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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Parents Seek Second Chance for Troubled Charter School

Parents made emotional appeals at a hearing Monday night in a final effort to save the troubled Reach Academy for Girls from closure by the state. But their pleas may not be enough to sway Delaware Secretary of Education Lillian Lowery.

The hearing was a final step in the state’s formal review of the Claymont charter school, which focuses on leadership skills for more than 200 girls in kindergarten through eighth grade. Since its opening last fall, Reach Academy has been rocked by scandal within its own leadership as well as financial and budgetary problems. The upheaval at Reach has focused attention on the management and oversight of Delaware’s 19 charter schools.

The state’s Charter School Accountability Committee has recommended that the Delaware Department of Education (DOE) revoke Reach’s license. Lowery will issue her recommendation at a state Board of Education meeting on July 21. If the board accepts her recommendation and votes for closure, the decision is final and there is no opportunity for appeal.


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