DON CHERRY of "Hockey Night in Canada" was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought about the allegations of torture of suspected terrorists.
His reply prompted his ejection from the studio, but to thunderous applause from the audience.
If hooking up one raghead terrorist prisoner`s testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camelshagger will save just one Canadian life, then I have only three things to say:
1. Red is positive
2. Black is negative
3. Make sure his nuts are wet
wholeheartedly agree.
Ouch !
Absolutely agree.
We Americans no longer believe that our government should be held in check.
We no longer feel the need for fair trials, and assumptions of innocence until PROVEN guilty by a jury of our peers.
We believe our government thugs are always right - except for when they are wrong. And then, they are only mistaken.
That made me laugh out loud, funny, don't care who you are...and not so funny if you are one of the suspected terrorists (BTW 11:50am they are not citizens and do not have the same rights as citizens)
Well said 12:56. Another apologist from 11:50. Its always our (The USA)fault. Our fault they bombed the WTC in 1993 or 94. Our fault they bombed the USS Cole, Our fault they bombed the Kenyan Embassy and last,but not least- sadly-9/11/2001. Its our fault. I think our gov't has shown remarkable restraint! (with exception-there's always a bad apple or two). Our war has been targeted -our response has been appropriate-and further more, who gives a rats ass if we have to torture a few rats to get the truth to save millions? And don't give me that "2 wrongs don't make a right" or "We're Americans-we're better than that" crap. The world is an ugly place and our country needs to stay on the leading edge of keeping us safe. Islamist terrorist have one goal and one goal only- TO KILL US! get it? They don't play by the same rules-so you play by theirs. down and dirty. got it?
Don Cherry is great. He says what we think. Despite the bleeding heart whiners like 11:50 we don't all have to be PC. To bad the thousands this scum have killed couldn't check in on the issue. Bet they could care less about PC.
I have a Diehard he can borrow
This is fake.
yes it our fault you idiots. How ignorant do you have to be to not understand that the main objective of American foreign policy over the last four decades has been to oppress and impoverish hundreds of millions of people so that we can take the natural resources we want and find new monopoly markets for our multinational corporations. Why do think in most developing nations in the world there is such resentment to American influence? I suggest you read a book once and a while and stop watching fox news.
"We no longer feel the need for fair trials, and assumptions of innocence until PROVEN guilty by a jury of our peers."
We are talking about foreign terrorists who want to destroy our freedoms, not be subjected to them. We have rights in this nation, and anyone who wants to torture a terrorist is doing nothing more than giving them the treatment their own people give prisoners thus, giving them exactly what they are fighting for. They are not welcome to the rights we enjoy, they reject our freedoms.
To 11:57 AM
I would suggest to you that you start reading some other books that might give you the FULL story instead of just pushing any negatives that may have come from this country. Yes, there are some in this country that have not always lived up to the highest of ideals. Show me ANY country where that has happened? But then look again at ALL that this country has done to HELP so many in other countries while looking for NOTHING in return. That is, if you have the real desire to see the truth instead of just passing on a totally blind hatred. That attitude will do nothing to help things, as you supposedly want to do, just make things worse.
Also to 11:57 AM
As a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, if you think the United States sucks so much, get the fuck out or stay the fuck away. You haven't earned the right to bitch. God save you, because the veterans already have.
This phony never served a day in his life, yet has no problem supporting torture which endangers the life of every soldier in a war zone. When your enemy belives that he will be tortured he is less likely to surrender, thus extending the firefight and creating the opportunity for more of our guys to be killed. The belief that you will be tortured only serves to strengthen your resolve to fignt on. No combat soldier whould ever make such a stupid statement. Only clerks who never were in danger of being tortured themselves.
i wonder what he would say if "they" did that to one of our guys??????
If our brave soldiers get captured these people behead them, where is your liberal outrage at that? Hell, they'll stone their own daughters to death during a soccer half time, where are the womens rights groups defending them? I say hook up the cables, run the other end to an American made Peterbuilt and fire it up!
Aside from moral objections, there's another reason torture is pointless. It doesn't work as a method of intelligence gathering. Running a current through a suspect's balls might make him scream - but he won't necessarily tell you the truth. He'll tell you anything you want to hear to make the pain stop. So it's an unreliable method for finding the truth.
What it's really good at is inspiring terror. As 12:04 said, if the enemy believes he may be tortured, he is much more likely to fight harder and dirtier.
It gives them something to use against us, too. Remember Abu Ghraib? It was a beautiful piece of propaganda for Al Qaeda in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were outraged by that, and joined the resistance against us because of it.
