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Friday, March 06, 2009

Tim Chaney, Nothing But Class

I want to personally thank Mr. Tim Chaney for stepping up to the plate and doing what he felt was best for District 1. As you can see from the photos above, Tim has no hard feelings and appreciates every one's support. I'm told Tim will keep his Campaign Signs and perhaps make a go at it again in the future. In the mean time, on a great note, Tim will be taking classes to better his career and advance that part of his life instead. We wish you the very best Tim. I should add, Congratulations to Cynthia Polk who has advances in votes to the #1 position over Shanie Shields. It's very tough to beat out an incumbent. Speakes volume to me.


Anonymous said...

I never realized how LARGE Shannie was until this pic. (shutters)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Tim and a special "you go" Tim on the schooling. A lot of people don't know that I am a product of the GED and returning to college after the military for many years. Went all the way to gettinga Master Dregree, so do go after it all Tim, it pays off in the end!

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Tim -- hope you keep in the crowd at City Council meetings before and after Barrie becomes history.

Anonymous said...

I worked as much as I could to help Tim get in the position he honestly desires and I agree he is a very good man. Post election I talked to him and he wasn't angry and was really level about not making it through. I know he will still be at all the meetings and making all the council members work. You can ask him about crime in the city since his house was broken into during the campaign and he didn't turn it into a media circus.

Anonymous said...

What a shame....I worked with Ms. Polk at Dresser, and unfortunately, she never did eight hours worth of work in a day, and that was on a very good salary. Just imagine how little she'll do on this salary.

Anonymous said...

Tim Chaney would have made an incredible representative for District 1 people.

I harbor no ill will either, but I have to say, District 1 and all of Salisbury lost "an opportunity of a lifetime," which is what Tim called his run for this office.

What an outstanding person he is!

Tim Chaney said...

I am home now from Towson and with my course completion diploma! I'm ready to teach ServSafe, the food handling certification for those who work in restaurants, and all state regulated entites that serve food.

Feels good, it was a great self esteem builder after a tight election. "I" may have lost my little battle, however "WE" will win this war!

Now I can focus on helping Jim, Debbie and Cynthia and take our city back from the maddness.

Anonymous said...

I do not know you personally, but I definitely get the feeling that you are a "winner" as a person. That is what truly counts. If I had lived in your district--you would have had my vote.

Tim Chaney said...

I hear a lot of people complaining about the voter turnout. It's not good, however knowing that only 49 people from district 1 voted in the 2005 primaries, it could be better but you can't deny the turnout was a lot better dispite the nasty weather. Hope seems to be key in this election year.