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Friday, October 16, 2009

Caption This Photo


Reconciled1 said...

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Reconciled, Thank you to all that served!

However, I didn't agree with the continuation of the war so I must also have to ask Bush "Happy now?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for service? Who did they serve? Why did they serve? What would have happened if they had not served?

Were we ever in danger?

Are they defending our Country? or, invading another?

Anonymous said...

To many heros dead, for what? Defending a nation that couldnt care less about you, not my kids, not ever.

Mad Granny said...

Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Rest in peace my heros...this is one of the reasons that I'm a mad granny!

Anonymous said...

9:45 It's not your choice whether your kids serve or not. it is their choice. Some people believe it is an honor to serve for their country. Some people would give their life for their country.

Anonymous said...

A member of Congress and the Presidents immediate staff should be required to attend every arrival of returning War Heroes.

Lets fight this war to win or get the hell out. We have not won a war since WW11.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Now you can rest after guarding our freedom.

Anonymous said...

10:01, Its a differant country now buddy. My kids do exactly what I say all the time and there grown.

Anonymous said...

The solemnness of this picture captions itself.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the families of these that have given the supreme sacrifice for what they believed to be right, to protect the freedoms we have had in this country, that are now quickly vanishing.
Please remember they are not at fault for the freedoms that we are quickly losing. Each of our votes determine how much longer we will have the freedoms that are still in place.
If you do not like what this country stands for, please, find a country that has the lack of moral fiber that you desire and move there.

Anonymous said...

Joe you should offer this as a screen saver.

Each time we open our computer we would be reminded of those who gave there all for America.

All Gave Some...Some Gave All!

Anonymous said...

Thank you. We pray for those you left behind.

Anonymous said...

10:09 if anything all you should do is keep your mouth shut and say thank you and if you cant then go somewhere elce and live you are nothing but a control freak its your way or no way so just say


Anonymous said...

I truly feel sorry for the soldiers who have been duped into "serving" this rotten stinking evil government.

They aren't serving me! I was born here, live here, and will remain here. I will fight for my self, my family, and my friends. I will not kill other people like me, for this government.

The government doesn't care about us. They don't care about the soldiers. They use people and destroy lives.

The soldiers - yes, I feel sorry for you. You were tricked into "serving" our Masters.

Wake up. Lay down your weapons and walk off the battle field. Let the rich elite bastards do their own fighting.

Come home and defend your families - from the government!

Please wake up.

Anonymous said...

Control freak, thats the ;east of the things I deal with. Smart and respected yes, I dont think any of these fine men and woman should of lost their lives for any of these wars. They come home and the banks take there houses, they cant find jobs and the average citizen couldnt care less. Whats left in America thats worth defending and sending your kid to die for anymore. Nothing thats what. You can keep serving the corporate masters if you want not me.

japash27 said...

I think that unless you have served over there or are a vet yourself you have no right to comment, I have served 4+ times in the middle east, I would go back romm if asked. The world is a better place without sadam in it.

Anonymous said...

Mr President,

Can you see this!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How the hell can you say I was duped into volunteering? Your an idiot and should just shut up. This is my third deployment (1 to Afghan. and 2 to Iraq). Big deal you disagree for the reason we are here. Ok so be it. I dont care what we are here for I joined voluntarily and will do as I am told. All this so you can sit at home and type on your computer about us soldiers being over here. Thanks for all the support

Anonymous said...

You tell em 10:43! There are many who will try take your sacrifice and turn it into their politcal agenda. Its sad, but they are Americans too. Nasty, self-absorbed, inconsiderate, mean, uniformed, and the like....but still one of us. Its really sad what they do with your, and all the other's, sacrifices. They do sit at home, "smug" and secure, trying to demean others for their support of their country and higher ideals. They simply can't think or feel at your level. Like Obama, many Americans have never served, but only use our sacrifices in the military for THEIR political agenda. Sad, sad, sad....

Anonymous said...


