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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Taxing The Middle Class

The great majority of individuals who receive aesthetic surgery are of the middle class, NOT the upper class. This is a fact.

The Obama health plan includes a surcharge (TAX) for aesthetic surgery to pay for the currently uninsured. This is a fact.


Stealing from Peter to give to Paul is not following the message of Christ. It a misunderstanding, a perversion of the message. It is tragic that liberals lack the intellectual capacity to discern the difference between the two: GIVING (Christ) AND STEALING (Obama).

To pay for the uninsured, why doesn’t he place a tax on abortions? Oh, yeah, I forgot. To Obama, an abortion is an ESSENTIAL surgery, so it will provided, at no charge, by his health plan. AND WE ALL WILL BE FUNDING ABORTIONS.

Don’t you love “CHANGE.”


Anonymous said...

This is one where I must differ -- at least 80% of "plastic" surgery is not necessary and drives up the cost of essential health care. Michael Jackson is exhibit one, and I rest my case, your honor.

Anonymous said...

Awww... poor little plastic surgery women will have to pay more so that the middle class doesn't have to DIE because they've been denied for care? I'm crying my eyes out for them. Please. And no, the government isn't funding abortions.

Anonymous said...

Cosmetic Surgery is not covered by insurance, has nothing to do with driving the cost up. Two separate issues totally.

Patients receiving cosmetic/plastic surgery pay for their surgery/procedure 100%.

Many docs are going into this business (whether qualified or not) to help cover their expenses that insurance, especially Medicare does not cover for other things.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I believe the point of the post is most cosmetic surgery is done on the middle class. Thus the middle class will be taxed heavily.

President Change said he would not beat on the middle class. Personally not into cosmetic surgery but he will make it unaffordable for those that want it. President Change is again taking away our choices, affecting how we want to spend our money. So he can pay for other elective procedures like abortion.

Anonymous said...

10:40 So now fewer people will be getting these things done, docs will have to limit who they treat regularly so they can keep the lights on.
Less procedures to tax, now where is he going to get the money to pay for all of this? Does anyone out there understand basic economics? People can live without these cosmetic procedures, but how do you think these primary docs are keeping their doors open these days? They can barely afford their malpractice premiums - $50,000 or more a year. You have to go after the whole problem, stop focusing on being Robin Hood. STOP taxing everything in sight and fix the problem.

Anonymous said...

no, 10:45. This is elective surgery, and we need reform to necessary care. it's simple. but, by all means, keep defending profits over people. same for you, 10:40 Malpractice payouts account for less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the total cost of medicine in this country. it's a distraction from the real problems to talk about tort reform.

Anonymous said...

The government (tax payers) already pays for abortions. Medicaid is accepted by planned parenthood...

Chimera said...

Health insurance DOES pay for certain types of plastic surgery and in those cases it is deemed medically necessary.
Breast reduction surgery,for example,is almost always covered and breast reconstruction (after mastectomy or lumpectomy)is usually covered as well.These are not procedures one chooses out of vanity but necessity.Obamacare would penalize these patients.

Anonymous said...

Tort Reform is the answer, cap the non monetary payouts and make it a loser pay system, that will bring the malpractice insurance down as well-cosmetic surgery on a voluntary/electice basis is paid by the patient more than 90% of the time, braces are the only exception.