A pack of 30 teens helped themselves to items in a Maryland 7-Eleven early Sunday morning in what authorities have labeled another instance of a possible flash mob.
The store, which is located in Germantown, Md., was empty at 2 a.m. Sunday morning when a group of teenagers calmly walked in and picked out items as though they were shopping.
Then, just as calmly as they entered the store, police say, they exited without paying for the items.
Segregation needs a come back.
I did watch the video and it did piss me off.
These are nothing more than low life animals. They hunt in large groups like african animals. They steal and hurt people , because we are so forgiving to out youths , nothing will be done.
What prison will they attend when they reach 18? Hopefully they will be dead before we have to support them in prison.
I hope the 7/11 was owned by a raghead.
African animals is correct. Expect more copy-cat flash mobs in the future. I wouldn't be surprised a bit.
I am assuming the police are looking for these teens and that they will be prosecuted as adults. They like to think they are adults, let them pay the price for their crimes.
Parents have really fallen short of the responsibilities they have to their children and the community. Maybe there aren't any parents in these teens lives and they were raised by the state; and we know how that works for most of the children in the system regardless of color.
I'm a little confused by the refreshing comments here. Do we want the black teenagers dead? Or do we want them to keep robbing 'rag-head' owned businesses?
Would like to be standng outside the store with an Uzi and introduce them to that weapon as the exited the store. You can take the animal out of the jungle but you cant take the jungle out of the animal. Someone best come up with a solution because me thinks it is going to get worse. Great country we live in any more!!!Grrrrrrrrr
Arming yourself at all times i'm afraid is going to be the answer. I think it is time to begin to respond if our so called police and government is not. If it had been my store i would have defended it! Not so sure I would feel very sorry for the others. They are asking for descrimination to take place. Lets give it to them!
Obama voters shopping each day
4:43 you are right this is Obamas idea of redistribution.
The police aren't goin to look too hard....it would take too much time away from the latest "campaign" to make our ROADS safer, and by "safer", I mean more revenue-productive. The only way the police would do anything would be if the store owner put a couple of shots through those thieving punks.
The term flash riots is nothing more than looting. It's, like undocumented citizens. Get a life people. It's happening and it will only get worse unless, you as a true American put a stop to it. If you do not care about our Country, then sit home on your sorry ass, and wait for the next election and vote for Obama again.
This is the Obama economic plan.
The term flash riots is nothing more than looting. It's, like undocumented citizens. Get a life people. It's happening and it will only get worse unless, you as a true American put a stop to it. If you do not care about our Country, then sit home on your sorry ass, and wait for the next election and vote for Obama again.
August 16, 2011 7:26 PM
translation please
Them what gets has to get more...
Looks like our public school kids!
Hamsters .......
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