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Friday, June 24, 2011

NC Governor Signs Law Requiring E-Verify

Democratic North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue on Thursday signed into law a measure requiring businesses with 25 or more employees to check the citizenship status of job applicants on a federal database called E-Verify.

The legislation will require about 40 percent of the state's businesses to verify the immigration status of new hires following a 24-month phase-in period.

The bill provides an exemption for agriculture companies that employ people such as crop pickers for 90 days or less. The state is also home to some of the biggest hog farms and slaughter plants in the nation, including Smithfield Foods.



Anonymous said...

a democrat did that? impressive.

Anonymous said...

And we see what the result will be by looking at Georgia -- that state enacted a similar law and millions of dollars worth of produce is now rotting in farmers' fields.

You can enact all the legislation you want to crack down on illegal immigrants, but you can't repeal basic laws of economics. These laws hurt our economy, not help it. Anyone who doesn't understand that doesn't understand how the economy works.

Anonymous said...

9:42 Be here legally and pay taxes and we really don't care you burden to America.

Anonymous said...

To 11:26 -- there's really no legal way for ag workers to come here legally. If you want to stop illegal immigration, then reform immigration laws to allow enough workers in and set up a guest worker program that lets farm workers do their jobs.

And illegal immigrants don't "burden America." As Georgia's example is showing, when they aren't around to do their jobs, then the economy suffers.

Furthermore, illegal immigrants pay taxes just as any other taxpayer does and they aren't eligible for the welfare programs that Americans are eligible for. So they are probably less of a burden on our nation than an American who is making the same amount of money.

Anonymous said...

11:39...what plant are you smoking???? We don't want the 20 million or so that are here now, much less more so the farmers can have the crops picked. Your remark is a racist statement itself, reflecting that illegals are only needed to pick crops. No, most do not pay taxes, they do suck the system dry and they prevent the economy from getting better by taking the jobs (legal)Americans can do. Are you an illegal?

Anonymous said...

No, 2:02, I'm not an illegal, just someone who believes in the free market and knows something about how the economy works.

"We" don't want illegals, huh? Well, someone is sure hiring them, so I guess "we" do want them. That's like someone claiming during Prohibition that "we" don't want liquor when it was clear by all the people buying liquor that some people certainly did want it.

It's clear that they do meet a need in our economy that legal Americans won't meet. Just ask the farmers in Georgia who are losing millions of dollars because no one is around to pick their crops. The "get tough on immigration" tactics you support are hurting our economy and destroying jobs.

And the ideas that most illegals don't pay taxes and suck the system dry and "take" jobs from Americans are all false. The facts (and they are facts) are that, at most, illegals impose a small net cost on government for services. All of them pay some form of taxes and most pay income taxes just like any other workers. Their use of welfare programs is almost nil, since they are ineligible to use them. And they don't "take" jobs from anyone; in fact, their presence in the economy actually creates jobs. I'd provide links to studies that prove all of this, but I know Joe frowns on that sort of thing. But if you do any research on this subject (and ignore the obviously biased anti-immigration groups that produce "studies" that are so full of methodological holes you could drive a truck through them), you'll see that I'm right.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't anyone ever wonder who did all of the work BEFORE the illegals flooded over our borders?

If we could only sell stupid, there would be no recession at all.

Don't fall for all of the "reasons" why we need the alien invasion. Just remember that many politicians really don't care about right and wrong and the more they act like they do, the less the mean it.

Anonymous said...

To 3:47, considering that we had open borders for the first 100 years of our country's existence and didn't really have much border control until the late 1990s, we've always had some form of cheap immigrant labor to do these jobs.