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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Michelle Malkin On Today Show

Every Democrat should see this video.


Anonymous said...

Wingnut. Who cares what Michelle Malking has to say? She makes a living promoting outrageous lies.

Anonymous said...

Is this your long-lost daughter?
She's as determined to find fault as you are, and maybe just a touch more
Nicer legs though.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Malkin is an American hero. No one wanted to take on Mechelle Obama and her patient dumping program in Chicago, hats off to her.Do you really think for one minute she would risk her entire career and basically her life to publish falsehoods? Can you imagine how fast the Obama thugs would be on her if there was one lie in this book? Why is it so hard for Obama lovers to accept that their messiah is nothing but a corrupt empty suit?

Anonymous said...

She is an idiot of the highest order, and she is making bank off of people who don't bother to check her "facts."

Anonymous said...

A female version of Beck. Sure she's only trying to tell you the truth. She's not on air to hype up her book.

I'm open to hearing honest debates regarding the president but how can you take these people seriously as they cheerleaded Bush the last 8 years. Where was the hard-hitting journalism before the Iraq invasion? Where were the cover stories on Halliburton no-bid contracts AFTER they had already gotten in trouble for shaudy work and shady accounting practices? For all of you screaming "liberal media", the media was just as soft on Bush up until the latter years of his presidency.
Yes, the media should be vigilant. But you cannot enter into an honest debate when you have folks choosing to sling mud for the sake of slandering one side instead of seeking out corruption and fraud whereever it may lye.

Anonymous said...

Every Republican should calm down. Michelle Malkin needs to shut up, she's making you all look stupid.

Anonymous said...

"Culture of Corruption"? So, she's taking the term that was originally labeled to the Republican Party and putting it on Obama? Does she think no one is going to notice that?

Anonymous said...

What about the new lawsuit, Joe.
tell us what you think about that.

Anonymous said...

The liberal media hated Bush and were trying to get anything, absolutely anything on Him. Michelle Malkin lists her sources, what do liberals do, they whine and call her a liar while they hide behind the anonymous comments. Their legs tingle when Obama speaks. Stop with the talking points and do some research for yourself.

Anonymous said...

She seems highly intelligent and appears to have done her research. What does this video or her book have to do with former President Bush? Please refute the points she is making and don't rely on blaming the Bush administration as a way for trying to dodge facts.

Anonymous said...

11:22, She doesn't make any points. She just alleges things, and when Lauer calls her out on it, she filibusters. If she's the best you've got, then I feel sorry for your Party. good luck in '12.

Anonymous said...

Have any of you liberal wacko's every went to her website, read her articles, and attempted to prove her wrong?...NO...So how can you say she makes a living promoting outrageous lies 9:28?
You dimwits believe anything the MSM reports and what Obama says. When anyone starts believing anything a politician (Rep or Dem)says your in for a rude awakening. Please wake up and do research for yourself. You are ruining this great country.

Anonymous said...

For comments from 11 am-12:23. You're probably the same people who think Pres. Obama is a nonAmerican muslim terrorists. This is why you and Michelle Malkin have no credibility. It's like being in court; once your credibility is shot, the jury and the judge shouldn't be wasting time on the crap that you spew.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Malkin is brilliant. I'd love to see her run for political office. She has described The Obama's accurately as with the rest of the corruption in the White House.