The way we're going to win this war isn't by becoming sadistic sons of bitches: that'll just make them fight us more. We'll win by fighting strong and fair, where we have to, and by showing them that we've got it right: freedom, democracy, and respect for human rights makes your country strong and gives your people the best life.
I am also a disabled veteran, and I strongly feel that we should take care of our own before we start helping out the developing nations. I also feel that we should handle terrorists any way we need to, in order to get the information we need. If they were going to blow them selves up in order to kill others, then why should it matter if we torture them? We may be saving your wife and children by doing this.
Read all the posts. It was easy to determine which commenters had never been in the military and had no intention of ever being in the military. The bit about fighting harder if you fear being tortured is pure baloney. Any troop will tell you that once bullets are flying you do not think about torture, you think about surviving. The comment about torture begetting lies: probably true in some cases--But what makes you think that lack of torture or threat of torture begets the truth; oh, the naive still live.
In the 50's I attended college, lived for 2 years with one of Saddam's henchmen, and got to closely know several of his friends. If you've never read the Koran, or listen to many Arabs explain their religious and political ideology, do yourself a favor... sit down & SHUT up... please! Their culture, and thinking, are struggling to get out of the 1st century!
Mr Cherry
As an American who saw first hand on the front lines of what insane human life loss was at New York , World Trade Centers without reservation you are a man that represents a breath of fresh air in our both nations rush to political correctness .
In the name of all those FDNY, NYPD , Port Authority Police and yes innocent civilians as well as, US Military and Canadian Military that made the ultimate sacrifice.. I honor you sir .
Enzo F. Cannizzo
Citizen of the United States of America
OOOH RAH!!!!! light em up!!!
It is pretty hard to claim we are bringing democracy to the "lesser countries" if we lose the moral high ground by deigning ourselves to torture. The second we do that, we become worse than those we are fighting.
If we are gonna be the World's Police, we at least need a code of ethics, including an unrelenting reproach for terror and torture.
Our USofA has got really good at the covering stuff up.. I say lite the balls up & find out what needs to be found ..& Hey What the Hell they gonna Hate us any old way.. No matter what Good we do in the World..they Hate us ..We do a bad & Can they Hate Us More?? Hate is Hate it Destroys what it touches & the Terrorist bring on a whole new perspective in the Soup. The USA as a people want everyone to have what we have... Freedom & Rights to do & think & Believe .. Me ,I'm Proud to be an American, Mistakes & all!!
For the persons who don't agree. God forbid it but, lets hear your feelings if something happens to one of your family members. The public will only take so much terrorist deaths before the citizens take action (vigilantism). Then there will be a true unjust to innocent middle easterner people.
Don Cherry your the greatest,
I like your comments,wish more people would speak their mind like you do !
Don Cherry for Prime Minister
Don Lynum
Maple Ridge,BC,Canada
Where are the Muslim moderates, being passive will never pacify these jihadist. They never want reconciliation only confrontation. Show me a Muslim country where their is a semblance of tolerance, hooray for speaking out!!
Perry Kemp, Winter haven, FL
Just be sure the battery has been freshly charged; don't want it to run out of juice during the "interrogation" (as THEY would call it)
I'm a little late but oh well. The following is directed at July 8, 2010 1157 AM. Your shared disbelief with the developing nations of the world regarding American foreign policy, which you clearly expressed, is NOT justification for murdering thousands of innocent people or beheading American/British journalist. The Middle East is the most violent place in the universe known to man and has been since the beginning of recorded history. Considering you believe that both violence is an acceptable response to "foreign policy" and we can simultaneously change the omnipresent culture of violence which has existed in the Middle East since the beginning of time while winning the war on terror by "fighting fair and showing them the right way" is beyond reason. The only rational explain to your irrational and delusion chain of thought can be an emotional tie to the plight of the Arab people. Like all "sheeple" you think through emotions. Finally in an unrelated note, I personally find it ironic you mentioned oppression as an attempt to justify unjustifiable actions committed by a people who hold the gold standard regarding oppression of their women and young girls. You are either "one of them" or COMPLETELY clueless. Don Cherry delivered a perfect message and God bless the USA and Canada.
I agree with Sept 26, 2014 11:18, People need to get their heads out of the sand and look at what is really happening, Big corporations are a big part of this problem as they are raping the third world countries around the planet. The people have been trying to fight back anyway they could for decades. Our Governments have been looking the other way. This inaction on their part has created this mess. With wars going on in Africa for years and years, slaughtering and genocide. What do you thing would be the result of that unchecked behavior. Big Business needs to be put in check and they have to stop their greedy ways, and our governments need to stop handing our millions of dollars to dictator countries as aide. We all know the people never get any of that money anyway.
