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Monday, April 19, 2010

Poll: 78 Percent Don't Trust Big Government

Trust numbers 'rarely get this low,' survey sponsor says

- Can you trust Washington?

Nearly 80 percent of Americans say they can't and they have little faith that the massive federal bureaucracy can solve the nation's ills, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center that shows public confidence in the federal government at one of the lowest points in a half-century.

The poll released Sunday illustrates the ominous situation facing President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party as they struggle to maintain their comfortable congressional majorities in this fall's elections. Midterm prospects are typically tough for the party in power. Add a toxic environment like this and lots of incumbent Democrats could be out of work.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

remember the iowa incident? where they blamed a sailor then it turned out to be the governments fault, how about the scientist just recently blamed for the anthrax threat, turns out he's inocent, and just recieved millions from the government for their lies! our government has the time and money to bury any one of us! They will lie to protect themselves, they have proven this and done it time and again!! we are all indispensible!

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when Government takes over our freedom and liberties.

Anonymous said...

To 2:14 p.m. NO!!! This is what happens when you have Any government period... And how about we as Maryland'ers push to have our senator limited to 2 terms of office... So they can't make a living off of it and this is another reason why they do what they want... They know they can still stay in power... Lets also make the local and higher government live on a budget like us...

Anonymous said...

Why should ANYONE have ANY faith in the government? There is not one thing that they have ever done that they didn't screw up. And now they are going to run car companies, banks and the health care industry (and the list keeps growing). The government is the most corrupt and incompetent institution in the country, especially since the new circus came to town.

smitty240 said...

Quick note, don't trust a government that will kill it's citizens in cold blood.

While everyone was watching the OKC remembrance and Clinton was playing it to the hilt, he neglected to take credit for the massacre at Waco on today's date. He and Butch Reno played judge, jury, and executioner of the misguided people that chose to follow the wacko Koresh, but I don't see that being a capital crime.

Anonymous said...

The only way things are going to change is ALL CONCERNED VOTERS GET OUT AND VOTE. Don't say your vote doesn't count. Yours just may be the one that makes the difference but you will never know if you don't exercise your vote. We need drastic changes before we lose everything. They want to tax everything but the air we breathe. That may be next. Now DPL wants to raise rates to make up for what money was lost in the stock market on the pension funds. I lost big in that mess and I don't see anyone doing anything to get my hard earned money back. Get out and Vote!!!!