Incumbent Senator Barbara Mikulski is not fit to serve another term!
"Mrs. Mikulski seriously fractured her right ankle last fall just prior to Edward M. Kennedy's death. Due to the severity of the fracture, she had to have open reduction surgery, that included the insertion of pins, as well as the use of special surgical boots, during recovery. She had tried to arrive in time for Mr. Kennedy's funeral but was turned away.
Her recovery has been exceptionally slow and she is evidently still in a great deal of pain. Reportedly, she has told her physician that she does not desire to seek reelection. Additionally, friends and family have been saying in the near future she will announce her retirement. Because of the very slow recovery, she has been forced to use a wheelchair, a walker or a cane in order to get around.
One of her complaints is that the health insurance that is provided for Congress is "poor" with high deductibles and "limitations" on coverage. My contact tells me that she told an aide that she should have inserted in the ObamaCare bill an amendment to improve Congressional health insurance!
Mrs. Mikulski was first elected to the Senate in 1986, and thus is a very senior member of the Democratic caucus. Despite this seniority, she has never been offered any important chairmanships or leadership positions. Born on July 20, 1936, she is 74 years old, come July...it is perhaps fitting that she has choose this year to retire." - from the Vail Spot blog
Let's give her the send-off she deserves!!
GO HERE to see more.
That's pretty insensitive.
Godd riddance! She has been a stain on the face of the political landscape for years. Best wishes to her and her girlfriend.
Another nail in the coffin for liberal democrats. She was never any thing more that a tax and spend liberal.
Other than her securing money's for Wallops Island and keeping their doors open.....she's as worthless as they come in my opinion. The good lord see's the same thing!
Good riddance, you worthless troll of a human.
Sounds to good to be true
Well I know for a fact the old bat was having her toenails trimmed just about weekly by a podiatrist courtesy of the congressional health insurance plan.
She used to bring in her baloney sandwich and have her lunch while the poor podiatrist was trimming her toenails!
Give me a hatchet I'll trim her toenails for FREE, maybe then she could remember the very day she vowed to tax and spend the citizens to death!
ANOTHER LIFE TIME Politician, that has sucked the life out of the people.
What has she really done to help? Ted Kenedy, andother one that got away with a crime and has spent his life on the tax payers dollars.
Lets play a game, look at the politicians that are severly over weight and out of shape from sitting on their butts. How long have they been in congress doing nothing.
Too FUnny!
Who is in worst shape health wise Republicans, or Democrats? Wow, it would be a cool survey....
shes done nothing for the eastern shore.
Disagree with her politically, but this kicking someone when they are down is in very poor taste.
She has been a big supporter of Wallops/Goddard. If she does leave, that will be a huge loss. I hope her compatriots in Congress from Maryland and future replacements are of supportive of those places as she has been.
Where is Alan Keys, maybe he will run again.
4:22pm...she had NO problem taxing all us citizens when we were down!
4:23pm.....if wallops n goddard werent big wasteful spenders and all the wages 3 times what they should be, there would be no worries of funding! Suck it up! Tighten your belts! You've been spoilt and wasteful for far to long....we're taking our Country Back!!!!!!!
According to yesterday's Washington Post this is a bunch of rumors being spread. They said also that she is going to run, she is not using crutches, or a cane, or a wheelchair. I checked your article out Joe because it sounded too good to be true and also because the information looked fake. Too bad you cannot, will not or just plain do not know how to do your own investigation before reporting something as gospel.
I will believe it when she publicly says it. She is very old and should stay at home spending time with her girlfriend.
Federal Employees Health Care Benefits.
If you believe the Senator when she complains about her health care Goggly the above and check out her plan.
A plan that you and I pay more for her to have than she does.
anonymous 5:09, you are wrong. First of all, there have been several Blogs, (including one with the Washington Post) who have been discussing this matter.
I waited several days before saying/publishing anything.
Don't let the door knob hit you (probably in the back of the head) on your way out. She was bad for business and never saw a tax increase she didn't like. Thanks for nothing Barbs...
wargotz is a clown. glad to see her go!
Bye Bye BABS, and good riddance! Hello Mr. Rutledge! He will make a fine replacement.
says on balto sun blog that she will announce she will run in march. She said she definitely run and she is over her ankle injury.
Jim Rutledge for US Senate. Wargotz is not the man we need. Jim is the perfect man for the job. Live Free!
This only goes to show how dumb we are for only voting for the person with the letter "D" next to their name. The people in California keep doing and look where they are.
BTW the same goes for people who only vote for Repulicans as well. Until we start researching who we vote for these leeches will live on. Mikulski has done very little for the state of MD and taken too much.
good maybe she'll get mugged on a regular basis!
first that scumbag sarbanes quit, now mikulski! but i am sure maryland's pg, montgomery, howard and baltimore counties can find a another scumbag to send in to replace her, hell they already got one for sarbanes in cardin!
"She has told her physician that she does not desire to seek reelection"
Now THIS is interesting... I think we found the source of these rumors.... her physician.
Which, coincidentally, if turns out to be true, would be gross violation of HIPAA regulations regarding patient privacy.
If I were someone on Senator Mikulski's staff trying to figure out the source of these false rumors, I'd be looking very carefully at her physician.
Let's look at some the commentary allegedly supporting this rumor.
Every time someone mentions why this rumor about her retirement is true, it has to do specifically with the Senator's health, and contains claims/information all of which very easily could have been provided by her physician.
For example:
1. "seriously fractured her right ankle" - something her physician would know;
2. "had to have open reduction surgery" - something her physician would know;
3. "included the insertion of pins" - something her physician would know;
4. "the use of special surgical boots, during recovery" - something her physician would know;
5. "Her recovery has been exceptionally slow" - something her physician would know;
6. "she is evidently still in a great deal of pain" - something her physician would know;
7. "she has told her physician that she does not desire to seek reelection" - HELLO!?!? Could you BE MORE OBVIOUS?
8. "she has been forced to use a wheelchair, a walker or a cane in order to get around." - something her physician would know;
9. "One of her complaints is that the health insurance that is provided for Congress is "poor" with high deductibles and "limitations" on coverage" - something her physician would know;
10. "she told an aide that she should have inserted in the ObamaCare bill an amendment to improve Congressional health insurance" - something her physician would know.
9:56, a physician who might be friends with Andy Harris maybe?
Or perhaps it is mostly B.S. spread by a loser candidate.
I vote the latter.
Oh, oopsy...it's DOCTOR Wargotz.
Barbara Mikulski is smarter than to have a physician who would talk, let alone to Wargotz.
Wargotz, what a flake.
Say what you will. I think the Wargotz campaign is brilliant! Creative and bold...that's what we need in Maryland and the Nation.
The other us senate candidates are nonsensical.
She might as well retire because we are not electing any more Democrats. The American people have good sense and know that our country and state of Maryland need a good house-cleaning.They have really screwed our country up. Smooth talk of change and stimulus and other catchy words certainly led the American people to follow the Pied Piper right down the drain. Is everybody happy with the state that our country and state of Maryland is in?? Only fools make the same mistake twice. Remember this in the November election.
Wow , any excuse to get out of town and insure the fat retirement.
Time for Frankie Boy K to move on up.
Good riddance - and as they say in show business "break a leg"
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