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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Letter To The Editor Referencing WBOC

I follow your site on a daily basis and have often seen you bash WBOC for their lack of Journalism and honestly I never really got it UNTIL last night.

I have to be honest, I do watch the news, I guess thinking I would see something "New". As I am watching WBOC last night it hits me I have read all these stories already. Not only do they copy every thing you do but they make their main stories from your site with the most comments.

I now understand why you say what you do about them. You work your butt off and they just ride your coat tails!

Well anyway I thought I would share my opinion.

Daily Reader
Publishers Notes:
Dear Daily Reader,
Last night was over the top. I watched in awe as they seemed to have kept some very keen eyes on what we had to say yesterday and ran like mad producing those stories in which received the most comments.
I had a conversation with a friend last night about this very same issue. They too had noticed how WBOC ran with our "original" story about the Police and Firefighters being next, should Congress change military retirement plans.
While many say I should consider this as a complement, yesterday was hard to swallow because there were so many repeats of what we provided. It is an open market and they have every right to do so. However, to try to call yourself Delmarva's News Leader, (as WBOC so boldly claims) I find that laughable.
Very few people go to their Website to see news because they know we'll have it here first anyway. The person I spoke with last night said there's no more investigative reporters at WBOC either. I agreed but added, there are none in any of the MSM outlets.
Yesterday, as I covered Governor O'Malley, WBOC showed up well after the Governor had made his speech in Cambridge, that's why you didn't see an interview or the Governor speaking at the event. For what its worth, the Governor was WELL educated about both events yesterday and truly spoke from his heart. It would have made for some great coverage but they weren't there and they missed it. I'll add, the Governor had a written speech, (Press Release) but he only looked down once of twice as a reminder. The rest came from his knowledge and experience. I was truly impressed.
In my honest opinion, many are growing tired of watching someone else simply read to you what Salisbury News has already produced. If they are to survive they'll have to come up with more original stuff like Travels With Charlie or Heart and Soul with Lisa Bryant, (always great stuff).
Since WBOC is so glued to Salisbury News, let me give them some advice. Be very careful of an up and coming Blog that may just start broadcasting daily news at 4:00 PM, ahead of what you produce. Know that this Blog has the potential of going after those advertisers who know every one comes here first and throughout the day and evening to get real time news. Here's the kicker too. If this Blog chooses to do news coverage on line, know that we'll make it personal and opinionated, something the MSM not only refuses to do, they don't know how to do it either because of the way journalists have been trained and educated.
I say this because this is what is killing the Daily Times and IF we choose to go this route it will kill off the television news as well. Og
Watch out WBOC and WMDT, Salisbury News just might go after you just like we did the Daily Times and guess what, money is NOT an issue here. We've already proven we can have an even nicer studio with a green screen than the $13,000,000.00 you spent on a fixed studio.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's not WBOC copying Joe but it's Joe copying WBOC.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 12:09, nice try but that comment is actually quite stupid.

You see, our posts are up hours ahead of WBOC. Nice try though.

Anonymous said...

Joe does to much reporting in Maryland for him to be copying WBOC lol. Seriously WBOC is more concerned with what goes on in Delaware. I can't tell you the last time I even turned on WBOC or WMDT to watch the news.

Anonymous said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Lisa Bryant hasnt worked at WBOC for a few years

Anonymous said...

Let's talk about WBOC they were the one's that ran off Lisa Bryant. They stated that she was to heavy for her role on the news cast. Now we have another HIPPO on at 5 and 6PM. So they have no regrets of who they get rid of. I can't stand to watch the show, I turn it off, and watch WBAL out of Baltimore any time. They tell you what is happen in the city. WBOC always wants to cover up the new's and let everyone think that SBY is a great city to live in... That some BS for sure.
I live in the City LIMITS of SBY

Flerndip said...

12:09 I frequent both sites and Joe has news up before WBOC does on a daily basis. He even covers local news they dont on a regular basis. And do not post any anti-liberal notes in their comments section for it will be removed or not posted. This my site for news on the shore by far.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 1:24, I did not moderate your comment but if I had seen it first I would have rejected it.

The size of a person doesn't matter. Each and every person who I have ever met within WBOC is good people. This is about BUSINESS, period.

Let's just say they are copying what we're doing every day, can you blame them? Sure, it bothers me that they refuse to give credit where credit is due. We always show that respect back to them if they have a story we copy a small portion of and then link back to their Site.

However, the MSM is too proud to give credit. Rather than going after them, I'd rather do it Albero Style. Crate our own daily broadcast. Make them look like fools for copying what we do every day. Make them look like fools by showing they're days behind in news.

For some odd reason WBOC actually believes they have an exclusive audience and this Post is actually directed at letting people know they're wrong, WBOC, that is.

People are looking at this and realizing there's a lot of truth to what this person originally stated.

One little guy takes down another form of local media. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Joseph Albero said...

To the Idiot who keeps trying to claim we copy WBOC's survey question each day.

Hey, Idiot, go to CNN every single day and see where WBOC copies theirs.

Then maybe you'll stop sending in comments we constantly reject, Jonathan.

Anonymous said...

The internet has the advantage over the TV and the MSM by virtue of timing. The internet is "now", while both the print media and the TV have schedules to work around. Joe certainly does have the advantage over either of them in that regard.

We need more "in-depth" and investigative reporting such as being done SBY News.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Bryant is STILL with WBOC. WBOC got rid of Lisa Spicer, which was a shame. Both Lisa's are/were on their game.

The Man said...

wboc is a pathetic tv station.i'd like to have the millions they have spent to go digital or hi-def.there's not a day that goes by trouble free broadcasting.i think the Draper company along with Howdy Doody(steve hammond)should take lessons from wjz tv out of Baltimore to correct their problems.but that makes too much like good sense.Jimmy Hoppa he's the man along with his doll babys on the morning show. i wonder if Eileen is married? she brightens my day.

Anonymous said...

I cannot stand to watch WBOC cause I really do not care what is happening in Delaware all the time. There is sooooo much stuff that goes on in Salisbury that they just plain will not report on. I want to know what's going on here, I live here and I want to know if there's crime in my neighborhood or any nearby, but nobody in this town will tell you. Why???????????????

Anonymous said...

They (wboc) are constantly posting a sales job on facebook. I wrote a comment to call joe albero. They deleted it lol