded by hard work and determination. It would be amazing just what he could have accomplished given Hughes same circumstances.

Anonymous said...

6:49 You are on target. Thanks for putting into words. Hughes knows nothing but tax and spend even with her higher education. She has always benefited from the programs. Where did you say she worked?????Oh yes, that is right.... Shore Up. Isn't that where all the "politicians" of her kind go to collect their paychecks.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure I know now whom Ms. Hughes is targeting. What I don't understand is why this person. As 6:49 writes, her apparent object "has worked his whole life and has succeeded by hard work and detemination." I have had the good fortune of talking with, and listening to, him on many occasions. He has more common sense than many of my fellow college graduates. His reputation as a fiscal watchdog was no doubt gained from his own life's experiences. His politics may differ from Ms. Hughes', but so what? What does one's level of education have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...

An intelligent person would not be a puppet on a string like he has become.

Anonymous said...

I noticed this thread has 25 comments. Does this mean it will be on WBOC tomorrow?

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 9:58, LMAO! Count on it.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't know Joe, I never watch WBOC. I do come here multiple times daily tho.