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Friday, October 16, 2009

Poll: Mexicans Say Mexican-Americans Owe Loyalty To Mexico Over U.S.

Nearly 70 percent of Mexicans surveyed said that Mexican-Americans – including those born in the United States – owe their primary loyalty to Mexico, not the U.S., according to a Zogby poll commissioned by the Center for Immigration Studies.

The in-person poll, taken during August and September, sampled 1,004 Mexicans across the country on subjects related to illegal immigration and amnesty in the United States.

When asked “Should the primary loyalty of Mexican-Americans be to Mexico or to the U.S.?” 68.8 percent of respondents in Mexico said that it should be to Mexico, while only 19.7 percent said it should be to the United States. Another 11.5 percent of respondents said they were not sure.



Anonymous said...

Do NOT for a minute, doubt this survey. John Zogby is one of the best firms in America with more accurate statistics than Harris or Gallup. Very reliable and credible company. That being said, this makes the information in this article even more pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Remember the Alamo- Lock and Load!

An American-American said...

Come here illegally,
Take our jobs,
Drive illegally - uninsured,
Pay no taxes,
Use our schools, hospitals, welfare,
Commit crime here,
Send your paycheck back to Mexico!

Personally deliver your paycheck to Mexico,

Anonymous said...

Our country is gone.

We are now diversified.

The liberals have won.

Only option left is to fight.

But is it worth it?

Anonymous said...

Get the hell out of my country!

Anonymous said...

People are always loyal to their home. Their home is where they belong. When they leave it, they miss it and think about it.

Their families are still at home. Of course their loyalty is at home. They are here to earn money.

Why is that so hard to accept?

Anonymous said...


It is hard to accept because there are 12 million illegals here and they are all taking American jobs ot using American services and in most cases not paying taxes. Can you only imagine the financial impact on the tax payers. I am afraid if you can't see this as a problem there is no chance of understanding one of the reasons we as a nation are in the shape we are in today.

Anonymous said...

Can up the Cans and ship them back.

Anonymous said...

9:59, as an AmeriCAN, you go ahead, ship back to whereever your ancestors are from

-to all those who think illegals don't pay taxes,you are wrong, landlords collect rent from them who in turn use to cover all the expenses of providing the house, including property taxes...they pay sales taxes... the only things that they don't have confiscated are social security/fica-payroll taxes which many regular Americans on welfare or not also don't have taken when they work "under the table"
As an American of Mexican descent, I am an American first but I think the truth should be used to keep "ILLEGALs" from ruining our system and to protect them from being exported to where they belong. And my home is Texas, not Mexico, but my loyalty is to the USA where I can support my family and still have some freedom.

Anonymous said...

10:18 - We are paying for the ones in our jail system. Why may I ask?

Anonymous said...

This is the same reason Hitler saw the Jews as the enemy amongst the population. Allegiance to another nation.

Anonymous said...


You're a lunatic.

Hitler was a giant Socialist too.

Anonymous said...

11:13am, technically, California, Arizona, etc are really paying thru the rear for illegals in jail, when they should be sent back, I totally agree with you on that. What I said and will say again, let's keep to the truth...they do pay some taxes, and are the same as those who work under the table or accept Welfare.

Anonymous said...

"...there are 12 million illegals here..."

Please don't repeat the lies we are fed over and over about that figure. That may have been a good figure 15 years ago, but it has to be today, conservatively, 50 million+.

Once you add in the children of illegals, the number is more like 80-100 million.

Orsonwells said...

Allegiance is a requirement to be a U.S. Citizen. Those who answer any other way should be stripped of their citizenship and deported. Those who do not hold citizenship and are not enrolled in citizenship classes and English classes should be deported likewise. Those left and can pledge allegiance; Welcome to America. Get a job and pay your taxes.

Anonymous said...

first you have to strip them of there illegal ss# and driver license#. they can purchase them right here on the eastern shore.

Anonymous said...

Think about those in their home countries trying to get here legally. They wait for years while those that break our laws are coddled. Is that what we want America to stand for?