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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

WY&CC Is Crucial To Our Quality Of Life

WY&CC is crucial to our quality of life
By James V. Fineran

Bill Cosby, Bob Dylan, The Harlem Globetrotters, "Cats," The Moody Blues -- these are just a few of the truly big-name acts that have entertained at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. Add large events such as rodeos, professional boxing and wrestling, tractor pulls, dog shows and high school sports tournaments, and one begins to get a picture of how crucial the Civic Center is to the quality of life
here. It wasn't always this way, and it was a fire that changed things.

Those of us of a certain age clearly recall a time when the only way to see big-name acts or attractions was to travel to a metropolitan area. In 1977, the old Civic Center burned. Its replacement arena was large enough for promoters to book nationally known shows here. Since then, Director Gary Mackes and the Civic Center staff have continuously brought top flight entertainment and events to Salisbury.

Over the past 10 years, the Civic Center has functioned as an "enterprise" operation. In brief, Mackes was instructed to make the Civic Center self-sufficient. In addition to adding more profitable events to the Civic Center schedule, he created an in-house catering and banquet service. Said Mackes, "While the Civic Center is not completely a stand-alone operation, it only costs residents $3 each per year to support. That's less than a Happy Meal."

But the Civic Center means much more to Wicomico County. Many of the events have a direct and positive effect on the local economy. Michael E. Getzey, president of Marshall Hotels & Resorts Inc., said, "As a result of Civic Center activities, it is a fact that area restaurants, hotels and shops receive income of at least $11 million per year. We are in a down economy and I hate to think where the local
hospitality industry would be without a thriving Civic Center."

Mackes added, "Our Broadway series alone has attracted more than 25,000 theater-goers. It's a safe bet that many of them started or topped off the evening in an area restaurant. The International Poodle Show brings in $1.5 million in collateral business."

County Executive Rick Pollitt's blue-ribbon Civic Center Commission concluded that the preservation, improvement and expansion of the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center is absolutely essential to maintaining the cultural and economic quality of life our citizens have come to appreciate over the years.

In the coming months, Pollitt intends to discuss the commission's report on the future of the Civic Center through regional "town meetings" throughout the county.

Pollitt wants each and every citizen to weigh in on this matter, which is so crucial to the quality of life we enjoy in Wicomico County. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Shove that blue ribbon where the sun dont shine pollitt! As far as I'm concerned I'm boycotting the wy&cc because of wasteful spending on that expensive land deal and not listening to the citizens!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is everyone SO upset about? This parking lot costs each Wicomico County taxpayer $1.35!!!

Anonymous said...

Not only has there been tons of wasteful spending, Mackes has set the prices on renting the Center so high our children can't even have their proms there. I thought that was what the center was all about, our youth!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is SO upset because once again no one listens. The citizens of this county WERE NOT in favor of purchasing that land, but since Mr. Pollitt and the County Council just know everything here we are. Why do they even want input from citizens; when they announce something, they are going to do it, input or not, end of story. Keep in up, I know how to vote and so do alot more people of this county.

Anonymous said...

9:15 --

What a brilliant way to justify a ridiculous price for that property. But your math is messed up, Rick (or is that more of Fineran's blather).

Anonymous said...


If you want public input, why was the public hearing during the day?

Anonymous said...

We would rather have jobs, real jobs that pay well like what you make "Tricky-Ricky".

doug wilkerson said...

11 million a year, PROVE IT.

Anonymous said...

I will NOT, nor my family, be attending ANY functions at the Civic Center.
What is important is to get rid of the tax and revenue caps. The ONLY ones that profit from the caps are the realtors. THis County is SUFFERING because of those actions.

Anonymous said...

10:08am, I commend you on your boycotting also, along with the others. On the cap....NO ONE is supposed to profit, and until we can get another half of the council and a real executive that can budget! and budget WISELY the cap needs to stay in place! The cap is in place to help curtail wasteful spending.....imagine how bad it would be right now without it!

Anonymous said...

They want to have Public input but the ones they allow to speak is mostly the ones who agree with their position. Same as Obama does at his Town Halls. Ricky is another Pelosi / Reed. Shove it down their throats and TAX TAX TAX.

Anonymous said...

I thought that property was in the CITY!!
The Old Mall DEAL was a Dunn/Barry deal!!
Am I missing something about zoning in the city/county??? Does the city have to transfer this property to the county?? How much will the city want for this deal??
Educate this COUNTY resident!!

Anonymous said...

Almost no one is debating the WY&CC's ability to bring entertainment to the area.

There is limited debate as to whether the current land holdings offer the increased parking that county government wants.

There is a lot of debate about how much the county intends to pay and where the money comes from.

Anonymous said...

Pollitt should have discussed the commission's report with the public before the sale talks took place.

Anonymous said...

The Moody Blues last came here in 2003. Bob Dylan last played the WY&CC in 2000. This is 2010.

Have they both refused to come back to the building because of parking?

Anonymous said...

Tear the building down, build a bigger, better, more modern one. That will fix it. That is your only solution.

Apologize to the Woodcock family. Give them a big pile of cash.

Don't do anything at all and expect things to be better.

I wonder in which direction we will move...

Anonymous said... her credit, Gail Bartkovich delayed the vote for two weeks in order to allow the public to voice thier opinions.Some of you seem to think that no one supported the purchase...that's a false assumption.

10:47...the report has been available on the County website since it was published.Copies are also available at the County offices.

10:56...the promoters will not book if the parking is not seem to forget that the county has been using private land for 40 years and now the owners are going to develop it.They have previously fenced that area off so that it could not be used. Through negotiation,the fence was removed...for the time being. a new civic center with what money????? If we cannot "afford" $1.5 do we afford $115 million ???

Apologize to the Woodcock family for what,exactly? There is nothing to apoligize to them for....they don't own the land that is being purchased.

And before you all get I am not Rick...not Jim...not Gary. I just payed attention to the hearings.

Anonymous said...

Have a town meeting? You mean like the one he didn't even show up for. Wake up people, see this for what it was. And I do mean "WAS", The money has been made. Thanks again Mr. Pollitt, enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Looks as if Fineran is on the job. The reelect Pollitt to CE job that is, and we're paying for it.

Anonymous said...

The Woodcock family donated it for it to be a YOUTH and civic center.

Since it is too expensive for our youth to use, isn't that as much a breach of the contract as serving alcohol would be?

(For those who don't know, the legacy deed specified it was a free gift as long as no booze was served.)

Anonymous said...

maybe we can get some of the civic center employees to pick up the dog crap and trash on the side walks there .i was there yesterday between the cigarette butts,trash and crap i had to walk a maze to the ticket booth doors.