PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Ten American Baptists were being held in the Haitian capital Sunday after trying take 33 children out of Haiti at a time of growing fears over possible child trafficking.
The church members, most from Idaho, said they were trying to rescue abandoned and traumatized children. But officials said they lacked the proper documents when they were arrested Friday night in a bus along with children from 2 months to 12 years old who had survived the catastrophic earthquake.
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They wanted to brainwash them to add to their church.
idiot zealots. there are chsannels. Exactly where from did their permission to do this emanate?
They deserve what they get.
Why don"t groups like this extend the same concern for thousands of American children who need good homes? Is there more prestige with a poor black foreign child? giwi
They do but reporting on the good is usually not news worthy. Look at all the churches in the area. Look how many of them have youth groups that are open to everyone. Look at some of the churches that have buses to pick up the kids. Look how many of the churches have food pantries, give out help to people that need it. They do ALOT you just dont hear about the good.
The people in Haiti keep having these kids and they can't support them and there is no welfare there so they give them to an orphanage.
I have said the same thing all along! Glad to see i'm not the only one who feels this way.
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