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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Rough Conditions

Hey, Joe.

We were out today, trying to get caught up on things.

The roads weren't too bad in most areas we went, but my nerves ended up frazzled from the things that happened in downtown Salisbury.

We were coming around through the 'S' turn hear the hospital in heavy traffic, when we encountered PEDESTRIANS walking in the right lane. We barely got past them without hitting one. I don't know why they didn't walk up on the side of the road (snow or no snow..) One of them was a child.

Coming across the Rt 50 bridge, also in heavy traffic, with the sun in my eyes was a nightmare. Two very narrow lanes and barracades on both sides, there were PEDESTRIANS walking in the right lane crossing the bridge, because the CITY had not cleared a walkway for them across the bridge! It was nearly impossible to get past them without hitting them.

If ANYONE gets a citation for not clearing their walks in this snow, they should tell the city to stuff it.


Anonymous said...

I thought that maybe, with a new Public Works director in the City, things would change regarding snow removal. Guess I was wrong. I came home today from Baltimore. Route 50 all the way to Mill St. was clear and dry. I turned onto Mill and headed up Camden Ave. As soon as I hit Camden, I knew I was in Salisbury. Camden Ave. looked as if it had barely been touched by a plow. Since Camden is considered a major thoroughfare, one would think that it would be completely cleared of snow. Why can the County do such a great job with Rt. 50, while the City once again is not up to the task. We City residents pay taxes; we expect more, Mr. Mayor.

Anonymous said...

The bridge is State Hiway's.

Complain to SHA.

Anonymous said...

Camden Ave is a tough street to plow. It has so many dips in the road and manhole covers that are above the street level making it harder to plow. To clear a street such as this the plow blade can not be lowered to street level. If you've never plowed snow you will never appreciate what it is to hit a manhole cover with the blade. It will throw the driver up to the windshield. If the city would pave the street properly instead of using a driveway quality mix they might hold up better.

I'm not taking up for the city by any means but I am taking up for those drivers behind the plows.

Phil said...

It doesn't matter who it belongs to, THE SIDEWALKS SHOULD BE CLEARED FOR PEDESTRIANS. I almost hit a few myself. And the city cares about my side street sidewalk to be cleared? Don't come plow my sidewalk and expect to get paid.

Anonymous said...

Route 50 is a state road not a county road. The state uses salt the county doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Well then can someone explain why I have to wait 14 days between trash pick up. I live in the City limits and pay for weekly pick-up.
When I called the City office. I got a very sarcastic young lady.
The roads aren't cleared and the trash isn't picked up. Why do we pay City taxes???

Anonymous said...

I have another idea, stay home, then you won't be contributing to the problem!

Anonymous said...

It is the STATE'S responsibility. If the argument is that the city should do it anyways and the city did that then you would complain that the city is wasting time on state problems when they could address city ones. Things like this are lose/lose for the city.

Anonymous said...

The street I was on was plowed, but the sidewalks weren't cleared. If they had been clear, I would not have had to walk in the street!

Everyone has a job to do when it snows. Saying you won't do yours until the city does there's is like a child saying they won't eat their beans until the other child does.

I swear, we have wonderful people who are saying "Hey I'll chip in and help because even the government can't do it all when it snows a foot" and then we have the whiners saying "I won't eat my beans until Mikey does."

Grow up!

Anonymous said...

I think the road crews have done better this time around than other times, considering the amount of snow and blizzard conditions. The main concern here is that some pedestrians are walking in the roadways where there are no sidewalks or where the sidewalks are covered with snow. Not too smart on their part. They should wear boots or stay home until the snow melts.

Anonymous said...

People with no cars need to get places too! If the sidewalks are knee deep or more with snow, I'm walking in the street. Slow down, give plenty of room and be courteous and there will be no problems. Simple as that.

Anonymous said...

If the sidewalks need to be cleared off we have prisons full of people sitting on their behinds while we foot the bill. Get them out there to clear them off.

Anonymous said...

how about people that just up aand decide to go jogging in the roadway during a snow event? IMHO They should be ticketed.... saw three Sunday couldn't believe it... they must have a death wish

Anonymous said...

What I find disturbing here is the fact that people will read this and not the comments and blame the city. If people would ask or just think about things for a minute they could save themselves and the city some headaches. 13 and 50 are maintained by the STATE!

The city DID have crews out doing sidewalks- I saw them as they cleared the sidewalks on Main St in front of the fountain.

As many have pointed out the wind was making the clearing of the snow difficult. Can you imagine how tough clearing sidewalks under those conditions is? I was sore and frustrating just clearing my sidewalk, but these guys walked around for shovels for several hours.

But what do they see when they come here? Thanks? We appreciate your efforts? No. We get people bellyaching that people they didn't know (and probably didn't see) had to actually walk a sidewalk with snow or the road because the STATE didn't clear the sidewalk. Nice. Really nice.