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Friday, March 06, 2009


Although he got 38 more votes at the polls on March 3, Bubba’s lead has been reduced to 12 after the initial count of 143 absentee ballots yesterday (March 5). There are another 50 or so ballots to be considered, and we won’t have the final count until next Friday.

Regardless of whether Comegys survives the primary (by taking second place behind Jim Ireton), it’s now indisputable that he would not be in contention at this point without the complicity of Barrie Tilghman. That’s not surprising in light of her effort to boost Bubba’s reelection to the City Council in 2007, when Barrie led the character assassination effort directed at Tim Spies at a last minute media event that she staged.

This time around, Barrie has used the forum provided by radio station WICO-1320 AM, which allows her to do a weekly program in her capacity as mayor. Described as a “weekly public affairs program of WICO news,” it’s a half hour show (actually about 24 minutes) over which she seems to have complete content control. Acting as the host she interviews guests, usually City employees who explain aspects of the City’s government. The show is prime-slotted at 8:30 AM on Monday morning with earlier slots on Sunday.

This week’s show features Comegys as the guest, and it ran at least 3 times on the two days immediately before the primary election. Why she invited Bubba but none of the other mayoral candidates to speak with her was not mentioned. Nor did she inform the audience that she and her husband have donated $500 to Comegys’ campaign.

In her opening statement Barrie reminds listeners that she is “retiring” and then proceeds to introduce Comegys as “one of the candidates for mayor.” After having him discuss his background, she asks him what he has done on the Council that most satisfies him: “putting the City $40 Million in debt to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant.”

It soon becomes obvious that the show is a scripted promo piece for Bubba that plainly distorts his record in order to portray him as the initiator of matters that were actually initiated by other members of the Council. Significant parts of his voting record that would clash with the desired portrait of his “leadership” are simply omitted.

After 20 or so minutes of pure propaganda, Barrie asks Bubba “why are you the best choice,” which prompts a final self-serving spiel, followed by her wishing “good luck, Gary, then the fade out music.

Those familiar with Comegys’ conduct on the Council react to his blather by either turning it off or uncontrollable laughter. But anyone not aware of the real Bubba could easily be duped by this charade that the management of WICO allowed to be broadcast without the standard “and I approve this message” proviso required for political ads. Only 10-15 such voters, perhaps even fewer, would make a difference who becomes Mr. Ireton’s opponent in the general election on April 8. So it is plausible that this show might make the difference in who will be the next mayor and, thus, the future of Salisbury.

There’s a short spoof of the show using soundbites from it. A link to this little gem has already been posted - - ENJOY!


Anonymous said...

They weren't even trying to be discreet and just discuss his accomplishments on council?

Sounds like another ethics violation for Bubba and one for Barrie.

Anonymous said...

That spoof of the "Barrie & Bubba" show is a real hoot, so don't miss it.

Anonymous said...

It troubles me that WICO would allow such a blatant political endorsement such as you describe.

I understand the sitting Mayors roll and responsibility and the value of WICO airing such a show.

However the only way WICO should have permitted Tilghman to interview Comegys is to have allowed all candidates for mayor the same opportunity.

As to whether this was just a fopa by WICO or a conscious decision to promote Comegys run for the office of mayor we will probably never know.

Anonymous said...


If Bubba makes it thru the primary, it will be interesting to see if the WICO station manager allows Barrie to continue her political propaganda. Unless closely supervised, she will probably abuse the air time that she is allowed to have on that station.

Anonymous said...

This bring Mayor Barry Tilghman down even more. She will go down as the worst Mayor in the history of Salisbury. That's probably why she wants Gary Comegey's to win. Why she has aligned herself with so many questionable people is beyond me. Sadly she has lost what little bit of integerity she had left.

Anonymous said...

She is the Mayor and has an obligation to be ethical. this is not ethical, but who is surprised?

Anonymous said...

I think their real contribution is $750--didn't their son supposedly chip in $250?

Anonymous said...

This woman can do whatever she wants to promote this BOOB. The citizens have seen enough of her and him as well. The votes tell the story and he has received a strong message. The citizens are tired of her strongarm politics and wont stand for a clone of her. Lets bring Salisbury back to what it was.

Anonymous said...


"I'm not a crook" - Nixon
"I didn't touch her" - Clinton
"I am the one" - Obama
"I'm responsible" - Barrie

What better faces for a "Mt. Trashmore"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
It troubles me that WICO would allow such a blatant political endorsement such as you describe.

I understand the sitting Mayors roll and responsibility and the value of WICO airing such a show.

However the only way WICO should have permitted Tilghman to interview Comegys is to have allowed all candidates for mayor the same opportunity.

As to whether this was just a fopa by WICO or a conscious decision to promote Comegys run for the office of mayor we will probably never know.

10:16 AM

I don't think it was a "faux pas," but I want to point blame at Bill Reddish who is the program director for WICO 1320am. He should have listened to this before it was aired and put a stop to it. It definately should not have been aired the day befor the election or even Sunday.

Bill Reddish, my alarm clock will never be set to your station and or show again. Good riddens.

Anonymous said...

I truly beleive that the Mayor's endorsement for Gray Comegey's has
hurt him immensely. In my opinion,
he would have done better if he had separated himself from the Mayor and run on his own accomplishments. Jim Ireton and Bob Caldwell did just that, they
campaigned on the issues and didn't bring any luggage with them unlike Comegey's who has the Mayor on his back.

Anonymous said...

WICO is scared to death of Barrie.

Gary has made a huge mistake in not distancing himself far from Barrie--her support is a detriment and Gary should see that. Even Maloney can't help Gary now.

Gary you show yourself to have no independent thoughts.

Anonymous said...


Comegys running "on his own accomplishments" would be something to behold. But don't try that without a microscope -- an magnifying lens just won't do.

Anonymous said...

10:38 - BPT can not be ethical since she doesn't know of such a word or what it stands for, or could it be she doesn't care to be ethiocal as our mayor??? Sure hope that BOB gets the majority of the 50 votes yet to be counted, then we'll be rid of all the old trash at city hall!

Anonymous said...


Here in Salisbarrie it's "Baloney" not "Maloney".

Anonymous said...

Boney Maroney!

Anonymous said...

Anyone up for filing an ethics complaint against Barrie and Bubba?

Political messages are supposed to carry the authority line naming the treasurer. That includes broadcast.

Barrie likely pitched her show to WICO as a public service program to be presented from the mayor and staff's viewpoints about city activities.

Had she just interviewed Bubba about the work of the council and given him fake credit for his fake roles in "progress," it would have been fine.

But since she did it to promote his candidacy, it needed to play by the rules of the election.

She is not an independent radio host like Bill Reddish who can interview candidates all he likes.

Don't know if Reddish is involved. Whoever taped it for Barrie should have brought to the station manager's attention. Don't blame Bill until you know more.

WICO probably gave Barrie the show because of further threats of lawsuits or visits to Wilmington or whatever. Perhaps they thought this would shut her up. Unfortunately, not.

People should call and write the station to complain. What is Reddish's boss' name? Something like Joe Beale or Joe Bell?

Anonymous said...

He's as dumb as a stump to even allow her to endorse him. That's reason enough NOT to vote for the idiot.