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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Obama Press Sec. Exasperated Over “Birther” Issue

The New York Times claims the Obama birth certificate issue is “a rumor that has been widely discredited,” and yet the state of Hawaii, where Obama was allegedly born, refuses to release the primary birth certificate document, instead offering this image, declared to be a Photoshop fake.

It is an obvious fake for the following reasons: 1) the document does not have a raised, embossed seal 2) it is not signed (take a look at your birth certificate and see if it has the signature of a physician or hospital officials) 3) there are no creases from folding in the scanned version above 4) the certificate number is redacted 5) the document claims to be a “certification of birth,” not a “certificate of birth,” and 6) the date supposedly bleeding through the back of the document says 2007, not 2008, when it was allegedly released.

GO HERE to read more.


Anonymous said...

Dear birthers:


dan said...

Here is something else we will be able to thank the looney-tune birthers for the rest of our lives:

If presidential campaigns and advertisements did not make you puke already, wait until next time around when every moron running will make a big "photo" moment of them holding their birth certificates and reminding us over and over and over and over how they are "natural, true, patriotic Americans who are not going to hide behind government press statements."

Im gettig a headache already.

Man, I can't wait to hear Sarah Palin bleat on and on and on about this.

Anonymous said...

Not a big fan of following the rules huh fellas?

It's a simple rule. Be a naturally born citizen.

He's been breaking the rules from the beginning.

Chimera said...

The certificate is a fake just like the man himself is

Anonymous said...

Prepare for the wingnuts to get bitch slapped.

Anonymous said...

This is just another step in trashing the constitution.

Anonymous said...

One more thing: in 1961 "African" was not a valid entry for race

Anonymous said...

Some people appear to be ignorant of the reason for our Constitution's requirement that the President must be natural born.
It is assumed that a foreign born person will have loyalty to the country of birth.
It is a protection against an overthrow of our government by a foreign power.

It was an effort to protect the American people from an agenda to destroy our country including our culture.

Don't you see what is happening to our Country? Our Culture? Our Constitution?

Anonymous said...

Are American people so dumbed-down that we can't even understand the reason for the natural born requirement?


Anonymous said...

Who cares? Half the people out there think we didn't land on the moon, 9-11 was a gov't job, and that Elvis is still alive. What do you expect. He should produce the birth certificate. Thats all he has to do. A very simple act would go a long way. BUt no, this guy has to tell you when to talk, when to jump, where to live, what doctor your gonna see. but no- lets give him a free pass, because why? because he told me so. And you are were afraid bush was eroding your civil rights. You haven't seen anything yet.

Anonymous said...

Come on now. Landing on the moon is highly questionable even now, much less 40 years ago. I mean, really, flying to and then walking on the figgin moon?

Secondly, the official story of 911 is simply not possible. We are certain the official story is wrong. So we believe the government is lying about 911. Bombs were used. Who had the access to plant the bombs? Many people had prior knowledge. The put options of United and American Airlines confirm that fact.

But Elvis? Come on. Elvis? Who friggin cares about Elvis?

Summary: The moon walk is questionable. 911 is an emergency prefix. And Elvis has nothing to do with either.

Now, Michael Jackson on the other hand . . .

Anonymous said...

Wingnuts are out in full force.

Anonymous said...

Here’s Obama’s dilemma in a nutshell (READ VERY CAREFULLY AND DIGEST):

If BHO shows his original long form birth certificate, indeed showing he was born in Hawaii, it will also show his father was American citizen, Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan/British citizen, Barack Obama Sr. While that would allow Barack Jr. to be POTUS eligible as BOTH a "citizen"/“native born citizen” AND an Article 2 “natural born citizen” -- that is, born to two American citizens on American soil -- it would simultaneously show he is a fraud hiding his real father -- an unacceptable political debacle.

If, on the other hand, BHO keeps hiding his original long form birth certificate -- while simply repeating, without showing, he was born in Hawaii -- he can still CLAIM BOTH he was born in Hawaii AND his father was the Kenyan/British Barack Obama Sr. This would enable Barack Jr. to claim he's a "citizen"/“native born citizen” but it would mean (if a federal court would ever get around to declaring and thus far no one has standing to bring the suit) that he’s NOT an Article 2 “natural born citizen” and thus not eligible to be POTUS -- a legal/constitutional debacle since all acts under an illegal POTUS are void.

So it seems, BHO has elected option one until forced to go option two because for now it looks like no federal court will ever find a plaintiff with standing. (Of course, there’s the additional issue of BHO losing American citizen status if/when he became an Indonesian citizen -- that is, IF he returned and was naturalized he would be a legal citizen, but would lose both native and natural born status, and, IF he returned and was not naturalized, he would be an illegal immigrant unlawfully in this country -- but we’ll leave that for another day.)

Anonymous said...

It's over 2:19 fly your wingnuts away.

Anonymous said...

excellent comment!
Not many people know about Davis. Don't forget, Barrack also took grant money for Occidental College as a "foreign student". He lied on the college application. He hasn't released those transcripts either.
Bottom line: he is totally compromised. the elite love having compromised people in positions of power. They controlled Clinton (sexual pervert) and Dubya (war criminal) in the same way. Dubya was not stupid as most people were led to believe. Cheney clearly took the heat for the agenda of the elites so we could convince ourselves he was the evil one and not the Wizard behind the curtain.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong. Dubya is an idiot. Cheney protected us from the terrorists. We should thank god Cheney was around. He was the force behind that great presidency, not Dubya.

Thanks to Dubya, we now have an obamanation. Unfortunately, we don't have another Cheney to help us out. We have instead, Biden. Its like Dubya and Cheney traded places.

Anonymous said...

3:20 and 3:42-There's a sale on tinfoil if you hurry to the nearest Walmart-but really, it's called special interest and it's not some wizard or small group of people. All our politicians are beholden to special interest lobbyists who donate more to their campaigns and keep them bumbling in DC-tme to take that away and force them to represent us or get out of the way. Plain and simple-follow the money, start with Kratovil, then go after bigger fish.