Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr., will hold a press conference at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, July 29, 2009, in the first floor conference room of the Salisbury Police Department, 699 W. Salisbury Parkway (at the corner of Route 50 and Delaware Avenue).
Mayor Ireton will talk about the announcement made earlier today by Governor Martin O’Malley, along with Vice President Joe Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder, regarding a major American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funding announcement for law enforcement agencies across the nation.
In Maryland, eight police departments are receiving a total of $23.2 million as part of the COPS Hiring Recovery Program of ARRA. The City of Salisbury will receive funding for 4 police officer positions for a total of $795,068.
COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) grants provide 100 percent funding for three years of entry-level salaries and benefits and are awarded to localities and/or police departments to hire or rehire additional career law enforcement officers.
I wonder if any of this money is to be spent on the man on the street or on patrol. Will it be spent on the people in the office. Guess we will see if it trickles down to the person out there protecting us.
So the feds are giving us $800,000 to pay for 4 police officers for 3 years.
This equates to roughly $66,000 per police officer each year.
Starting pay for these guys is about 50% of this total.
So where is the rest of my tax money going?
Either give me 8 cops, or I want my taxes back!
Did you even read this before you commented on it? It says Salisbury will use the money to hire 4 more cops.
Health insurance, retirement benefits, etc. Salary is only a part of actual compensation.
Get rid of Webster and use the money to pay 2 more cops. There's 6 more men on the street right there.
While this is good, it illustrates how much Salisbarrie has become dependent upon handouts from the state and feds. What happens when those funds dry up?
Between the Governor, The Vice President and the Attorney General one would think they could simply stop the illegal drug trade. That would solve almost all of the crime problems in America!
I say stop the CIA from importing cocaine and heroine into our country, cities and neighborhoods. Prosecute the importers, the rich bankers who launder the money, the Hedge Fund Managers who hide the illegal money. How about that for a simple solution?
How long does anyone expect Chief to hang on? Anyone venture a guess?
Too little, too late
Who is going to pay these cops when the federal money stops in year 3? You guessed it, higher local taxes because once you hire these cops no one will want to let them go when the money runs out.
3:38 - There is no way that any of these cops is going to make benefits equal to 100% of their pay. 35% is probably tops. Where is the other 65% going? That's $43,000 x 4 officers x 4 years that is mysteriously going to find a home somewhere.
Face it - a bunch of tax money was taken from us, the Feds took their cut, the state got theirs, and now it flows down to the city, and they will take their own cut before the money gets put to any benefit.
If we could keep the money from the feds, the state, and county, and just collect it at the city level, we could keep more money for ourselves just by eliminating all of the middle men.
Unfortunately, the drug trade as it stands employs too many people to warrant total eradication and arrest. The seasonal crops are very important to make sure all these guys have jobs to do every year.
Do you want to get rid of the drug trade or do you want to get rid of the impact of the illegal drug trade?
You can't force the federal government to end its welfare program called the War On Drugs. What you can do, it get your local drug dealers to take it inside, to stop shooting each other, and to get it off the streets, like nice people in the suburbs do.
I don't know if you want to publish this or not, but the economy is not as bad as we think. The best industry in our economy is landscaping.
Try to get a landscaper to work with you if you are not a huge development, and you're wasting your time. I'm really pi$$ed and can give more details if it's a topic you want to put up. Four different landscaping companies, and 2 years. Now I'm trying to have companies repair things, and either no one quotes or they make commitments and does not show.
So now you people are going to b*tch that you ARE getting more cops after b*tching that you need more cops?
I agree your chief needs to go, but you got a deal on 4 cops. For pete's sake, be happy about something, anything for once!
A lot of rich people in our area made their money from selling drugs. People would be surpised who some of the people are.
I'm glad we are getting 4 more officers and i think we need about 40 more, HOWEVER, i don't think getting 4 officers is a reason to hold a press confrence and do a big political song and dance like it's some great thing. We have a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG way to go before it gets better, ask the officers that bust their butts and haven't gotten a raise in 2 years while the old mayor and council doubled their salaries.
Wow, let me see if I have this straight...
Ireton is going to hold a press conference and talk about something the government passed that he had absolutely nothing to do with, and have his photo taken again....
Quit talking and actually do some work Ireton!
8:45pm, you just havent called the right company yet. email me and I'll refer you to an experienced, reasonable landscape/irrigation company that will be more than happy to help you with your projects.
In 3 years, SPD third floor will fire them or they will leave for a better PD like the 6 or 7 who are not there now. Way to go chief!
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