Having experienced 3 major snow storms in 10 days - I believe the situation is warranted to allow Wicomico to divert open space proceeds to the Maryland roadways account.
At the past Wicomico County Council meeting I testified in-favor of the action in light of the conditions of our County's roadways.
Many in the audience sneered at my suggestion - but in light of the recent snowstorms I'm sure they are much more receptive to the idea now.
I sure hope it works this time. You could loose a small car in some of those potholes.
Beezer I just noticed it also. My wife and I were just talking about this while sitting at the stop light at Walmart. If you look around the area it looks terrible. The potholes and cracks are terrible and they are everywhere.
I couldn't agree with you more. What a mess to have to contend with.
Well the problem isn't just the fact that they ran out of money due to improper allocation of money for snow storms... The main problem is, that there more worried about make new roads and such instead of fixing the ones they have first...
Think of it this way, the old roads get neglected so they can expand and make new roads else where... While the old roads are near gone, the newer roads get again neglected for far newer roads, and so forth... basically a chain... Now there is no money to fix the old roads, and they only focus on highways now more or less... They don't think to fix the existing stuff first... Same thing is happening to all the pipes and bridges... Look at NYC for the example, they have and 60 year old storm system which there afraid to fix now becasue if they lose the water pressure the structures will cave in... and if you don't fix them, the water seeps through the ground and up to 6 inches of water in peoples basements...
tree hugging is more important.
We could drive on the parking lot next to the civic center. It has cracks and holes too but they could be repaired before those nasty roads.
County council do some thinking about that darn parking lot and use the money where it is needed.
Think like it was your money..
Makes perfect sense (cents) to me.
Now maybe folks will understand why we plowed the new road.
When used in this sense 'advise' should be spelled 'advice'.
yes, and 'a-side' is spelled aside.
Reference 4:15
I will have to start using the spell check.
One of my habits - or should I say assets- is that I type almost 100 words per minute. When I write these articles I do them in a matter of seconds. That way I can go to work, make the bacon, report for SBYnews, etc.
Thanks again for your constructive criticism.
OMG!!! The roads in the city and county are horrible. My husband and I were talking about this subject tonight. I could name the roads for the city if they need a list. But man oh man, too many to name!! Maybe if the city and/or county got a lawsuit due to conditions of roads, then they may do something about it. But I guess it would take an accident of some sort for that to happen.
I've lived in Salisbury for 39 years and I have never seen the roads this bad as they are now!
I don't believe the Open Space many can be used for anything but open space, with trees and grass, etc.
Response to 12:38
Owe yes you can. Ehrlich did it quite often and that was not in times of emergency - like now.
O'Malley was receptive to the idea a few weeks ago when we posed the question to him. And that was before we had the catastrophic snow storms.
I know one thing for sure. The roads were destroyed by the past few storms. How in the world could a logical society designate money to purchase land when we are faced with a catastrophe like what has occurred over the past few weeks.
Inquiring minds would like to know.
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