Those in ISIL that started this need to be irradiated along with any that hold their believes. If you allow their children to live, they will want revenge and again we will have to relive this, we know this for all we have to do is look at history of our human race.
Don Cherry does not speak for Canada. We do not torture. We do not compromise our values by fighting terror with inhumanity. Clearly, the tortures of Abu Graib solved nothing and only made more enemies for the West. Canada will deal with this calmly, rationally, and responsibly. We are the True North Strong and Free. And we have learned from the mistakes of the past. Don Cherry is an irresponsible, reactionary, racist who should stick to hockey... RIP Cpl. Cirillo
The bleeding hearts don't get it, never have, & never will. Don, you are a throwback to a time when men were men, & they said what needed to be said in times of turmoil & damn anybody's feelings if they didn't like what was said. I'm a proud hockey player & proud to have you as my Northern neighbor. Fry these terrorist cavemen in hell!
I just had the pleasure of seeing Don's comments for the first time this morning. Thank you, Don, for saying what so many Americans (USA and Canada) believe. For the record, incidents of US "torture" were few and done in an atmosphere of not knowing when the next attack would come. Many on this blog, post or whatever it is, seem to think this took place in a vacuum, not a time when the lives of so many around the world were in imminent danger. To look at these rare instances in a vacuum is pointless & irresponsible. I don't think anyone really "likes" torture, but if the choice is between that or the deaths of hundreds or thousands, there really isn't any argument against it, is there? Or are those of you who oppose the practice willing to volunteer your friends and family as the next victims of these sadistic killers? The USA's current practice is to just send a couple of drones over and kill everyone in the vicinity of a known terrorist. Problem solved, right? No torture, and no intelligence. So this is preferable in your minds, right? Please justify this current state of affairs. Or should we do neither (torture nor drones) and just apologize for our perceived slights to them of the past? Think that's gonna work?
Good lord. These people who want to lay down and let evil run over them are the same idiots who tried to appease Hitler. You do not give equal rights to madmen. You bleeding hearts here in North America and over in Europe are only sitting here typing on a computer alive and free because of the very things you oppose. We did not win WWII be being kind to Nazis and giving them the same rights we do other human beings. Once the war was over, we hunted down as many as we could find and put them on trial and executed them which is more than they deserved.
Frankly waterboarding and sleep deprivation isn't bad and pretty much pussy torture.
I'd hate to imagine how you whiny libs would cry if I were in charge.
I'd give these terrorists some real fun. I'd bloodlet them in painful way but keep them alive by blood transfusions.
I'd sew their mouths shut then force them to tear it open to eat.
I'd put a tap in the top of a room and chain them up directly beneath it. A droplet of acid would drop down every 15 minutes.
I'd put them in a room with a clock. Chain them to a metal plank and make them watch the seconds tick down until the plank became heated up and they sizzled just enough to burn and hurt but not do much damage and then reset the clock for another hour.
I'd put them in a hole filled with dead rotting bodies and only allow them to shit if they ate a bite of rotting flesh. If they shit without bring seen taking a bite they would be forced to eat their own shit.
This is the kind of stuff our government should be doing but lacks guts and imagination. The Saw movie franchise has better torture practices than our current pussy agencies.
Dear Don Cherry,
If you connect two batteries together in series, you get twice the voltage!!!!
A word of caution; This should be done outdoors; fried scrotum gives off a terrible odor.
A fellow Redneck Canuck.
Right on Don! There's too many bleeding heart do-gooders like our owm prime minister here in Canada who are too weak and spineless to stand up to anyone. Basically, Isis (along with the Taliban, Boko Harum, Al Quaida etc.) are the vermin of this world and need to be exterminated now. They represent the lowest form of life on this planet and the absolute scum of humanity and do not deserve to be treated like human beings. Interesting that no-one seems to be concerned or care much about the atrocities or crimes against humanity committed by these worthless maggots, or take that into consideration when these maggots are in the justice system. The world needs to go on total hardcore lockdown NOW in dealing with these maggots. They forfiet any rights to be treated as a human being and it should be automatic death penalty anywhere in the world for even being a member of one of these groups, let alone doing anything and that should include aiding & abetting terrorists too. And for countries (like Canada) that are too wimpy to have a death penalty, the maggot will be extradited to the nearest country that does.
Thanks Justin Trudeau
You pathetic wh
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