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Monday, April 19, 2010

Tea Party And National Freedom Posse

Jim Rutledge addresses Tea Party events across Maryland in defense of the Constitution and limited government.

Rutledge joins the Freedom Posse in a national effort to return a conservative majority to the U.S. Senate.

Forest Hill, Maryland- Republican U.S. candidate Jim Rutledge addressed Tea Party Patriots across Maryland in the fight to restore fiscal responsibility and accountability to Washington. Jim Rutledge joined State Senator Andy Harris at the Annapolis Tea Party and emphasized the need for America to rededicate itself to the Constitutional principles of limited federal government. Rutledge said, “The beast of unlimited government is roaming and devouring America.” The Rutledge for U.S. Senate campaign also carried its message to Tea Party events in Bel Air, Rockville, and Elkton. Jim Rutledge said, “I’m proud to unite with conservative congressional candidates like Robert Broadus and Christine Thron in this campaign of the people, for the people and by the people.”

Jim Rutledge believes it is important for the nation to restore allegiance to the Constitution and the 10th Amendment that wisely place limits on the powers of the federal government and put more faith in a free people and local and state government. Jim Rutledge said, “The Constitution was a gift of limited government. The founders built a strong cage within which to keep the beast of federal government power. They added the 10th Amendment to strengthen that cage but sadly, the beast has broken out.” Jim Rutledge stated, “Barbara Mikulski, Reid, and Obama have torn the Constitution apart.”

The Rutledge for Senate campaign continues to receive national attention for its participation with the Freedom Posse. The Freedom Posse boasts the support of four conservative candidates for the U.S. Senate. Jim Rutledge joined fellow Republicans, Don Bates Jr. of Indiana, Curtis Coleman of Arkansas, and Chris Widner of Washington in this nation wide campaign to restore a conservative majority to the U.S. Senate.

For more information about the Freedom Posse, please visit online at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rutledge is a hard working dedicated candidate. Marylanders should be proud and thankful that a candidate with his commitment and dedication to the Constituion and conservative principles is running for the U.S Senate in our State.

He surely brings a breathe of fresh air to the body politic, and I and my family and friends will do all we can to assist in his campaign.