For those that disagree with the war, as many do, active duty included. The difference is, they volunteered and swore an oath to obey the commander in chief. It is not theirs to question why, it is theirs to do or die. It seems they understand this, it is others that do not. They also know the value in keeping their word, their solemn oath. Many do not.

Remember, a person is only as good as their word. Our military personnel are keeping their word, to protect this country and follow the orders of the commander in chief. How good is your word?

Anonymous said...

Honorably died protecting the freedoms of our country and people. Thank you for your sacrifice.

Anonymous said...

First, I thank all of our soldiers and those who have ever fought with me to allow the freedoms that Americans take for granted, and pray for the soldiers that did not make it back.

Furthermore, I feel the President of our United States desecrated the sanctity we had as families of soldiers the one last solemn procedure in bringing back our men without cameras flashing. He has now allowed cameras in to this and again proved his lack of understanding or compassion.

If you want to know what it is truly like then watch "Taking Chance" with Kevin Bacon, a very accurately based movie.

Please make this the solemn procedure it should be without blasting it over media outlets.

Alex said...

Bush Presidency

Anonymous said...

Please consider....

Soldiers' Angels is a respected organization and we know we make a difference. Our incredible reputation is the reason we have over 2000 service members waiting to be adopted right now---

Please go to and click on the button at the top of the page that says-- ADOPT A SOLDIER---- the hero you get could be one like the guys described below in COB Zerok.

"I wanted to write and thank you for your continued support of my team. Also, I wanted to share a quick story with you about the impact your organization makes in our lives. A couple of weeks ago, I was at Combat Outpost Zerok in the province of Paktika.

Those Soldiers have been there for 7 months and live in the most dire conditions. They do not have running water, fresh vegetables are rare, their gym is home-made and triples up as a sleeping area and dining hall. An old roommate of mine had not showered for 2.5 months when I saw him. The only bit of luxury at that COP has the Soldiers' Angels logo on it.

The care packages you send are the only deviation from the Meals-Ready-to-Eat and one hot meal a day they get... and everyone there was so appreciative of it. All the care packages your team sends to Bagram are forwarded to the field for my guys. Even if you may not hear back, please know you are making their day go by that much easier. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything."

You don't need to support the war to support the soldier.

dogg said...

no caption needed. Sometimes, what is left unsaid is heard the loudest.


Anonymous said...

why did the media stop giving us war dead play by play daily when we changed Presidents ?

Anonymous said...

I see honor, sacrifice, courage, loss. Thank you is not enough. It is a solemn reminder not to take for granted our heritage and freedoms that were paid with a high price.

Anonymous said...

what a terrible waste of our best and brightest. for a thrid world sh!thole and a people who hate us! Bring them all home to protect our borders! And if there is ever another attack on us from them, then nuke them! This will only stop when we kill enough of those who wish us harm!
Former USMC!

Anonymous said...

thank you george bush, not obama.

Anonymous said...

I salute all of our soldiers, those that have served, those that are fighting now, and those that came home in a flag draped casket.

But for all you screaming anti-Obama crap, STFU. Most of the U.S. population has not served. Does that make us unpatriotic?

The pres. is currently deliberating the best comprehensive strategy for completing our objectives in Afghan. BEFORE he puts more of our soldiers in harms way. But you guys on the right scream that he is against the troops. The pres. speaks of how it was a bad move to put so much extra strain on our soldiers and their families by shipping them multiple times to Iraq BEFORE we can capture/kill those who attacked us in Afghan., yet the right still screams "he's against the troops".

Even though Bush made some dumb moves, I never thought he was unpatriotic or against the troops. President's have tough decisions to make and any human being who has the power to send another human being to his/her death is also making a greater sacrifice than most of us ever will.

This is a long message but I'll just say to the conservatives out there:

We can disagree on policy. But you guys need to get off of this us against them bull$h!+ and realize we are UNITED as one. We sink or swim together. The bodies in these coffins are white, black, hispanic, etc. They are christian, catholic, jewish, atheist etc. They are Rep., Dems., Libertarians, Independents, etc. All fighting and dying beside each other for this nation. So the least you can do is work together at home for the good of the country.

