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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Chris Matthews: Release Obama's Birth Certificate

Chris Matthews, the anchor of MSNBC's "Hairball" program, is now calling for Barack Obama to release his original, long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to put to rest any doubts about the president's constitutional eligibility to hold office.

On last night's edition of his show, Matthews stated: "I am not a birther. I am an enemy of the birthers."

But he continued with the questions, "Why doesn't the president just say, 'Send me a copy right now?' Why doesn't Gibbs and Axelrod say, 'Let's just get this crappy story dead?' Why not do it? ... If it exists, why not put it out?"

Matthews was joined by Clarence Page of the Chicago Tribune and David Corn of Mother Jones, who both agreed with the call for Obama to publicly release the document, which to this point has remained under wraps.                       

More details and the video


Anonymous said...

Documents can be forged, so by now it would not matter.. Secret Service has a forged copy by now...

Anonymous said...

This is the beginning of the Democrats desertion of Barry. They are ready to run like rats now that Barry has done what he was ordered to do, namely, destroy our economy and give the Treasury to the Bankers. He also gave the farm to the medical industrial complex in an illegal Health Care Law.

It will soon be acceptable for even Democrats to stop their loyalty to this puppet.

Anonymous said...

msnbc calling for the bc + obama in hawaii right now = setting up the the forgery to come out.

im sure the payoffs are huge

Anonymous said...

The media plays this up to sell more ads, and idiots cant seem to understand that the pres. produced the same document that anyone born in Hawaii would produce upon request.

Anonymous said...

Chris Matthews was referring to the original long form birth certificate which has the signatures of parents and doctor.

Our President does not have that form. He produced (Matthews showed it on air) a short form, which is a computerized PDF copy of a State Document which has no signatures. The belief of the Birther Movement is simply that the short form can be easily created or manufactured. The long form would be very difficult to forge.

Matthews and others are now admitting that it seems silly for the Hospital to not produce for the President a copy of the original long form birth certificate. Why not go ahead and show the long form?

Anonymous said...

Don't confuse 12:19 with facts !

Anonymous said...

This little article doesn't accurately portray Matthew's tone in the episode. It actually twists and edits everyone's words to make a different point. I watched it and the conversation was about how even if someone produced the original, there are still 20% of people in the country who think Obama was not born here whose minds will never change no matter what evidence you show them.

Concerned Retiree said...

Question. Is it not a qualification for President of the United States to be a naturalized citizen, ( not probably exact wording)? Is it not true that a for an individual to be a naturalized citizen of the United States that both parents have to be Citizens of the United States? If so he is not a naturalized citizen even if he as born in Hawaii (which he claims now), Kansas (which he claimed during his campaign) or where ever he claims now. His Mother was a naturalized citizen of the United States but his Father was not since he claimed citizenship in Indonesia, Kenya or where ever is conveinent

Anonymous said...

3:45 you are right about the 20%. But think about it. Why do they believe he is NOT an American born citizen? His ACTIONS have spoken louder than his birth waters and his BEHAVIOR is drowning in its placenta

Anonymous said...

Obama cant he does not have a birth certificate not US anyway and he is proud of it Obama hates America

lmclain said...

The point is well made...why not just show the birth certificate, instead of jumping through every hoop and ring of fire known to man in order to AVOID showing it? By NOT showing it, he fuels the fire. He MUST know that, but continues to bob and weave. the question is --- WHY??? and please don't lay that "some people will never believe" crap on me. THAT is a dodge. By showing it, he could easily dismiss anyone who challenges him....instead he DOESN'T show it and complains about "crazy birthers".

Anonymous said...

A different twist:

Mother and Grandmother enter ER for child birth. Both are light skinned. No father present. Baby born is light skinned. Delivery Nurses look at each other and decide that CAUCASIAN is the most logical race for their documentation. Baby eventually runs for public office. Being "black" could be an advantage. Not being "black" could be a disadvantage should it become widely known when a campaign has already committed to promote a "black" candidate.

Doesn't matter. He lied to those that supported him.

Anonymous said...

It's already started. Comcast home page has an article stating that Hawaii's new Dem Gov wants to release more information about his birth certificate but "can't because of privacy laws". Says that he was a friend of Obama's mother and grandmother and knew him as a child. He's just broken up that there is all of this controversy about his birth certificate. PULLEEEZZE

Anonymous said...

what about this naturalized citizen thing? i am going to read up on this since it seems everybody is ignoring this point. must be something to it.