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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In Rick Perry's World Without A Fed, He Can Barter For U.S. Votes

Asked about the Federal Reserve...[Texas Governor Rick] Perry said of Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke: "If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I don't know what you all would do to him in Iowa, but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas. Printing more money to play politics at this particular time in American history is almost treacherous -- or treasonous." ... If he believes this, he either doesn't understand the Fed's function, or is a peculiar kind of monetary extremist. ... If the Fed didn't print any more money at all, we'd soon be relying on a cumbersome and rather inexact form of exchange known as the barter system. – Bloomberg


Anonymous said...

money is supposed to be a medium of exchange. It should have intrinsic value.

Perry is correct. The Fed is destroying the dollar. The problem is Perry works for the Fed. He is a liar. He is trying to garner Rep. Paul's votes.

Anonymous said...

Many of us are already bartering for many things we use. I did some home improvements for an SUV last month. I trade some food products (I won't say what)for reloaded ammunition frequently. We are actually looking for more people willing to barter. It works out well for us. Electricity and things like that are tied forever to the monetary system - I recognize that. But our government - state and federal - are creating a system that promotes bartering. That means fewer tax dollars paid. Screw them!

Anonymous said...

Perry is correct. The fact is that there have been many elected officials commiting treason lately. Nobody has the guts to say anything.
Remember Clinton giving the Chinese missle guidence technology through Dorall Inc.
Remember Nancy Pelosi having a private meeting with Syria?
How about Cynthia Mckinny supporting the attack on the Israli blockade?
They should all be put in front of a firing squad for what they did!

Daddio said...

Bloomberg is showing its ignorance in thinking that the phrase "printing more money" is the same thing as printing the actual currency used in daily transactions.

The phrase refers to flooding the economy with more money than the fed has backing for, not necessarily the actual amount of paper currency printed.