Budget ends work on shuttle follow-on vehicle, known as Orion
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida - President Barack Obama wants to end NASA's moon program, turn over space transportation to commercial companies and jump-start technologies needed for future human exploration of Mars and other destinations, officials said on Monday.
The plan is part Obama's budget for the fiscal year to September 30, 2011, which was unveiled on Monday and must be approved by the Congress.
NASA, which currently receives about $18 billion a year, has been working to develop a replacement for the space shuttles, which are being retired this year after five more missions to complete construction of the orbiting International Space Station, a $100 billion project of 16 nations.
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Prime contractors on the Ares rocket program include ATK Launch Systems, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne and Boeing Co. Lockheed Martin is the lead contractor on the Orion capsule. Obama's way to take out more American jobs. I hope there will be something left in 3 years for us to rebuild this mess.
The hell with all this mars, moon and spacestaion crap!!!! fix the friggin economy,get the hgomeless off the streets....fix it all then you can play with my tax dollars!!! WOW what a moron!!!
Interesting! 1:19 makes a (correct)observation about the economic impact of terminating a portion of the space program, and 1:32 responds by spewing garbage talk and ends up calling 1:32 a name.Kind of obvious who the "moron" is....
Maybe try reading the article, he wants to axe the program to save 18 BILLION a year. This is a good thing.
Here is a way to fund going back to the moon. Let us look at and consider a reduction in the salary and benefits of your president and Congress. Maybe a few less people going to Copenhagen (sp?) would save some bucks also. How about getting rid of half of the czars adn their entire staff. Wow..it is beginning to add up fast now. If I keep going we might find enough money for 2 moon stations and some plastic surgery for old Pelosi.
I think it would be great if people went to the moon.
It would also be great if everyone could eat and drink clean food and water.
What's not being said is that NASA, relative to other Agencies, has one the greatest concentration of Private Sector contractors. This will kill more private sector jobs.
If he wants to do something practical, outsource the Post Office. UPS is literally subcontracting to the Post Office for small parcel deliveries.
I read the article but what I don't understand is that part of the stimulus is to be provided to create and save existing jobs. With that said all I have seen so far is giving money to the banks and automobile manufacturers with the CEO's getting big bonuses. This scheme isn't working and now we are going to have even more unemployed as a direct result of this cut. I really don't get it.
The costs are far greater than the dollar value! The NASA budget is only a tiny tiny portion of federal dollars, and only a tiny portion of what it was in the 70's when we went to the moon the first time. The Constellation program is WELL under way and represents tens of thousands of jobs. If you want to talk about saving or creating jobs there's a great way.
NASA represents our dominance in engineering, science, and technology. It inspires future generations to go into those fields as well. As a student in engineering, the thought that I would graduate into a world where we're going back to the moon and Mars was very motivating. Now why would any kid want to be an engineer? Or dream to be an astronaut? By axing this program, you're axing America's technical dominance of the world.
Meanwhile, in Beijing, thousands of chinese guys are working feverishly on plans for the first (and ONLY) military base on the moon, which they will OWN, once they do that.
And make no mistake, that IS their plan.
Imagine the power of being able to fire beam weapons from the moon-- who is going to stop you? There's no defense.
The chinese recently admitted that the militarization of space IS their goal.
And, since the Clintons enabled the chinese to acquire US missile guidance technology in exchange for help with their campaign funding, things have moved into high gear.
Better start learning chinese.
for all you folks who bash on obama for spending money and then bash on him for not spending money, perhaps you could present a list of your preferred projects and then send along to your congressman.
It really seems like you complain either way.
2:55 PM:
while it sounds like a great idea to outsource the USPS to UPS or FedEx, it isnt all that practical in rural regions. UPS doesnt have the capacity for final mile delivery(especially in rural areas).
In order to do this, they would have to spend a considerable amount to ramp up (passing that on to the consumer), or reduce service. which would you like? more expensive, reduced service, or both?
Again, the right shows that is opposed anything at all that has to do with Obama.
When has the GOP ever thought dropping money into NASA every year was a good idea? When? When has the GOP ever had an opposition to letting the "free market" lead the way for all of us? When?
Only after a Democratic president changes the game. Obama is opening a door for free enterprise to take the lead in space exploration and telling NASA to change its priorities.
My belief is that people like 2:55 would balk if Obama proposed exactly what he wanted in regards to the Postal Service, while railing about the loss of jobs and some other mumbo-crap.
You will hate everything he does during his time in office. We get it.
Come up with ideas, win the White House, or shut up.
(And please, please, please nominate Sarah Palin and Scott Brown next time around. Please. Please.)
Leave NASA alone. They are huge for National Security.
Axe the Department of Energy created by Jimmy Carter. Just what in the he!! do they do?
3:21 Your statement is correct. The only problem is Obama spends ALOT of money on things that will increase the national debt without return.You see you have to be brilliant to make a trillion $ dissapear. That is not easy to do. That is what you must do to destroy capitalism, freedom and the US $
5:09 what is wrong with you?!?!
see people THIS is why the "tea baggers" are bad for our GOP. The ultimately only serve to divide us and hold our legislators hostage to their demands.
Isnt this kind of what everyone wants government to do?Step back and let private enterprise take the reins?
Well, yeah, Bluto.. except for the aspect of the militarization of space, which a private company can't deal with.
What would Boeing do to the chinese when they try to claim the moon?
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