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Friday, October 16, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

Folks I wore the Brown Uniform in Som. Counties for nearly 28 years.

When I hung up my gun several years ago I was dam glad to take it off an leave it off.But never in my wildest dreams would I ever thought I'd see the hometown I've had all my life turn into Tombstone.

I am not going to sit here and demean the Officers of the Salisbury Police Dept. As I served under some of the worst Superiors my Agency could possibly put in a Supervisory capacity and some of the best, at least they were dedicated individuals who had geniune concern for the people we protected and got involved in investigations an directed the course of these investigations to bring them to a successful conclusion and instituted policies and programs specificly targeting the crime ridden areas of the time. Salisbury PD's problems clearly go right to the top.

Sad to say I now carry a gun again, not one but 2,it use to be I'd carry a firearm only at night depending on my travels, now I carry one both day and night, one in a shoulder holster and one in my vehicle/s.The point is I'm never without one.

The only advice I could offer is to encourage all duty personnel and retired officers to carry a weapon 24/7. With the tide of crime the way its running in Salisbury its only a matter of time before one of us run into a violent crime of one sort or another. For the citizen out there, if you have the time or inclination take a Certified Firearms Course, apply for and obtain a Handgun Permit.

I know some will not agree and thats fine but there are statistics out there which demonstrate lower crime rates when the citizens are armed. Lastly you have two of the most powerful weapons known to man, the power of the pen and the vote.Scrutinize the people very closley your voting for in the next elections, its we the people who run this show and make it clear if they don't work for us their term will end at 1.

Its clear the current City and County Government now is lost. It may even be worth the effort to push a movement for a County Police Dept. absorbing the local PD's.
I'm no expert in Politics, I'm not qualified to be a Chief of Police but there is one thing I do know unless Law Enforcement redistributes their resourses and get feet on the street,the crime problem is going to get worse, and some innocent will get caught in a crossfire.

Just the ramblings of an old retired cop...........


Anonymous said...

Something has to change. I have lived in Wicomico County all of my life but have never seen crime this rampant. The economy is a large part of it but it also is the fact that the criminals get away with their actions. Sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately our state is not a big supporter of our Second Amendament rights. Having a permit allows one to legally own the gun and keep it in their home. To transport one must keep gun and ammo seperate in vehicle.

I have researched the concealed carry application process and spoken with LEO's. The process is so rigid the odds are against the majority of folks who apply.

Any insight/suggestions on how to sucessfully be granted concealed carry permit will be appreciated.

PS...I agree with your thoughts on Salisbury, crime concerns and the need for some major changes.

Anonymous said...

The only way back to normal is to do two things:
1.get rid of the lawyers(however)
2.everyone can carry a weapon

Anonymous said...

time for the vigilante movement.
All Aboard!

Anonymous said...


Yeah right.

Don't you remember, we're the criminals.

Obama and the demz think we are the problem and they will drag us with them to their utopia.

Folks, we're screwed here and the pathetic thing is, nobody cares.

Ironshire said...

As a fellow retired officer, I too carry a weapon at all times in compliance with the provisions of the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act, a federal law signed by President Bush. Maryland is NOT a "right to carry" state and it is nearly impossible for a citizen to obtain a permit to carry. The democrats in Annapolis like it that way. An un-armed tax payer is a subject, not a citizen.
During the last legislative session a bill to fast track a permit to carry for victims of domestic violence was soundly defeated. Seems that a woman has to take a beating in this state and has no right to defend herself.
For that, and other sound reasons, I'm supporting Mike McDermott and other conservatives in their bid to take back our state house in 2010.

Craig Theobald

Anonymous said...

I will gladly admit here that I have always been in favor of strict gun laws. Living in Salisbury has completely changed my mind. Now I believe that the risk of injuring an innocent citizen with my gun would not stop me from being educated and armed. I do worry that many citizens that are armed are not trained to use the weapon they carry.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, thanks for nothing.

