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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Multiculturalism Will Break Apart The United States

The American Constitution has the strength to hold us together because America has never been an empire. America is one nation with one culture. Inside our borders we have different subcultures: Italian-American, African-American, Irish-American, German-American, etc. Multiculturalism is entirely different. It fosters the establishment of completely separate and distinct cultures within the borders of a nation. By doing so, it transforms a single culture into many, distinct cultures. This “change” transforms one nation into multiple, distinct nations, and if these nations remain united, they together constitute an empire.

“Multiculturalism” is a euphemism that suggests accepting and loving of all people. Unfortunately, multiculturalism does not promote love. Instead, it causes angst and division. Instead of emphasizing similarities, it underscores differences. This also applies to the term Diversity. Interestingly, both terms happen to be two of the most popular Politically Correct words of the day. To Obama and his liberal supporters, you are good if you support Diversity and Multiculturalism, and you are evil if you don’t.

It has been reported that Major Hasan stated he considers himself a Muslim before an American. Although he lives within American borders and wears an American military uniform, according to Obama and anyone who supports Multiculturalism, it is perfectly acceptable for Hasan to belong to his own distinct nation—the nation of Islam. Obama might have been correct in stating America is not at war with Islam, but there is no doubt Islam is at war with us.

Many conservatives are pointing out political correctness allowed the massacre of our young men and woman in uniform last week. Actually, political correctness, through its themes of Multiculturalism and Diversity ENCOURAGED IT. Americans, please open your eyes. Don’t just believe in what sounds good. Believe in what is good.


Anonymous said...

Racial differences will become a non-issue within the next three or so generations as the world’s many and varied racial colors are assimilated into one tone by inter-marriage. That will be a good thing. However, the problem of religious struggle for world domination will still exist. This struggle is the greatest threat to world peace now and into the distant future. Religion and the war it causes will be the end of mankind.

Anonymous said...

Great article. I can't tell you how much I disagree with "our strength is our diversity." I believe we are a melting pot and everyone should learn the language and accept our culture rather than trying to impose their culture on me. If everyone had to learn English they would.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that Judaism and Islam do not, and will not exist comfortably next to each other. The tennants of these two religions are not negotiable. Each one recognizes inhuman evil abiding in the other. Those who believe in one of these two religions believe in the existence of Satan.
American Christians do not believe in Satan. They speak about his existence in the past, but do not believe he exists now or influences governments in any way. American Christians are therefore incapable of understanding the real-ness of Judaism and Islam.
It is for this reason alone, that Americans will lose their land. We are incapable of understanding reality. We just don't get it.
Too bad

Anonymous said...

Oh, great, so now we're going to blame Muslims in the military for all our ills.

Go to Arlington. There are Crescents. They too are good enough to die for their country, and you use this day of all days to sow the seeds of hatred.


Anonymous said...

Screw the Muslims they are terrorists and must be gotten rid of !

Anonymous said...

American Christians do not believe in Satan? What planet are you living on? Of course they do.

Also, whoever thinks we'll blend into one same-hued global community also is off by a few thousand years.

Chimera said...

No offense but having all the dark and light races "watered down" into one big common race is NOT a "good thing".What makes us special are the very things that make us different.Remember what happened in Babylon when everyone wanted to be one big group?If you are not fsmiliar,read up on it.There is nothing wrong with being mixed race but theres also nothing wrong with being black,white,Asian,whatever.Why do we have to all the be the same to be equal?

Anonymous said...

Racism is a flaw in the humanness of our species. When we all look alike, there will be one less thing for individuals to act with hate and prejudice about. I do not believe it will take thousands of years to achieve, i.e. try and find a 100% Native America now.

Anonymous said...

2:57 Hitler had the same idea !

Anonymous said...

I believe Hilter wanted a master race, which by definition would require that there be a slave race to dominate, the ugly final result of racism. I merely state that nature will take its course, and in due time we all will be one race. When that happens you can hate and kill in the name of religion instead of skin color.

Anonymous said...

6:08 We were all made different for a reason and will always remain different whether it's this group or that group racism is a natural part of the human experience . As for religion as long as the Muslims believe in spreading their religion by the sword we will always have religious violence but don't perpetuate hatred by lumping all religions together as hate groups when that's not the case !

Anonymous said...

7:16 No where did I point any fingers toward one religion or another. But, since you brought it up, I don't think there are many religions with clean hands on this one. As an example, the Catholics and the Protestants in Ireland. Christianity in Africa and the Native American Indians (also Columbus,and Cortez) . Of course, the current Islamic extremism is in the forefront now, but any ideology that thinks it is the one and only truth is subject to killing in the name of God.

Anonymous said...

10:21 again your lumping religion into one group which is hate speech . First off Hitler , Stalin ,Pol pot all didn't believe in God or religion just to name a few . So your argument of only religious people being full of killers is wrong . Don't judge the acts in history by today's hindsight especially if you don't know your history !