LORA Presents The Inaugural "Tastes for Tomorrow"
Dear Community Business Partner;
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring LORA’s upcoming inaugural “Tastes for Tomorrow Scholarship Gala”. Our event was designed to generate funds in order to assist two local students in their pursuit of higher education in the culinary field. It is our intention to continue to offer this scholarship on an annual basis to qualified individuals who meet the scholarship criteria as determined by area school administrators. Our goal is to set aside these funds in perpetuity.
This year’s western themed gala will take place at Chef Fred’s Chesapeake Steakhouse on March 6, 2010. With 17 members in our organization, we will showcase a wide assortment of freshly prepared food from 6pm until 8pm, accompanied by a cash bar. Randy Lee Ashcraft will then provide entertainment and there will be dancing and socializing from 8pm to 11pm. During the gala, we will have a live Chef’s Auction in which the services of several local chefs will be won by the highest bidder, as well as other equally high-end donated items. A silent auction will also be featured. Tickets for this gala are quite reasonably priced at $30 each, or two for $55. This promises to be an outstanding event!
LORA is seeking help from civic-minded local businesses like yours to make our first fundraiser a success. We have included with this letter a page to give you an idea of some of the ways in which your business will benefit when you choose a sponsorship level. Your organization, as well as ours, can reap rewards when our community image is one of local businesses supporting local students, and aiding our community during this recessionary economy. Public perception is invaluable, and we want to invite you to partner with us in this worthy project.
We would like the opportunity to answer any questions you might have about “Tastes for Tomorrow”. In addition to offering sponsorships, we are still seeking wonderful items for our auctions! Contact information is included with this letter, so don’t hesitate to give us a call. E-mail information has also been provided, so that we can quickly get your business logo on all advertising materials and our website as well. We hope to hear from you soon!
Stewart Davis
President, LORA
Additional Information
"Tastes For Tomorrow"
Scholarship GALA
A Scholarship Fundraiser for the Chefs of Tomorrow
Where: Chef Fred's Chesapeake Steakhouse
When: Saturday, March 6, 2010 at 6pm
The Local Owner Restaurant Association has designed this event to help create and maintain a scholarship fund for two applicants each year. These funds will help supplement further education in the culinary arts field. The scholarship will be presented to qualified individuals who attend schools in the Wicomico County and Delmar areas. To be an invaluable part of this event, please review the sponsorship levels on the following page and contact Pat Scott or Jinya Bennett at 410-742-7665, or reach them by email at either pscott1234@aol.com or princessjinya@netzero.net.
Sponsorship Levels
Executive Chef Level - $750 -
Limited to 8 investors
At this level, you will receive...
Distinction as a major presenter of the gala, mentioned in all television, radio, newspaper, print and poster advertising, both as public service announcements and paid advertising. You will hear and see the phrase "Scholarship Gala brought to you by Your Company Name ".
Your business logo prominently located, along with recognition as a major presenter on LORA's website, as a leading corporate sponsor of the event.
Your logo and company name on posters distributed locally.
The opportunity to display a banner at the gala, and on poster boards provided by LORA
Six complimentary tickets to the event (valued at $180)
A LORA Gift Pack (valued at $170)
Chef Level - $500 - Limited to 12 investors
At this level you will receive...
Recognition as a Major Sponsor on selected materials advertising the event.
Logo inclusion and recognition as a Chef Level Sponsor on LORA's website.
Your logo and company name on posters distributed locally.
Placement on sponsorship signage at the event.
A LORA Gift Pack (valued at $100)
Four complimentary tickets to the event (valued at $120)
Cook Level - $250 - Limited to 6 investors
At this level you will receive...
Recognition as a sponsor on selected marketing materials.
Logo inclusion and recognition as a Cook Level Sponsor on LORA's website.
Your logo and company name on posters distributed locally.
Two complimentary tickets to the event (valued at $60).
Please contact Pat Scott at (443-614-6300), Jinya Bennett at (410-742-7665), or Alex Bubas at (443-783-4214). We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our "Tastes for Tomorrow" Scholarship Gala.
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