Folks, I am receiving messages from readers wondering if I happen to know of anyone who has a Snow Plow, willing to come out to certain homes and plow some of the longer driveways.
I'm certain these people are willing to pay for your services. That being said, if you're interested, please provide me with a phone number so people can contact you.
NOTE: I will NOT publish a phone number under comments. If you send me the phone number through e-mail I will publish it. alberobutzo@wmconnect.com
Keep in mind Folks, these people are probably pretty darned busy right now, so don't expect a quick response to this request. If you happen to own a snow plow and have watched it sit there and rust for the past 10 years, its time to get out there and finally make that thing pay for itself for once.
Well, I guess I spoke too fast. Here's the first one in already.
Henry Hall
John Elliott
Ocean City/Berlin Areas
JNS Services
Foster Hess
George Whited III
Littles Landscaping
Chuck Gordy
Westside Area
Ed Choquette
Gladden Snow Removal.
Thanks Joe for getting numbers out for us. We really appreciate it.
george whited III
Littles Landscaping
410-430-7078 he is in pittsville now doing the same thing
Littles Landscaping is the best!!!!!
ok, so I am a bit biased.....Hi Uncle George and cousin Little!!!!
joe... can always count on you!!! Thanks from Stranded in Pittsville!
I just got home from Salisbury. Most of the back roads are still crap. Where are the county trucks? I did see a DE state truck in Delmar out plowing but I saw no WICO trucks out at all. If you can, stay OFF the back roads. If the road is shaded by trees or its an open field the roads are a mess.
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