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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Clearing The West End Of The Downtown Plaza

As we mentioned yesterday, the Plaza had snow drifts that were pretty thick and anyone attempting to clear them by hand would have been out there all morning just to get their footprint done. Rather than seeing the Mayor fine these people, we decided to go ahead and clear out those businesses and residents just to make life a little easier for some.


Anonymous said...

You Go Joe! You've got so much to give & you share that with others less fortunate.
Wish more people in this town would do the same!
Thanks for showing others "How It's Done!" Keep Passing it on! EW

Anonymous said...

If only our elected officials would consider the same actions, but I know that is but a dream......good job Joe

Anonymous said...

God bless you Joe for all the good work you do all year long!

Anonymous said...

Great job!


Anonymous said...

why not just do the work and not look for approval from the public? did it last year too. pretty sad if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Reference to 4:46 Post

I have no idea who you are - but I can tell you first hand that Joe does not seek any praise from any of these individuals.

If anything it is a blackeye for the municipalities - as Joe receives no compensation for any of these critical services - despite many citizens having to pay dual taxes - (City and County).

If I were you I would keep my mouth shut - as I don't see you volunteering to 'carry the shovel'.


Joseph Albero said...

Thanks Beazer. I've rejected probably 50 comments personally attacking me on this post and I'm sure we all can easily guess who the two or three people are out there doing so.

Nevertheless, IF we hadn't posted the pictures they would have claimed we never cleared out anything, for starters.

Secondly, WE did in fact help those people who needed it the most and I can guarantee you none of the nay sayers went out and helped anyone. Instead, they sit back on computers attacking us for doing what we were raised to do as children but all too many have forgotten where they came from.

The key to these posts is not only to show it was done but to encourage others to participate. All of which I believe has been achieved, year after year. It's easy to sit on the outside and critisize but its another when you get out there and make a positive difference in someone's life.

It's also one thing to SAY you give back, it's another to PROVE IT! So come on nay sayers, prove you give back to your community.

Anonymous said...

Your right Joe. Liberals like Ireton and Cook think our government should provide these services for free. That is, until one of them got into office. Now they want to fine people in wheel chairs for not clearing their walks in time.

Anonymous said...

I don't see joe holding a shovle in any of these pictures. He is walking behind a self propelled snow blower. I however did hold a shovel and dug out myself and my nieghbors. Manual shovel digging out the three and four foot piles that the plows pused up in front of all the driveways.

Joseph Albero said...

What's his name, We most certainly did use shovels. We also did some 14 properties, not including the Downtown Plaza. If you think for a second we're not sore you'd be seriously mistaken. The snow blower doesn't get the steps and up close to garage doors and so forth. Don't belittle the work we did and I thank you for helping your neighbors.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make how the snow was removed( shovel or snowblower) It was done isn't that what is important!