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Friday, February 12, 2010

Possible Fatal Shooting In Salisbury

The information is too fresh to deliver any major details. We're told the Salisbury Police Department is working with WBI at this time and we should have more details in the morning.


Anonymous said...

one victim is deceased and its WCSO, MSP and WBI, not Salisbury PD

Anonymous said...

Was on Booth Street. Confirmed Homicide.

Anonymous said...

Drug related? 4 females in the room according to no one else was hurt? Come on...this was not a typical home invasion!

Anonymous said...

Typical Home Invasion. just what would that be. At least five home invasions have ended in death in the city and county over the last year.

What is tyrical is the behavior of the African American drug trade in the county. Home invasion are also very popular with gangs. It is carried out against dealers that do not join the gang. It has a double message. We will kill you and take your dope and money.

The infiltration of "real gangs" opposed to the wantabes is very obvious in our community. Many of the armed robberies in the city were gang related.

The local gangs need to be investgated under federal R.I.C.O. statutes. An anti street crimes unit needs to be comprised of all law enforment agecies in the county and at least one member of the F.B.I.

Recent gang violence in Columbia South Carolina forced the police to form this type of unit to go after the Bloods there. The robberis, home invasions, and murders exploded in the city of one hundred thousand. Sound familiar, it should the demographics of Wicomico County are much the same.

I like most truned a blind eye to the issue until recently when I learned the Bloods have taken control of the Counties "West Side". The Booth Street area was prime for the taking by an organized gang. The drug trade in this county is a magnet to them. There is plenty of money to be made in this county. The bottom line is the hierarchy of major gangs is about making money for them. It is a criminal enterprise and meets the organized crime statutes of the Federal Goverment.

The drug ring recently broken up in the county proves that joint operations are effective in combating this type of criminal behavior.

It is like cancer that will continue to spread into our schools and small communites in our county. In times like these gangs become a safe haven for kids looking to belong somewhere. The problem is the gangs are about making money by illegal means. As the economy falls these gangs grow stronger.

If we do not address the issue now, like all cancers it will spread out of control. It needs to be addressed by both City and County Goverment. The funding needs to be met some way. I am sure there is federal grants available to combat this issue. If not we better look into our own funding.

The truth is many of the shootings and robberies could be gang initiations. Hthe fact is many gangs have new members to committ this type of crime to make their bones. It gives one status among the gang set.

We have multiple major correction facilities that are breeding grounds for numerous gangs. When these men and women are released they are usually affiliated with a gang. It is surival on the inside.

I was ahuge naysayer when all the gang talk started. It is a cold hard fact they are here and we can not let them get their roots dug to deep in our community. The ramifications far outweigh the lack of proactive efforts by law enforcement.

The unit could build intell and the proactive policing would have a lateral effect on street crimes in general.

I love this county and the people in it. We need to act now while the cancer is treatable. Like all criminal enterprise it will flourish if we fail to act. The latino gangs are flourishing in our county as well. When word spreads that business is good they all come. The Mexican Mafia or Setas have made a pact with the Bloods to traffic the mexican cartels products into the United States.

The men and women of these gangs are no more than domestic terrorist. We know for a fact that drug monies bleed back to terrorist who have one goal and that is to attack America any way they can with violence and financial strife. The billions in untaxed dollars affects our overall well being.

This is not a problem that will take care of itself. A war on gangs needs to be waged now if we are to combat the issue. We can not change the world. We can change our county.

The Wicomican.

Anonymous said...

Joe you were on this way before anyone else. People should have listened. The gangs are strong and getting stronger daily. It appears we have missed the boat on this one.

Keep up the great reporting

Anonymous said...

They definitely had an agenda, and it was to kill the young man only. and they will most likely get away with it, and that's not because of law incompetence, just come on...wish we could clean up some of these areas. Thankful every day that I know and trust my neighbors but barely hanging in being able to afford my rent, I never rule out having to move to a place I don't feel safe.

Chimera said...

What is it with Booth St and gun crimes?

Anonymous said...

SPD wad requested to asist in the search. SPD sent three units..

Anonymous said...

Wicomican...that is probably the most accurate post ever written

Anonymous said...

5:04 and Wicomican,that is probably the most accurate AND LONGEST post ever written. lol

Anonymous said...

Wicomican - Intel unit has been formed. You can Google Eastern Shore Information Center to learn more about them and their activities. Hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Let them all kill one another. Saves us time and money. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I am aware of E.S.I.C. I guess the question I have is do they actualyy go out and make arrest. It is my understanding they gather information from reports and regurgitate it back to the patrols and C.I.D.. If there are sworn officers on the group why would they not make arrest ? It would appear the Wicomican is asking for a unit that does go out and make arrest. The unit would know the intell because they are arresting the parties involed. Sounds like a great idea to me.

Joe do you know the answer on E.S.I.C. What do they actually do with their resources. Are they cops or civilians ?

I know first hand the gangs are here and very involved in criminal activity.

Anonymous said...

How can all you people be so cruel? Yeah I understand that gang violence is on the rise. But personally I suffered from this incident. And I will suffer for the rest of my life. Someone close to me is not here anymore.I cry everyday about it. And neither one of you people has posted that you feel some sort of sympathy. Well you know what, that young man is in a much better place now. And although I miss him terribly, this world is HELL. One day when someone walks into your house { I don't care what neighborhood you live in} and takes away one of the most important people in your life, you WILL feel my pain.