Anonymous said...

thats just 20 caskets.thats not even a dent in the amount of men and women lost in the war om will see a lot more of this now that were in afghanistan again hopefully i wont end up in one of those but if i do im proud to have served my country and i thank each and every other veteran and their families for the sacrifices they have made.

ranger3325 said...

if they were 'duped' as some of you kool-aid drinkers are spouting why have enlistements been on the rise and why have the servicepeople who have served there keep asking to go back? thank you so much to you thay have served and god bless All the way!

Anonymous said...

The soldiers do NOT swear an oath to the Commander in Chief.

They swear an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution.

I believe many of them think the first option, and thereby justify the murder of women and children in the name of the U.S. flag.

The only people we are afraid of here in the States is our own government. I fear those bastards.

I sure wish there were some brave souls left who would defend We the People and the Constitution.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You people are disgusting and a disgrace to this country. It's completely obvious that those of you bashing our soldiers, seamen and airmen have never served an ounce of your life for your community or country.

It's easy to sit on your sofa and run your mouths. Cowards! You have NO clue what's going on in the world because you have never experienced any of it. I'm disgusted to be considered an American - the same as you. There should be a different name for people like you. You don't deserve the title of "American."

Anonymous said...

Angels in Waiting.....

God Bless you all and Thank You


Mike M said...

First of all, thanks to all who have ever made the decision to defend thier country, and thier families who support them. Secondly, for all of those who do not support thier military, you have that right. You have that because the freedoms you enjoy are being protected daily by troops all over the world. Please understand that although you may have negative feelings about the current conflicts, there are good things happening over there. I have just finished my 9th deployment to that region, and if the average person was educated by the MSM about all of the good that has occured in the last several years, it may paint a very different picture. It is unfortunate that american lives are sacrificed for the good of other nations, but we realize that when we VOLUNTEER to join the military. That is what makes this country great. Lastly, if you have strong feelings, like many on this post have, do something to change it. Run for office. Vote the politicians who you do not agree with out. But whatever you do, please make sure you understand the big picture before you state your opinion. And please show those who have chosen to protect you and leave thier families behind, and those who return with a flag drapped over them, the repect that they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:07 -- I'd love to have the opportunity to kick your a$$. You are worthless.

Wife of a Soldier

Anonymous said...


God Bless each and every member of the armed forces.

Anonymous said...

Hey 12:51 an 10:41-where have you been for 8 months? We now have a new dictator. His name is hussein and he promised to end the wars, but we all know by now that his promises mean absolutely nothing.
Hey 4:07-why don't you do us all a favor and get the hell out of my country! It's these dead soldiers who gave you the right to puke up your idiotic rant without being shot for treason! You are an unappreciative, unpartriot idiot! You don't deserve to be called an American. May you burn in hell!

Anonymous said...

Bringing precious cargo home...

Freedom is never free so to those of you who critcize...planes are flying outta here every day-please feel free to do we TRUE Americans a favor and hop on board.

Anonymous said...

JAPASH 27 ---

Thanks for serving but don't you ever tell another American they don't have the right to comment, that would be free speech!don't forget what you were fighting for !!!

Anonymous said...

Hear Here

Anonymous said...

The soldiers represent the politicians who give the orders. We do not live in a military dictatorship - yet.

I fear it is on the way however, as many Americans seem to think the killing is automatically justified as long as the killer wears an American flag.

That is very very sad.

The military should be our last defence for the Republic. They should serve the Constitution. They should disobey unlawful murderous orders given for financial gain of the oligarchy which now controls our government.

But they don't disobey the unlawful orders. And at home we ring our hands and shout praises for their bravery and commitment. They fight unlawful disgraceful wars of aggression for the elite oligarchy - and we cheer them on.

We have descended into the abyss.

Forgive us.