You think you can cleanse your conscience now?

You and your ilk got us in this mess.

I wouldn't "gladly" admit to helping the left take our guns away.

You should be ashamed.

But, now that you're on our side, welcome to the club.

Anonymous said...

I dont have a permit and probably couldnt get one , but I to am always armed. I never go anywhere without it.

Anonymous said...

Webster, Kemp, Livingstin, Meinshine and Parsano have got to go. Those are the worst people in law enforcement. Cop killers. They do nothing to help the officers. They do not contribute anything for the officer. They make a bad thing worst. They are not wanted here. They collect 2 paychecks per month and thats it. They are dangerous. They talk about the officers behind their backs. They are not brothers! Whimps! Cowards!

Anonymous said...

I believe in small government. The Constitution was created to LIMIT government. It has been shredded.

The people in our government are not Americans. They are Beauracrats. They work for the monied people who have inherited the "right" to rule over us.

If we arm oursleves, they will call us terrorists. If we do not arm ourselves they will continue to abuse us and attack us.

Some of us knows how this ends. Others are fooling themselves into believing they can "change" this government. Sorry, you cannot change this government.

Take care of yourself and your family. Recoil. Hope for the best. Pray for a quick end without suffering.

The enemy is inside the gates. The enemy BUILT THE GATES. YOu can check in, but you can't check out.

Anonymous said...

There was a bill to permit right to carry but never made it out of committee. Elmore was a co-sponsor. Hopefully they'll attempt that bill next session.

Anonymous said...

My policeman friend told me to start carrying my weapon. I said: "Yea, I'll see about a permit." He said: "Oh, you'll never get a permit in MD." I said: "I thought you sa-" He interrupted: "I didn't tell you to apply for a permit, I said to start carrying, just don't get caught."

What a great state in which we live.

Anonymous said...

9:28 I'm curious where you attend the annual qualification required under that law and who issues your card?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe for Posting my comment and condolences to you and your family on the loss of your mother.
I was a little shocked at the number of comments my comment received,I read each one and whether or not I agreed with them I thank you for speaking your mind about what I had to say.
Fortunately I'm smart enough not to get involved in debates in issues I have no expertise in,ie: Politics for one.
I cannot speak to the letter of the Law either, I have a working knowledge but do not know the Laws as I once enforced them I've simply been away from it to long and many have changed. So I'm speaking simply from a position of Common Sense and a dab of Legal/ Law Enforcement background.
On the matter of Handgun Permits.No one knows better than I what a hassel it is to obtain a handgun permit.On top of that the Division that investigates and issues the permits is a mess, their excuse is they are swamped with applications.They probably are, but unless things have changed here WAS the way they were handled in my day.NCIC Check,FBI-MSP Fingerprint Check,Local Check at the Barrack Level, Road Trooper contacted the Applicant and I believe it was 2 references,sent it back approved or disapproved and the permit was issued, bottom line about 2 hours give or take of the Troopers time,with the modern computer technologies now I seriously doubt it would take more than an hour to do the routine checks the problem would be the Applicant and references,ummm they are swamped,or did I mention that already?.Nowadays I don't think the Road Troopers do these Handgun Investigations,I don't know this to be a fact but I betcha its because the Elected Officals of our Legislature have finally discovered that Police Agencies now in general are no longer a dead expense, but a cash cow, with E-Tickets it takes about 8 minutes to write a $90.00 ticket,you do the math.Don't blame the Troopers folks they are the ones under the hammer from the higher ups.
The biggest problem with the Handgun Permits as I remember is the REASON to carry the weapon and mistakes on the Applications.I still advocate applying for the permit.Go to the Barrack and speak with a Duty Sargeant and find out what the exact Reasons which are acceptable for the issuance of the permit.On the other side of that coin if your not trained in the use of a handgun go get trained there are certified NRA Instructors in this area,who knows you may have found a new hobby AND AT LEAST YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING WITH A WEAPON, but remember this, it is one thing to become proficent in the use of a firearm but, and here's the most important part, you have to know WHEN you can use it. I never had to shoot anyone,came close a couple times,but I am thankful in all my years wearing a gun I never had to use it nor live with the fact I took a life,squeezing a trigger is very easy,living with the consequences in a bad shoot will last a lifetime.
I can't change things but collectively I firmly believe we all can together, as the old saying goes the squeaky wheels get the grease,let the Legislature know how you think,support the NRA and other like Legit Organizations,and tell these new up and coming politico's like Mike McDermit regardless of their political leanings where you stand.I happen to know Mr.McDemit,he's a nice guy and he'll listen and so will the rest.Something has to be done why not start with the up and comers we sure as hell know what we have now!!!! In most cases it takes less time to write an e-mail to these people as it is to write a comment on the Blog.
Okay I'm finished don't wanna wear out my welcome.....
Just the ramblings of an old retired cop.......

