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Thursday, May 28, 2009


What's on your mind? Due to popular demand we have been asked to create another Open Thread Post where you can talk about anything. It's actually kind of fun. Someone creates a topic and it rolls from there. It can change at any time or it can even come back to the original topic.

Let me start with this one. Has everyone noticed just how peaceful it's been in Salisbury ever since the former Mayor Barrie Tilghman is gone? Are you as concerned as I am about what she's left behind. A failing WWTP, an empty Fire House, the old Mall still sitting and doing nothing, special raises for some and nothing for the hardest working employees???????


Anonymous said...

I have a friend that is going through a foreclosure. The house is going up for auction soon and they called the Sheriff's office and asked if they were on an eviction list. The woman was rude and would not tell them. Do you think it is the right of a person to know if they are going to be evicted?

Anonymous said...

Not to be smart or anything, but wouldn't you think there is a good possibility this would happen? After all, you said it is going up for auction soon. However, sorry to hear that she is losing it. The economy really stinks right now.

Anonymous said...

While driving to work this morning, MSM is reporting that 90% of economists believe that the recession is going to get better this year. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. It's nothing but political bullcrap. The auto industry is about to go down hard, but the economy is going to improve. Yeah right. How many more people are about to be unemployed? Once GM goes down, it's going to get a lot worse. I'm just tired of the media being politically influenced.

Anonymous said...

I was stuck behind Station 16's rescue truck and saw something rather disturbing...On the back of this CITY OWNED vehicled was a Captain Morgan "Captain" sticker. Now what these fire fighters do to their own vehicles is their own business, but on city-owned vehicles is another thing, especially when it involves alcohol connotation. I do not feel that our city's fire equipment should be a source of advertising nor should it promote alcohol. Children see these vehicles everyday and it leaves a bad impression on them! I snapped a picture and I'll be emailing it to Joe at some point today.

Anonymous said...

The eviction is going to happen. I understand the Sheriff's office not wanting to release that information over the phone. It could be anyone calling in to get information. How would you feel if your neighbor posed as your friend and they gave out the information over the phone? The woman should not have been rude though.

Anonymous said...

Not as peaceful as it could be. The Ghost of Barrie still haunts. Stupid things like the health insurance hubbub promoted by Bubba. If only she had taken him with her.

You're right, though, Joe. Even with all she left behind, I got to hand it to Ireton for the calm and optimistic way he's handled things.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that every weekend, "That Furniture Store" puts up signs in intersections along rt 13 going from the Fruitland Walmart all the way up to the North Salisbury Walmart? Then it seems like by Monday morning they are mostly gone? I know when the elections were going on there was alot of discussion about political signs being put up illegally -- is it legal for this store to put 3 and 4 signs up per intersection all over town every weekend?

Anonymous said...

8:32 sorry about your friend's home. I hope things will turn around for them soon.

8:46 I agree. City-owned vehicles should not advertise that kind of material. When did city-owned vehicles start advertising? Didn't SFD get enough money for their toys? Are they getting kickbacks from doing this?

Anonymous said...

Peaceful? Where are you living Joe?! The crime is still high!

Anonymous said...

How long has that furniture store been going out of sale sale? I think they have been having going out of sale for two years or more now.

Anonymous said...

It is supposed to be a "running out of sales sale", They aren't getting business and have a crap load of outdated furniture so they have a major "blow out" sale hoping to generate business with no intention of closing up!!

Anonymous said...

I sure know that Salisbury has many problems. First we had the good old boys network with Martin then Barry Then what, same only Barry's network. Hope Jim will come through for us. I am very positive. Bubba go back to school and Shanie start riding your own horse. You dont need to follow Bubba.You will fall.

Anonymous said...

Why are felons allowed to not only accompany their elementary aged child on a field trip but also supervise others children? Yet a parent that was forced to pull his/her child from school is not welcomed to bring that child on a field trip in order to be there for a younger child?

Are any of you comfortable with the fact a convicted felon may be your childs chaperone on a field trip if you are not able to attend the event? What about child molesters and rapists? Are all parents & volunteers subjected to a background check to see if there is reason for that person to be refused access to our children? I already know that answer, no. I volunteer frequently and have never been asked to have submit to a background check.

How absolutely insane is it that a principal actually check off on a paper from the probation officer that the offender did volunteer for a school function? Which means not only is the principal aware of the felony charges but is approving of this person being unsupervised with the children of others who are not aware of the chaperones conviction.

Why would this not be considered reckless endangerment & gross negligence on the part of all personnel aware of the situation?

Anonymous said...

I know two households that have been foreclosed, and they are still occupied; one for a year and a half. Nobody has the money to waste on an eviction order, and a lot of the banks would rather have someone in the house mowing and keeping it up than being abandoned and overgrown. The bank is still offering that the year and a half behind owner pick back up with the payments and keep the house!

Anonymous said...

