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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This Is War

The nation's top conservative leaders will gather Wednesday at Collingwood in Alexandria, Va.—a property that was once the site of George Washington’s River Farm—to sign a document organizers are calling the Mount Vernon Statement. It is designed to signal that a united and resurgent conservative movement is declaring philosophical war against the big government and moral relativism advanced by the nation’s liberal cultural, academic and political establishments.

The statement emphatically says no to the type of "change" pushed by political leaders who ignore the Constitution's limits on government power.

“In recent decades, America’s principles have been undermined and redefined in our culture, our universities and our politics,” says an excerpt from the statement. “The self-evident truths of 1776 have been supplanted by the notion that no such truths exist. The federal government today ignores the limits of the Constitution, which is increasingly dismissed as obsolete and irrelevant.

“Some insist that America must change, cast off the old and put on the new,” says the statement. “But where would this lead--forward or backward, up or down? Isn’t this idea of change an empty promise or even a dangerous deception?”

“The change we urgently need, a change consistent with the American ideal, is not movement away from but toward our founding principles,” it says.

The full document will be posted online at after 3 p.m. Wednesday.

The statement was drafted under the auspices of the Conservative Action Project, a coalition led by Edwin Meese, who served as a top White House adviser and then attorney general to President Ronald Reagan.

“It’s a document that we hope is going to serve as a compass for the movement so that when we have a debate such as, for example, on socialized health care, there should not be a degree to which government participates in national health care but whether government has the authority, the right to interfere in this issue,” Media Research President Brent Bozell told “If it doesn’t have the specifically enumerated right and responsibility spelled out in the Constitution, then the federal government should not be involved period.”

Lots more here..


Anonymous said...

Now thats a step in the right direction!!!

Alex said...

"L. Brent Bozell III, president of the Media Research Center (the parent organization of; Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner; Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist; Family Research Council President Tony Perkins, American Conservative Union President David Keene, Concerned Women for America President Wendy Wright; Coalition for a Conservative Majority Chairman Ken Blackwell; former Reagan Domestic Policy Adviser Ken Cribb; Let Freedom Ring President Colin Hanna, and Al Regnery, publisher of the American Spectator"

That's the best you can do?
Conservatives amuse me...

Anonymous said...

Way to set up a straw man so you can look tough knocking it down.

Please people, cut off all the partisan BS from both sides. They are collectively running this courntry into the ground.

Anonymous said...

Alex let's see how amused you are at election time.

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing partisan bs from both sides here....only 9:11am's typical progressive slander/defense. Unless your referring to the word conservative? These are grass roots leaders, we need grassroot ppl , thoughts and plans in order to keep these congressional crooks in check. I know most ppl link the word conservative with 1 party but how can you be against wasteful spending and not be conservative? Your straw man comment is just over my head I guess....

Alex said...

Well, then call them grassroot leaders instead of nation's top conservative leader.
Top conservative leaders would be Bush, Cheney, Huckabee, Romney, and Jindal.

As for 10:01 comment, just exactly whom would you want to see run in 2012 that woudl have a chance of defeating President Obama?

Anonymous said...

Alex, when we say "leaders" we mean leaders! Not wannabe's, not poster boys, not progressives posing as conservatives...Leaders. Refrain from automatically connecting positive words with a current party. It's not about party Alex, it's about taking our Country back from all the congressional crooks!

Anonymous said...

Alex, we want Palin to defeat Obama, she just has to be on the ticket somewhere, she doesn't have to be President.