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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gulf States Pushing For Attack On Iran

First it was the United Arab Emirates ambassador in Washington, now it’s a Saudi Arabian editorial, and John Bolton says the entire Persian Gulf feels the same: an attack on Iran is the only option - if it's not too late.

An editorial in an official Saudi Arabian newspaper indicates that a military attack against Iran might be the only way of stopping it from obtaining nuclear weapons. “Tehran is moving its conflict with the international community into high gear,” the Al Madina daily wrote this week, “and [in this case] some may consider the military option to be the best solution.”

Delaying recourse to this option, the paper continues, “may lead to a point where it is impossible to implement it - if Tehran manages to produce a nuclear bomb of its own.”

Former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton goes a bit further, saying it is the only way of stopping it – but adds that it might already be too late.

Just last month, the United Arab Emirates ambassador to Washington said at a conference, "A military attack on Iran by whomever would be a disaster, but Iran with a nuclear weapon would be a bigger disaster."

Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba was unusually candid in his remarks, saying, "I think it's a cost-benefit analysis. I think despite the large amount of trade we do with Iran, which is close to $12 billion… there will be consequences, there will be a backlash and there will be problems with people protesting and rioting and very unhappy that there is an outside force attacking a Muslim country; that is going to happen no matter what… Am I willing to live with that, versus living with a nuclear Iran? My answer is still the same: 'We cannot live with a nuclear Iran.' I am willing to absorb what takes place at the expense of the security of the U.A.E."

Read more here


Anonymous said...

People need to pay attention to this situation. It could very well be the beginning of the end with nuclear war breathing down our throats. All countries should bring back the draft and stop those terrorists. Our armed forces need help all over the world! If Iran successfully brings up the nuclear weapons, it could be the end for all of us.

Anonymous said...

why do we constantly find it nessesary to attack someone? if they are within their own borders, live and let live.

Anonymous said...

9:58 Are you serious? Can you really be that blind. If they get a nuclear warhead, just exactly where do you think that they are going to aim it? And can you really be so naive as to believe that they won't use it. Live and let live = live and we will die.

Anonymous said...

9:58 Put down your bong , When another country threatens the peaceful existence of it's neighbors and the rest of the world I would say it's ok . Standing by and doing nothing was a lesson we learned from WWII .

lmclain said...

9:58 YOU, sir, are a total imbecile. Live and let live??? We are not speaking about a nation with a motto of "Peace & Love For All". Iran has an official government policy that calls for the elimination and total destruction of Israel. They don't equivocate or hide their intentions or desires. They are even scaring the hell out of OTHER MUSLIM COUNTRIES! THAT'S how crazy the other Muslims think they are! You and Obama are the only 2 people in the USA who think we should leave them alone....You want them to have nuclear weapons?? Forgive me for being so direct, but your comment was, by far, the most stupid thing I've EVER seen on this far.

Anonymous said...

48 days and they will be on line, I think an attack is being planned as we speak. Give it a week or two and watch.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday you guys swore that all muslims are out to destroy us. Now you say there are good muslims we should listen too. Please clear this up; I'm not sure who to hate today.

Anonymous said...

11:21, WTF are you talking about. Obama (not that he is perfect) has been taking the fight directly to terrorists since day 1. He's expanded our role in multiple countries around the globe. He might suck on the economy, but the war on terror is the one area where the man has shined.

Anonymous said...

i am 958, hear me out on this.

we only learn about iran through what the media tells us. remember how bad iraq was? we all learned that they had WMD, but didnt. i dont think the US should be attacking anyone. we have a DEFENSE department, not an OFFENSE department.
in what we learned from sitting back in WWII, should be turned into what did everyone else learn? we should build walls, weapons, and other defensive means. reduce the number of troops in other countries to zero, and let half go on 'reserve'. the other half can actively defend our borders, build walls, and do community work. we have spread ourselves too thin.

Anonymous said...

3:45 It's a lot more complex then this simplified method . As far as the WMDs we know they had them because we sold them to them and they used them on their own people .

Anonymous said...

To 3:45-the best defense is a good offense, especially when you are dealing with a nut and nuclear weapons. When he gets them, he will use them-he has already told us that. Should we sit around and wait for him to kill or poison half of us before we defend ourselves? I don't think so.