10:07 I think it depends on the offense. People who have a criminal background can be researched very easily. I know so many parents who have DUIs. They have criminal backgrounds too. So who is going to decide which parent goes and which one stays? I don't know about child molesters and I don't want to speculate what the laws are surrounding that type of situation. I know that child molesters have to register and can't be within so much distance of school property. I would think that the principal was aware of the individual's conviction. Obviously this is very concerning to you. Think you may want to follow-up with the Board of Education.

Anonymous said...

On the felons, some parents who are not felons will be tomorrow , if you know what i mean..
If you dont your stupid.
Remember the gym teacher at wi hi who had been playing with little girls for years before they found out?

Anonymous said...

Just one of the particular people I am speaking of has been convicted multiple times of burglary w/ a firearm, possession, distribution, assault, resisting arrest, including several indictments by the state. The list goes on and on.

I would think someone that has proven over and over a disregard for the safety of others is a threat to children. Would anyone feel comfortable leaving their children for the afternoon with a person convicted or these and more charges? I know I wouldn't; that is why I am sure to be at the school or on the field trip regardless of circumstances. What happens in the event a person with obvious control issues and addiction is having a bad day and strikes a child because the hangover was too much to handle? Then the school screams they had no idea that person was a threat rather than doing what was right from the get go.

We need to stop letting the system off the hook.

Just an added extra, I have contacted the school board and since no one else seems to have a backbone in this town, my concerns were once again swept under the rug. Thing is, I once spent 2 years in and out of a court room simply to have someone admit they lied and to get an apology. Funny thing is Lawyers don't care about sorry they want money so it would have been much cheaper to say sorry and admit to the lie. However it ended up costing those people a LOT of money. I may lose everything I have but I will not allow the district or anyone to mistreat or expose children to danger..end of story!
When it comes to the kids the true momma bear comes out in me and nothing will sway me from doing what is beneficial for ALL children not just my own.

Anonymous said...

My Pet Peeve is Ciggarette Butts that are thrown out the windows & dumped on the ground. I don't want to see this or have to pick up these disgusting things off the property. If you like to smoke, carry a container or put them out in your car. Why should my kids and myself have to step on them and look at them. If you want to stink go ahead, but carry your trash with you. It is littering by throwing them out the car windows and putting them out on the ground. Would it be okay for me to wipe my butt and leave it on the ground. At least my object on the ground would be bio degradable.

Anonymous said...

The election has long come & gone. Gas prices went down nicely for a while. What's going on now? This morning I saw 2 stations up at $2.35. A few months ago they were apox. $1.45. I know crude oil prices didn't just go through the roof to cause a 90 cent rise in gas.

joealbero said...

OBAMA and a Trillion Dollar Bailout.

Chimera said...

What county school system is it? At my childs school,we had to fill out a form with our full name,address and other info before we could do volunteer work at the school.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:35pm, I agree that cigarette butts shouldn't be thrown out of car windows or on the ground, but they are biodegradable-made of dried leaves and paper with some chemicals added to keep it together.

Anonymous said...

blutojthetotmom: Dorchester County

Anonymous said...

Joe please leave an open thread on this site ongoing. It is a great source of info and feelings that may not fit in anywhere else. I love your site and feel this would be a great addition. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that the Fat Man is complaining about health insurance for City Council members. He argues that they shouldn't get free insurance-- is he the pot or the kettle???? And LMAO, Comegys went along with the vote!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe, Pittsville bought Salisbury's old ladder truck but yet several months later it has yet to be put in service. What happened?

Anonymous said...

I like the open thread Joe, lets talk about ideas, not people, lets get some things straight, and no more of this chicken little stuff.

If we had a real attorney (instead of Barry's leftover puppet) perhaps we could have an answer that is correct and to be counted upon.
Our new mayor has my 100% support however, he needs a new staff, I am afraid that he cannot do a good job with so much Barry Baggage. He was elected to make changes, and I can see that we do not have the tools to make good decisions yet...bad advice, will continue.

Chimera said...

Anon 5:29
If I were you I would contact the State Board of Ed and make them aware of the situation.Daycare providers have to pass background checks before they can watch kids,so anyone who "volunteers" at school and potentially has access to dozens of children should be held under close scrutiny as well.
Another sad thing I noticed,most of the parents in my daughters class are barely more than kids themselves and have very little to do with school activities or events,but they find time to party but thats a topic for another day.

blutojthetotmom said...

I do not usually pay any mind to that The Fat Man guy but I read something yesterday in the DT that really p*ssed me off.He apparently has injected himself into the whole city council health benefits debate and he was quoted as saying "Why should they get FT benefits for a PT job"? Who the hell is he to say they do not deserve benefits when all of us taxpayers,including Ms.Campbell and Ms.Cohen,are paying for HIS medical care(Medicaid)?Sorry for the language,but this kind of thing makes me mad when I cant even afford health insurance for myself and I work very hard.