Anonymous said...

To 8:17 am
I'm afraid you have been either misinformed or misunderstood what you were told.NO ONE needs a permit to OWN a handgun.If its purchased, the paperwork submitted and approved, and the 7 day waiting period expired you may pick up your handgun and take it home,you can wear it in your yard if you want to,I wouldn't recommend it, probably make the neighbors a little anxious.You may also transport it to a legitamate target shooting area or to a gunsmith.Handgun Permits come in two Classes, Restricted and Unrestricted, if its restricted the Permit denotes where you may carry the Handgun, the Restrictions generally depend on the reason in which you want to carry the handgun, if its Unrestricted you can carry it anywhere in the State of Maryland but there are some restrictions
there as well such as not being in possession of a Handgun while under the Influence of Alcohol.Handguns with a 6 inch Barrel firing a round capable of producing a muzzle energy of 1200 ft.lbs can be used for Hunting Deer I do not know if this is an exception to the Handgun Permit Law or not,regarding having to have a Handgun Permit while Hunting with a Handgun.Now understand I am not quoteing the Law.Understand that I have a fairly good knowledge of the Law but I am not above checking the Law as printed and asking for an interpretation before I myself do anything that may be contrary to the Law.The Maryland Handgun Law is online and I'd strongly suggest checking it out and if you have any questions check with Law Enforcement,or the States Attorneys Office. Don't rely on what I or others may tell you I'd print out the section that pertains to you and take it with you for its definitive definition by the above.
There has been a couple of comments regarding the difficulty getting a permit, I don't dispute that,it is,it's a pain in the posterior,the Anti-Gun Legislature made it that way to discourage people from applying,its also a money maker by the way,but aside from that if you find out what would disqualify you from getting a permit,and you feel your qualified,apply and if the permit is denied get a straight forward explanation as to why,if that doesn't work hit the phones,call Delegate so an so or Senator so an so naturally one who is sympathetic to the 2nd Amendment.

Michael McDermott said...

I believe in, and fully support the 2nd Amendment. I believe it provides a right for our citizens to be armed if they choose to do so (convicted criminals forfeit this "right"). Liberals do not trust the people. I was in the gallery at the State House and watched as the liberals would not even vote to allow a victim of domestic violence to receive preferential treatment when applying for a Handgun Permit with the State Police. Statements were made by these same liberals from the floor that "just because a woman is getting hit does not mean she can shoot somebody..." So in Maryland, the liberals do not want to protect even the most vulnerable of our population. They simply want the public to be disarmed. Delegate Elmore voted to support the bill to give these victims the right to move to the front of the "Handgun Permit Line" (which takes about a year). Delegate Conway and Delegate Mathias voted with the rest of the liberals in the House to send the bill to defeat.

The message is clear from the liberals: if you are a woman, you just have to take a beating.

The "ramblings of an old retired cop" often hold many nuggets of wisdom.

Mike McDermott