Slick Willie’s latest heart procedure is an appropriate occasion to ponder what medical services would he have received under the Obama-care proposal that he was promoting last year. Given his current age and prior heart surgery at a fairly early age, his long-term prospects are not very favorable, despite his expensive therapeutic regime (which the average person can’t easily afford or in some cases obtain).
Under Obama-care a "Joe Blow" in similar circumstances would probably be entitled to a lifetime supply of aspirin and information about making a will. Oh, yes, and a bill for any emergency services he received.
There’s something else that Clinton probably will get, if he hasn’t already, that the rest of us can only imagine – a "get well soon" card from Monica.
does not apply to him or other elected officials, only to the little people.
Joe , you make it hard keeping this site PG !!!
Are you implying the death panels again?
Are you suggesting he gets the same care that the rest of us get now and this would change after the now defunct health care reform went into place? Are you dreaming or something? He was the President of the United States.
Unless your really really rich, there is no way you can get the same care he just received under the present system.
Clinton had a procedure that is being done every day at PRMC. Nothing fancy or special about it. They do thousands per year locally. Under "Obamacare" he would have recieved the same care. When you talk about "rationing" as in Canada or UK it is for elective procedures, not emergent ones. So if your 92 year old mother has bad arthritis and needs a new hip, yeah, she may need to wait longer that the 45 year old trauma victim. And as for the medications being too expensive for the average person. Most cardiac meds are available generically in some shape or form (e.g. generic beta blocker, ace inhibitors, etc...) So knock it off with the fear mongering.
2:42 pm why don't you sign your name to validate the information? slf
3:11, signing one's name does not validate the information. I also can not help but notice that you too are anonymous! (BTW: I am not 2:42, but I second what s/he wrote)
3:11 because anyone who would take a second to look it up would see that the info. is true. What the hell does signing a name do for validating the facts?
In fact the procedure is done nearly 1 million times a year in the US.
A close friend recently had a heart attack and received similar care. There is nothing "special" about this treatment. You critiques are sooooo much more effective when they are factually based.
-not 2:42
Yes the procedure is done "all the time" now because the docs and hospitals get paid by insurance in most cases. Under Obamacare, that could be a thing of the past for someone in Clinton's position -- age, medical history, etc. -- and not everyone could pay for the procedure out of pocket.
Stop Obamacare now, before it's too late
Since it would be bureaucrats making the decisions, Ole' Slick Willie would just pay off the decision makers and get rushed right in in front of you and me.
Sorry Bill...say hello to George, ABe, and others
I don't know, why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh, who received care in Hawaii, that already has the same thing that Democrats are proposing for the country?
4:31 you are a sheep. Most patients that get this procedure are covered by Medicare. Your statement is based on nothing. There is nothing in the health care reform bill about rationing care. Clinton had chest pain and had a cardiac cath and stents. You would receive the same care whether reform is passed or not. The difference is that now, your private company can deny the payment because you had a pre-existing condition or find another excuse not to pay. Guess who is stuck with that bill... either you pay it, or the tax payers are paying it. It is crazy that the folks arguing so vehemently against reforming the system are not involved in the daily struggle of health insurance. Trust me, the current system is completely broken and is bankrupting this nation.
10:22 - and you are an idiot.
When Obama and Pelosi call the shots, the Medicare rules can be changed to impose a rating scale for entitlement to procedures. Someone with Clinton;s condition and history could easily be denied. It's called Cost-benefit standards and the feds use it all the time -- a dollar value is put on your life, and it is dependent on factors such as age, history, etc.
If you want to keep things as they are now, stop the Obamacare express in Congress ASAP.
12:26 Where on earth do you come up with this? You are truly paranoid. There is no cost-benefit standard in medicare and there is no proposal of anything like this. And who on earth wants to keep things as they are now. Obviously you either have medicare and are able to get everything covered, or you haven't been sick enough to rely on your insurance company.
I just want to make sure I understand your logic however. If health care reform happens, then if you have chest pain or another emergency and go to the ER, you will not be treated until Obama and Pelosi are contacted and make a decision on the value of your life, and rather than save your life, the doctors wait for the government to decide if you should get the surgery or catheterization? Get real.
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