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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Random Act Of Kindness In Salisbury

Mr. Albero,
I was driving on Walston Switch Rd., slid off to the side and got stuck.  I just wanted to thank Claudia, Nick, Vinny, and two other gentlemen who stopped and helped dig and pull me out for an hour.  I knew none of these people, but they took time out of their day to help a complete stranger and wouldn't take anything for their help. Thank you.
- A Salisbury resident


Anonymous said...

Thats a wonderful thing to hear. Great job folks!

Anonymous said...

God Bless those folks.

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear. I would have done the same thing. Glad you are safe!

Anonymous said...

learn how to drive or stay off the roads! you endanger not only yourself but everyone else! I would have left you there, then you would have had time to think about just how stupid you really were/are!

Anonymous said...

6:59AM It is because of people like you that world is not a better place. Its funny you calling this person stupid because the only one being stupid is you!! You have no idea if the person was a nurse or doctor on their way to PRMC, a EMT on his way to the fire house or any thing but you would have left them there, and give them time to think about how stupid they really were/ are?? Well just think if ten minites later you had an accident or heart attack and needed help, this could have been the person that saved you but you passed them by so they could think about how stupid they were/are. How stupid do you sound. Things do have away of catching up with you, and well if you think of things in this way then i guess STUPID is what STUPID does and I wouldn't want to be around you when the stuff starts hitting the fan! because one day you WILL need help but you run into somebody like you! Helping, caring, and sharing is the way to go!!What goes around comes around!!

LadyLiddy said...

Had to leave Worcester County for seven months and can't wait to get home. The kindness of the community is unmatched anywhere! Snow Hill, here I come.... Oh how if missed you!

Anonymous said...

i agree 659. doing 10mph on a clear route 50 is just as dangerous as doing 80mph. if youre that scared to be driving, you shouldnt be driving.

Anonymous said...

Walston Switch Road is pretty bad due to the blowing snow. Cut the letter writer some slack.

Anonymous said...

That's the way I was brought up. To help another in need.