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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why We must Stop OBAMACARE

Under the provisions of OBAMACARE:

* The government will have real-time access to the finances and bank accounts of all Americans under the plan, providing for electronic funds transfers into and out of bank accounts as the government requires.

* Illegal aliens, currently estimated by the U.S. government to number in excess of 12 million people, will receive free government health insurance coverage. Moreover, all health providers will be required to provide health services in Spanish, so illegal immigrants can understand the care they are being given.

* A health choices commissioner established by the bill will audit the books of all employers who choose to self-insure under the Obama plan. If the government determines a self-insurer does not have the financial resources to cover employees, the government will force the employer to shut down their self-insurance plan.

* A panel of medical and "other experts" appointed to a Health Benefits Advisory Committee will determine what medical treatments you can get and how much the government will pay. If you or your doctor think you need a medical treatment that is outside the government's approved scheme, you are out of luck.

* The government will tell all practitioners in the health care industries, including physicians with surgical specialties, what fees can be charged and how much income they can make.

* The government will allow groups such as ACORN to sign individual Americans up for government-provided health care. In the process, ACORN will be allowed to collect a wide range of personal information, including whether the individuals being enrolled suffer from any mental disorders or cognitive impairments.

* The government will penalize hospitals that readmit patients the government considers were involved in a "preventable readmission."

* The government will set up an Advance Care Planning Consultation unit which will determine what type of "end-of-life" treatment an individual may receive. This can include rationing of health care and drugging of patients the government determines do not qualify for advanced medical services in their elderly years.

* Under the H.R. 3200 "Obamacare" plan, the government will use taxpayer funds to demand all health care providers conduct abortions.

Reading the bill, there is no aspect of medical care the government will not control with an iron hand under the Obama administration plan.

If you are an unborn baby or a senior citizen, Obamacare provides you a very uncertain future.

Put simply, H.R. 3200 nationalizes the health care system to the extent that government bureaucrats, rather than physicians and patients, determine health care pricing, services that are provided, services a person may receive all dictated by government from cradle to grave.

Page 102 of H.R. 3200 forces anyone eligible for Medicaid to be enrolled in Medicaid, a provision which allows the government to require the senior citizen to expend all savings and sell all property before the person receives government health care benefits.

Page 124 of H.R. 3200 even prevents any lawsuits from being filed against the government health care price fixing schemes permitted by the legislation.

Page 167 of H.R. 3200 places a surtax of 2.5 percent on the gross income of any individual found by the government to be without acceptable health care. Employers pay an 8.0 percent surtax if they lack a public health care plan.

Just to hide the likelihood that the government takeover of medical services will increase the taxes of nearly every taxpayer, H.R. 3200 has the audacity to say on page 203 that "the tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as a tax."

If Congress adjourns for the August recess before passing some form of H.R. 3200, then health care reform legislation is a dead issue for this year. (Newsmax)


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Thank You Citizen! Your Tea Party friends

Tony Passaro
Bel Air Tea Party Coalition


Anonymous said...

I think the government needs to step in and tell physicians what fees they can charge for particular procedures. You should as well Joe. Itsn't you that is always pushing some benefit to raise an astronomical amount of money for a medical procedure for someone that can't afford it. It's been unchecked for too long and it's the duty of our government to protect us from these outrageous expenses.

Anonymous said...

I wish we could affect the bill by writing to our congressperson. Unfortunately, it will not help. They don't work for us. They are being told what to do.

Anonymous said...

I thought listening to our telephone conversations was bad enough but this takes it a step further into your bank account and Acorn involved collect personal data really sets my feet to dancing!

Brittanicus said...

These politicians voted Against the Nathan Deal Amendment, that would Prevent Health Care Benefits to Illegal Aliens. Simply put--it's not their BLOODY MONEY! So what! Do they care if taxpayers have to foot the behemoth bill, for anybody who snubs our laws and enters a sovereign country called America? The nationwide parasites are --CHEAP LABOR--businesses who could care less, because they pile up enormous profits. The corporate hierarchy have been having a field day--FOR DECADES. A foreign national gets hurt, their service manager or whoever the underling is, drives the maimed person and relinquishes any responsibility by dumping them on the emergency hospital entranceway. BINGO! nothing to pay!

Perhaps Americans should find some old shoddy clothes, no shave, no haircut and enter every emergency room in our country in the millions? Speak a lot of gibberish and carry no identification with a small splinter in their finger, a touch of a fever or any minor condition. By federal law the hospital will have an emergency on a--EMERGENCY. I am afraid Americans have been Lemmings going over a proverbial cliff, since who knows when? We just keep paying and paying even more to the IRS, to support--ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. Try getting free health care in any other country, other than societies in the European Union? A FAT CHANCE! We are literary being taxed to death, to give welfare to the business overlords.

Even our Democrats who are trying to engineer health care for every American---INCLUDED 20 PLUS ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS AND THEIR LARGE FAMILIES. Here are 29 Judas Iscariot's, who sold the American people out--for a lot more than 13 pieces of silver? HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS EVERY YEAR. Capps (D-CA), Eshoo (D-CA), Harman (D-CA), Matsui (D-CA), McNerney (D-CA), Waxman (D-CA), DeGette (D-CO), Murphy (D-CT), Castor (D-FL), Rush (D-IL), Schakowsky (D-IL), Braley (D-IA), Sarbanes (D-MD), Markey (D-MA), Dingell (D-MI), Stupak (D-MI), Pallone (D-NJ), Weiner (D-NY), Butterfield (D-NC), Space (D-OH), Sutton (D-OH), Doyle (D-PA), Gordon (D-TN), Gonzalez (D-TX), Green (D-TX),Welch (D-VT), Christensen (D-VI), Inslee (D-WA) and Baldwin (D-WI). I'm afraid I would be banned if I used the right epithet, when leaving a comment for these so called lawmakers?

These are the betrayers of--ALL--taxpayers. These 29 traitors gave illegal immigrants the right to pilfer your billfold and purse, while they sit in their Washington office collecting their 6 figure salaries. REMEMBER THEM AND THROW THEM OUT! DEMAND NO AMNESTY! NO FAMILY UNIFICATION KNOWN AS CHAIN MIGRATION! BUILD THE ORIGINAL FENCE! NO MORE HEALTH CARE OR ANY OTHER KIND OF BENEFITS FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. CLOSE THE BORDER AND STATION THE NATIONAL GUARD. $2.5 TRILLION DOLLARS, JUST IN RETIREMENT BENEFITS? Learn uncorrupted facts at NUMBERSUSA.
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Anonymous said...

Under Obamacare which is modeled on the failed Massachusetts mandated health insurance law, citizens who can't afford the insurance and are forced into the expanded Medicaid (for Obamacare age requirements for Medicaid have been removed and income can be higher so the gov't can dump more people into this)people who are 55 and older while in this plan will be subject to the federally required estate recovery program - that's right! When they die, the gov't will take their estates (their assets including property, savings, annuities - whatever they owned when they died - to pay for their medical care. Don't let you rep or sen tell you this isn't true. It's a requirement for all states that receive Medicaid funding which is and will be all states. How's this for discrimination and a violation of your rights? Does Obama's health insurance policy have an estate recovery program? How about your reps and senators - do theirs? Nope!

Caveat emptor b/c they aren't going to tell you about this little known fact.