SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - An unlikely coalition of Jews and Muslims on Wednesday filed a lawsuit to block a San Francisco ballot measure that would ban the circumcision of male children, a procedure widely practiced by members of both faiths.
The case filed in San Francisco Superior Court asks the court to remove the voter initiative from the city's Nov. 8 ballot, arguing that California law bars local governments from restricting medical procedures.
The plaintiffs include five Jews, three Muslims, two physicians who regularly perform circumcisions, the Anti-Defamation League and the local chapter of the Jewish Community Relations Council.
"It's a measure that would basically infringe upon my rights as a Muslim to practice here," said plaintiff Leticia Preza, 31, who has a 4-year-old son and baby daughter. "It would also take away my rights as a parent to choose what's a good procedure for my child."
San Francisco is set to be the first U.S. city to hold a public vote on banning male circumcision after city elections officials confirmed last month that the initiative had enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.
The measure would prohibit circumcision on males under the age of 18, making it a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine of up to $1,000 or up to one year in jail. There would be no religious exemptions.
I bet the same fruit loops that are trying to get this to pass have no problem at all with abortion.
I am not Muslim or Jewish and have to say that it's complete BS that they are trying to ban the practice. As a parent of boys, it's MY right to make that decision.
You pricks in govnmutt keep your hands off my ...body.
The left wing Marxists started with an attack on Christianity now they're are expanding to Jews.
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